Kek nvidia is botnet now

kek nvidia is botnet now

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what is it with companies and spying these days? did they all realize they could mine the user data for ad money and make a fortune?

What a sad bunch of AMD twats around here their peasant AMD cards hardly can stay competitive against Nvidia cards and they try to find every way to discredit Nvidia. Microsoft is already using telemetry with all Windows operating systems (Windows 7 got telemetry with latest patches) and the AMD fanatics are only concerned about Nvidia around here.

>not writing your own drivers

>Its okay when Nvidia does it: The Post

Seriously it's like this is the time all corporations simultaneously decided it's time to make the world a dystopian cyberpunk setting.

>Damage control: The Post

So what you're saying is that if your uncle raped you once.. it's ok for your dad to rape you as well ?

Don't reinvent the wheel

Oh sure because getting raped up the shitter is the same as having "botnet" on my pc.
I think you need to seriously seek help

I don't trust prebuilt wheels to be 100% round and without spokes

It's the same concept user, just because one is doing a horrible thing doesn't mean the other should do it as well because of the other as an excuse.

If were guaranteed complete privacy and freedom from datamining and tracking with everything regarding electronics forever, I'd seriously consider an taking an assrape.

As Stallman says; freedom requires sacrifice

Literally every nonfree program does this. What decade do you think you're living in?

Problem is you like cock up the arse daily so it wouldnt really affect you.

I for one cannot wait for the dragons to show up

Fuck, I wonder if the Linux proprietary driver will start doing. Time for nouveau.

I unfortunately have no one to play Shadowrun with, so I never purchased or read the rulebook.



ya got me. semen up my ass is what makes me such a great programmer. it's like a secret Ballmer peak

Fuck me is there a single company not trying to mine the shit out of us?

"it's totally just to improve your experience!!"

pls go nvidia

trips for truth

It's like the americans bombing the shit out of sandpeople for their oil


Stop projecting inly the worse does that

Closed-Source Internet Defense Force please go, and stay go.

That doesn't even make grammatically sense :)


Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

kek i remember a teacher of social studies in uni said something like now slaves aren't profitable, it's better to sell them the things they produce while also spying their privacy to see how much sugar you need to add so they don't revolt, i thought he was just some paranoid tinfoil hat leftist but i guess he wasn't that wrong after all

Telemetry is not spying, but Sup Forums is too dumb to understand that

Stallman was right.

Huxley was right.

Orwell was right.

Why didn't we listen? We could have stopped it. It's happening.

Not seeing it. Latest drivers.

kek, murican sheeps getting datamined every second.

>nVIDIA now has telemetry included with its drivers if you installed GeForce Experience with the drivers
only if you installed the retarded 1337 gaymur GeForce """""Experience"""" you get the botnet

So, Sup Forums?

It only applies to Windows users anyway. And Windows users don't care about these things so it does not matter, they have realised that no windows user care and used the opportunity. Nothing wrong with that, it would be wrong if they did it to people who don't want to be under surveillance, but they would not use Windows anyway.

>and stay go

fuckin kek, retard

>/thread: The post

Welcome to Sup Forums senpai!

Senpai to welcome Sup Forums!

>nvidiots get fucked over again
>ask for more

Literally cucks

That's correct.

God bless Nouveau

>(...)if you installed GeForce Experience with the drivers
Wow, it's fucking nothing. No one cares, it was always obvious that JewForce Experience is a fucking botnet. It requires you to create account just to use it, what the fuck did you expect you dumb fuck?
Anyone who uses this botnet shit and doesn't just download and install drivers manually should kill themselves out of Sup Forums.

I always uncheck that... I just install the core driver.
Crisis adverted.

lol windows

If anything this is something AMD should've done since their cards are better GPGPU

shadowplay is literally the only reason to have GFE on your system

>month ago
>GFE updates
>becomes always online telemetry collecting piece of shit
>find guide to downgrade to pre-telemetry version and force it to stay that way
>download this autoruns utility
>no telemetry

good to know i dont have to deal with this shit.

