Let's get a humor/ylyl thread going

Let's get a humor/ylyl thread going.


Topkuk, no


Delet this



I would deliberately kick that assholes laptop and pretend I tripped over him



Are they ducking because one of their phones is about to explode?

That's their apology for the note 7







Works on a lot of levels


This was an accident

















>All those beats
>All those apple products
>Apple TV
>Dark Souls
I didn't know this was a rage thread







Why for the love of all things holy would you post that

What the fuck were they thinking?

don't forget the user mask



>not taking a fat shit and cranking it to /d/ on your phone before you flush

Wheres the one where he posted on Sup Forums and was outed by his desk being recognized?





Oh my god, someone post that mspaint version of this

end of dump

I wonder how cyber violence casualties look like.

> Fixed a bug where black people could be mistakenly identified as gorillas

get it together tyrone

I still don't get what she's trying to do

Wtf is "git_practice"

Surely no one needs more than one attempt to understand git


Interesting and all, it's a shame the article is over 10 years old.

>the robot's eyes


Rip Ian

That's one very fucked up family, not even a dad on sight.


The contents of the folder may only contain remnants of 1 practice session. You never inspected the contents, yet assume she practised more than once.

>Michael J Fox visits an ATM

>AI can force a win at tic-tac-toe
The time of men has come to an end

I don't think he would be able to reach the screen.

I knew it got bad, i didn't know it so fucking funny. I hope they try another 'Social experiment' with 'ai'

>be microsoft worker from mumbai
>get tasked to pretend to be AI
>you're forced to make nigger jokes and insult your fellow indians to millions


this kind of people don't know how to screenshot

i'm sorry but WHAT


IT'S EITHER "wonder how cyber violence casualties look" OR "wonder what cyber violence casualties look like".


>32-bit Operating System
Think I just found the culprit

He probably used Sup Forums as a source. Kek


rip in peace

still makes me angry i dont use my real name on anything

I still use my decade old account named after a Megadeath song

hopefully he beat her to death afterwards.


i lost

What's wrong with Dark Souls?

thank you based wolo

Nothing, he's just being a retard.

No you wouldn't. You'd walk around him, but wish you had done that instead, and then would remain salty about not doing it until the end of the day when you'd post on Sup Forums about how you totally would do that.

Le epic hard game for mature gaymers feat a nonsensical story, words not even the most deluded roleplayers on /x/ use, subpar gameplay, early PS3 graphics, rabid fanbase that can't take criticism, it's basically the jojo of Sup Forums (derails and shits up every thread whenever mentioned outside of their containment zones)

Here's an example, now watch how he calls me a retard and strawmans his way out of Sup Forums and into his /vg/ hugbox

>indians are niggers

Thanks for the grammar stuff, bud. English is not my mother tongue.

Well, you are retarded, but not because of any of the arguments you have posed.



Fat Ass nerd detected

what a fucking cheater.

does she have a github and what language does she write in, my guess is ruby or python