Will open source die with him?
Will open source die with him?
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I wonder how long his battery holds up for, he's had that thing for years probably.
nah, I don't think open source has that much life left in it
will malware die with him?
>"open source"
>not "free"
he changed his thinkpad to some shitty overpriced chinese laptop
Does he have a cooling pad underneath? What a loser
Does Richard Mathew Stallman partake in the inhalation of cannabis smoke? He looks like he would.
where is he plugging that bad boy in? Open source car battery in the boat?
>hasn't written a single line of code in ages
>thinking he's even relevant at all
although this is an epic XDDD thread, I honestly think the free (and I emphasize the free there, not open source) software movement will take a hit when he dies. to do everything on a truly free environment is now impossible and completely impractical nowadays, but i do genuinely admire what he and the FSF have done, because if they didn't exist then there would be nobody to around to explain why it is important
obviously open source won't ever disappear.
Which one?
What does Stallman even do? Besides be disgusting, fat, smelly and ugly?
Thats a slicebattery you fucking faggot
His Computing page which was last updated in 2015 still says the x60.
Unless anyone has a newer source I think that's accurate.
Stallman, please leave.
he was using a mips netbook don't remember the name but now he's using a thinkpad with libreboot installed
Where the fuck is his leemote
He got sick of it being underpowered
He uses an X60 with libreboot you dumb faggot
What the fuck is he always needing his laptop for
>nobody should be allowed to use proprietary software voluntarily
freetards, everyone
How in 2016 is that enough?
He doesn't use X, he spends most of his time in a terminal in emacs
i just wish he'd drown this ugly fat greasy neckbeard fedora lord jew.
Please someone kill this disgusting slimey slob
I was just about to post this He uses terminal programs to download webpages, email messages, etc.
Uses X.org only when he needs to use a GUI.
On one hand, it's great to be able to function like that because it gets you out of the arms race.
On the other hand: is it autism?
>On the other hand: is it autism?
That's correct though. Proprietary software is a violation of human rights, and its proliferation harms everyone.
Thats the thing though. He aint ugly.
Also he's honestly one of the smartest people I've ever seen my life.
he's smart but he's disconnected from reality
That's probably caused by the autism :^)
More like what if Linus dies. Will Linux development fall apart due sexist Sup Forums tier jokes?
>sexist Sup Forums tier jokes