Amd have telemetry too

Nice, fuck Windows users :ˆ)

What a sad bunch of AMD twats looking to discredit Nvidia. So what if GTX 1080s and 1070s catch fire and explode? I thought we JUST had 1 guy saying his RX480 killed his motherboard!

Please fuck off back to rebbit or whatever social media shithole you crawled out of, thank you.

>God bless getting not even 10% out of your expensive card

What you actually need for games to function.

Wrong image.

I bought Nvidia just for this feature, i use it to record my screen. But this is getting out of hand, i will go amd for my next build

>not just using OBS with a large hard drive

Log of what was sent from a test system had.

Cool. Telemetry is a feature

But muh Shadowplay. How else will people watch my boring gameplay footage?


wtf i hate nvidia now!!

>did they all realize they could mine the user data for ad money and make a fortune?
Took them a decade to be replaced with Google/NSA spies

>fantasy and cyberpunk so quirky xD
Shadowfags need to go back to r_ddit

bully :-C

Use OBS you dumb nigger

>please come on my face

>second reply
>damage control
That was fast

Nvidia legit pays people to shill for them. A few years back a bunch were banned from anandtech for it.

>mfw I bought an EBGA GTX 1080

im getting fucked in all directions

I'll give you some advice that will serve you well in your life: Cradle, not clutch.

I hate nvidia now >:(

>Not using OBS

OBS is pretty based given the million community builds. It really lets my 290x shine when using VCE builds.

fuck off you stupid kike

>$1 has been deposited into your account

Is there even an AMD GPU equivalent to the GTX 1070+ ?

The Fury X, but only at 1440p or above. It can't into 1080p. The next AMD GPUs in that market segment will be Vega early next year.

>fury x
>year older than 1070 and 1080
>fights both depending on title

4gb is dead lol. Seriously though, if AMD unfucked fiji's front-end bottleneck fury x would fight a pascal titan.

OBS you absolute fagot
Thats the only reason to use the intel cpu/"gpu" shite...

>installing W7 updates


Thats why you use nouveau

>bu-but i don't have anything to hide!

>using the latest drivers

severe autism detected

Alright, so US is eternally selfcucked but what EU bros can do with it? EU Commission is pretty strict about stuff like this IIRC


that 380 is still killing that 960
Poor nvidoits no wonder they have to upgrade.

waiting for vega.
Nvidia is hot and no async or DX12 why Sup Forums always buy these things.
Look Nvidia please do something to get users on Dx12 please with out looking like gimped versions of maxwell.


I saw gforce experience doing some retarded shit on my network a few months ago, uninstalled it on the spot.
It was nice to get notified about driver updates, but not worth all the bullshit they are pulling.

i know its not tech support board but please send help

>don't have CP on my computer
>I will never notice a difference

Canon is too, after I discovered a strange program in the task manager, to my horror. They install it automatically and silently with their drivers.

wouldn't be laughing eurofaggot, you'll get the same once TTIP is unilaterally shoved up your ass by the jews who control your govt

Thanks for heads up, they will go right into Applocker

But whats wrong with telemetry? It collects performance data to help build faster cards suited to user needs. I dont get why that is a problem in the first place?

> It collects performance data
XML have been posted, the number of installed games in not a "permormance data".

>not sitting in a бoлoтo
why so serious, Ivan?

>nothing to hide nothing to fear argument


ITT AMD Fags jelly that they haven't got the technical infrastructure for a crowd sourced optimisation network that will ultimately lead to better Nvidia performance

Fucking great. The previous geforce experience made clean installing drivers so convenient when new ones came out. Now I load up this new one and I'm literally force to sign up or use my Google account to get my drivers.

Looks like it's manual installs from GeForce for me from now on.

>It collects performance data to help build faster cards suited to user needs.

theme song:
RIP Maxwell and Kepler

obs even with the best codes still uses 50-60% of the cpu power to record... when zen comes out, ill have cpu power to spare, but shadowplay is literally the best for recording, low impact, and space.

If i want quality, dxtory and lagarith lossless codec.