Wtf is "bash", "gnu" and terms revolving around those words? I know its something to do with linux but I tried googling them but I keep getting stupid memes and no direct answer
I want to learn but im getting confused
Wtf is "bash", "gnu" and terms revolving around those words? I know its something to do with linux but I tried googling them but I keep getting stupid memes and no direct answer
I want to learn but im getting confused
Other urls found in this thread:
GNU is one of the major components of GNU/Linux: An operating system whose kernel is based on UNIX architecture
Bash is the Bourne Again Shell, a derivative of the Bourne Shell.
Weebs confirmed for fucking retarded
How do you manage to live?
a heavy blow.
"a bash on the head"
a large dark antelope with a long head, a beard and mane, and a sloping back.
"In eastern Africa, they mostly hunt Thomson's gazelles, but they will also attack calves, warthogs, zebras, impalas, and the young of large antelopes such as the gnu ."
Are you even trying?
What is UNIX architecture? I know all linux stuff is based off it or something
So what is Bourne Shell? Is it just "the original" command line interface or something?
Sorry I really dont know much
These things aren't really compulsory for a regular person to know so I don't see why its surprising
Im not baiting lol I genuinely want to understand this stuff
Because of FUCKING idiots like you posters like exist, mocking anybody who watches (or just uses) anime and anime/manga-related pictures. FUCK you. "meme"? Fuck off away from this place you fucking brain-dead ingrate.
>Hey look at me im smarter than you because I know a couple of terms that anyone could learn in 10 seconds if they bothered to contribute anything useful
>You SERIOUSLY don't know everything? KILL YOURSELF
Wow you are a great human being
>What is UNIX architecture? I know all linux stuff is based off it or something
>So what is Bourne Shell? Is it just "the original" command line interface or something?
>a couple of terms that anyone could learn in 10 seconds
Apparently not OP
>being able to look something up on wikipedia makes one smart
sasuga Sup Forums scum
I see.... is this why C programming is usually done on unix machines? Is it because the C shell is somehow closely related to the Unix shell?
How exactly does windows operate differently from unix based machines? They both have gui's and cli's, so what gives?
C programming is usually done on UNIX machines because C is the language originally created for UNIX.
> Wtf is "bash"
Bourne again shell.
> "gnu"
It doesn't make sense, but it's a term for programs which are essential for Linux.
No. C/C++ was historically done on UNIX-likes because the tools were better.
Nowadays that's not so much the case, but gcc had its origins on Linux and has always had an important role.
I see ty
So what exactly is the difference between unix based operating systems like gnu, archlinux, gentoo and why do people say the meme "install gentoo" as if its superior or something? How does it compare and to windows/apple stuff and why is it better?
The only reason I could think of is that unix based system allow you to configure the kernel specifically so you dont install all drivers or applications to make it run fast? Or that unix based system "connect" better to the hardware and optimize components instead of household operating systems like windows/apple that are made just for simple use? Also stuff like gentoo being free and all
a general answer could suffice, dont need to go into too much detail
>So what exactly is the difference between unix based operating systems like gnu, archlinux, gentoo and why do people say the meme "install gentoo" as if its superior or something?
You don't actually understand the difference, so I'll break it down:
Linux is the kernel. The GNU core utils is a series of tools.
Combined, GNU/Linux creates the entire operating system.
Arch Linux and Gentoo are "distributions". They're different variations of the same thing. Each of the distributions do things their own way, but they're all GNU/Linux.
"Install Gentoo" is a meme because it's exceedingly difficult to install for people who don't know what they're doing.
>How does it compare and to windows/apple stuff and why is it better?
>The only reason I could think of is that unix based system allow you to configure the kernel specifically so you dont install all drivers or applications to make it run fast? Or that unix based system "connect" better to the hardware and optimize components instead of household operating systems like windows/apple that are made just for simple use? Also stuff like gentoo being free and all
I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of these, too. Many people use GNU/Linux out of principle. Many others use it because it has the correct tools for their job. Others use it because they have special hardware which needs it. Fewer, because they have old hardware which modern Windows/OSX variants don't support.
In the end, an Operating System is a collection of tools. There isn't a "best" one. You should choose the one which suits your needs.
So GNU is the middleman you use to instruct the linux kernel and "linux" is just a differently designed kernel as opposed to windows's or apples kernel design? Is there a reason for why there are differently designed kernels? I mean wouldnt any type of operating system have to function the same basically?
Im just a little interested in this right now because im starting to think 'the windows botnet' isnt actually a meme...., while distributions such as gentoo and archlinux are open source so nothing malicious could go around without people noticing
>So GNU is the middleman you use to instruct the linux kernel
At the very basic level, yes. GNU's core utils are what creates a "complete" UNIX-like environment.
They are not a hard requirement though. There are other core utils collections, such as Busybox. But GNU's are the most prevalent and is what you'd see on a desktop or in a server environment.
>"linux" is just a differently designed kernel as opposed to windows's or apples kernel design?
Basically, yes.
>Is there a reason for why there are differently designed kernels?
They were made by different people and abide by different design structures.
Windows' varies depending on how far back you go, but they're all micro kernels.
Apple's XNU is a derivative of BSD's kernel which is a hybrid kernel.
Linux is something homegrown by Torvalds from the Usenet era and is a monolithic kernel.
>I mean wouldnt any type of operating system have to function the same basically?
At the very lowest of levels, yes. They all fire the same instructions when used on the same architecture.
But above that, their design structure is unique.
>So GNU is the middleman you use to instruct the linux kernel
Pretty much. GNU core utils were designed originally for other UNIX-clone kernel, Hurd, which wasn't stil finished because of how Linux kernel was quickly developed. Hurd is still being developed, but now Linux suffices all needs.
>"linux" is just a differently designed kernel as opposed to windows's or apples kernel design? Is there a reason for why there are differently designed kernels?
The reason is kernels were developed by different people with their own views how OS should work. "Apple's" modern kernel, BSD, Solaris (or illumos now, since Oracle closed source of Solaris with 11 version) are descendants of old UNIX used in big mainframes, modern Windows kernel is descendant of OS/2, DOS and VMS systems.
>I mean wouldnt any type of operating system have to function the same basically?
No. Even computers function differently, how OS would?
Thanks for the information guys