Does anyone know where I can find 18650 batteries in-store in Australia?

Does anyone know where I can find 18650 batteries in-store in Australia?

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>18650 batteries in-store

I couldn't tell you where to buy them in-store in America other than vape shops.

...Are there vape shops in Australia? They typically use higher-end cells anyway so it's worth a shot.

That's alot of batteries, what do you need them for?

>Are there vape shops in Australia

I think there might be some, not too sure though.

I have this laser pointer than requires an 18650 battery.

you should only need 1 battery lol go check local supermarket

>laser pointer
the only people that use laser poitners are instructors or retards, kys if you use an illegal lazer pointer

I'll check my local Woolworths, hopefully they've got it.

I'm a TA, so I guess that falls in the range of instructor.

What qualifies as an illegal laser pointer?

pretty sure most "high powered" ones are illegal in australia.

My one can apparently pop a balloon and light a match on fire. Can't know for sure until I get batteries though.

I sure hope that's not illegal enough.

pretty sure that would be, whats the power? above 1mW is illegal

Mine says it's 5mw. The site you linked says that anything above 1mw is not allowed into Australia, so how did it get to me?

I'm not going to get a SWAT team invading my house am I?

I'm not on some criminal list am I?

You are now.

theyll confiscate it if they find it. Its illegal to posses any over 1mW unless you have a firearm licence with an extra permit that allows them, or are a member of an astronomer club and have police clearance to use it.

under 1mw would have been legal (not to carry willy nilly though).

You will most likely be put on a list, but dw not much bads gonna happen


it costs $150 to get the permit



sure its illegal, but you can order them in parts and put them together, then its a matter of not being a fucking tool with it.

you need a firearm licence to carry a laser painter in Australia? Holy shit what a nanny state

>You will most likely be put on a list

How would this affect my ability to apply to the ADF?

Would they know that I had an illegal item shipped to me?

You need a license like everywhere if its strong enough

for over 1mW. You need either an astronomers clearance thing or an addition to a firearm licence.

Honestly its fine imo. They serve no purpose over 1mW or so, only to enable retards

probs not at all. You dont even know if your on a list or if theyll search it.

Being on a """list""" doesnt mean much. Like this post will be put on a list if i said something about terrorism - like that

gun stores, vape stores, maybe camping stores, or buy a cheap powerbank and rip it apart.

'18650' batteries are a size you fucken underage dumbass

fucking kek

>being mad over obvious shitposting

Make sure you get the 5000mah ones those are the best.


vape shop. When they sell high end equipment they will sell 18650s.

>Living in Australia

>They serve no purpose over 1mW or so, only to enable retards

So people with hobbys are retards?

I literally never understood fun-policing. The amount of "crimes" committed with ANY laser product, let alone ones of high-power are infinitesimal compared to crimes committed with heavy-duty pick-up trucks being driven by people who can't handle a compact sedan, lighters sold at dollar-stores/equivalents world wide still for some reason, and dry-ice available at any supermarket. But yet all these things go unregulated compared to other similar goods. Grandma can drive a F350 HD Pickup and murder the fuck out of the kids in the backseat of a car she runs into the back of, but if you want to fly a quad-copter in the park, you're a fucking disgusting criminal! Raenika doesn't care that 4 7th graders are buying a 16 pack of lighters in August and burn down half the woods outside of town lighting stuff on fire, but why does ANYBODY -NEED- a high-power laser if it isn't for science! They need regulation! Imagine the damage they could cause even though they've been available for many years...And it's fine that your insurance doesn't want to pay for your car window after some teenagers kept setting off dry-ice bombs in the street, but holy Jesus of Nazareth! DO YOU KNOW HOW MEAN AND ANGRY PIT BULLS LOOK?! JUST LOOK AT THEIR HEADS! THEY'RE REALLY BIG AND DANGEROUS LOOKING! LET'S BAN AND KILL ALL DOGS OF THIS SPECIES BECAUSE I HEARD SOMEONE IN ANOTHER STATE GOT BIT BY ONE because the owner beat it regularly and nobody reported the sound of the dog getting hurt because it's a shitty Mexican neighborhood. BUT IT'S TOTALLY THE DOG'S FAULT! BBBAAAAANNN IITTTT