Is he /our guy/?

is he /our guy/?

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He reviews consumer tech, big fucking whoop.



too many cheerios

No, it's the 2 Linus



how does he make so much goddamn money?

he made a video showing he bought a super expensive tesla


I want to try getting fingered by him, but his views on anything are useless.

Youtube is big money you fucking retard

youtube makes people a lot of money now man, he's def pulling in 7 figures easy



Let me tell you why, he fits in this neo/g/, consumerist shit, he's every single poster now.

Yeah, since he's not biased towards any of the major brands.

>inb4 Leo Laporte
He literally uses every Apple product he gets his hands on.

I think MrMobile is better than him now.

No. He became an advertising meme. Fuck this nigger

>reaps the benefits of captialism

>Yeah, since he's not biased towards any of the major brands.
since when do those get an audience with Apple Vice Presidents and just ask softball question?

No, he apparently loves the new macbooks even though they are total shit.

Honestly just a advertisement shill

whats with this /our guy/ meme?

Best reviewer hands down

He also got to interview heads at other companies and even with Niel De Grasse Tyson

he's great

Niggers should by lynched tbhfam.

Flossy Carter is the better tech nigger

I didn't even know he existed. Apparently he's a big reviewer on a lot of Top 10's, but I only get recommended to Linustechtips, Austin Evans, Tech Guy, and TechQuickie.

How come Sup Forums knows so many black people, but is apparently racist? I get culturally enriched everytime I browse.

>How come Sup Forums knows so many black people, but is apparently racist?
No one apart from some Sup Forums fags are unironically racist.

I want him to cum all over my face

He's just another READS BOXES AND BENDS THING choice of marketing via youtube.

Fuck off, cunt.

they gave it to him IIRC

Where do you think he steals all the tech from?

He stole it

He fucks dbrand employees with his big brown cock and they give him his D O P E T E C H

Leo's an asshole too, and probably has been veering into dementia slowly the past 6 years.

I'll always remember him as helpful Call For Help Leo though

>How come Sup Forums knows so many black people, but is apparently racist? I get culturally enriched everytime I browse.
you do realize that he talks and behaves like a white person? that's why he gets tolerated.

>talks and behaves like a civilized person

ftfy famalam

Yes, he is our guy.

Tits or gtfo, you know the rules.

What's with this [what is with this meme] meme?

I bet he can rap and dance in perfect rhythm and fuck my white girlfriend better than I ever could.

>tfw people actually like niggers

Hey Sup Forums, David Di Franco here, from David Di Franco, dot com. I'm still your boy, right? Lol! Please support my new kickstarter campaign so I can buy the new Macbook© Pro© so I can create more content as I am a Content© Creator©.

Put it this way. You're less likeable than he is.

He's definitely biased against Sony. He reviews obscure garbage phones like the Sharp Aquos but he has NEVER reviewed a single sony phone. Why?

Sup Forums isn't one person. Only the edgy teenage Sup Forumsfags are epic racists who call MKBHD a nigger

I like his reviews, they are well put together, and he also is pleasant to look at and listen to.

The only thing I don't like is the constant shilling of D-Brand skinn, hurr dis phone slippery get a d-brand skin.

Nice. Did the laff

He hasn't talked too much about Dbrand in months though

At least not that I remember

Also you forgot the best part of his videos by far, the cinematography, his videos are fucking gorgeous. Honestly that's p much the only reason I still go to his channel every once in a while

>how to trigger a nigger

>Being racist in 2016

The only correct answer

I haven't watched his movies for some time, but I can remember it was almost in every phone review I watched half a year ago. Regardless, good that he stopped it and yes his video's are really nice

>Posting Tumblr - meme of the Year 2015 - frog in 2016

Until google decide to make money from youtube.
Self hosting will make them loose a bunch of money and vlog spam will be the past.

>how to trigger a stormweenie

Youtube doesn't pay THAT MUCH iirc. Ad revenue went down a lot on Twitch an Youtube. Mostly should be product placement i guess


I want him to impregnate my wife

>how to show a stormweenie he's inferior

Stop believing Hollywood myths

Nah Floss is the real deal


Oh god, haven't seen this guy in like 7 years

I'm going to have to make a b8 thread to trigger this racist prick. He gave up too easily. I had all my countermemes at the ready, that dank stuff too.

I'm starting to think that this mkbhd threads are just undercover Floss shilling threads to be honets

>"oa what is up guys, it's MKBHD here."
my nigga

I honestly have no clue why Sup Forumsiticians push their garbage all across Sup Forums. Do they think people from other boards generally agree with their bullshit? Are they trying to convince people to be racist or believe in their conspiracy theories?

honestly Sup Forums would improve so much if pol was quarantined. It doesn't even have to be deleted, just quarantined so Sup Forumsfags can't escape their shithole