Paying for software

>paying for software

>paying for hardware

>paying website hosts



>having disposable income

giving a speech in a week about free software in my public speaking class. I even made the teacher allow odf etc extensions for assignment submissions :D

gj, make stallman proud

>being poor

that's cute, you should email RMS a picture of your presentation, he likes that kind of stuff.

>collecting large numbers of images featuring females drawn in the eastern "anime" style, with small smiles indicating a feeling of intellectual, ethical, or physical superiority towards the viewer
>posting these images repetitively on a forum for discussing technology
>getting paid to do this by the government subsidizing your poverty
>posting >>Sup Forums in response to this post

Fucking degenerates.

Yeah, I have to argue both sides, and desu the free software movement has some issues. I still am not 100% free, but I hope to achieve that independence eventually.

I think the biggest issue is expecting programmers to be fine with docking their salary for the sake of freedom. Based on my knowledge of the industry, most programmers are there for the money, not because they love the field and developing software. With money coming first, it seems hard for such a drastic switch to happen. Also, I argue that a majority end users won't take the time to look through and research what software they are using. Therefore, proprietary software is better because you don't have to deal with programmers having to dock their salary, and you also don't affect that many people who wish to see the actual software (source code).

>Softing for Payware

>Can't afford software

Dont stop beliving

give it bacc Tyrone.

You actually have a great point that i dont think of when i think of free software

>paying for electricity


>hating on tech nigga

maki is for high impact sexual violence

>>Sup Forums


How 'bout dem software that you can never fully own?

I've always wanted to buy a legit copy of Photoshop but now you can't even buy it! And I have to keep a laptop with Windows 7 laying around just to have an offline word document program.

> >>Sup Forums
You were almost golden, user...