/ptg/ - Private Trackers General

pasta edition

Old thread: >New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question, check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:
pastebin.com/dD3cqWKc (embed)

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before, though most claims of being staff are false
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you that cheating can be evaded. It can't and you will be banned and everyone will laugh at you
>people claim to report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time

Other urls found in this thread:


First for waiting for jrsdead to log in

Are invites enabled on CG?

Reminder that WCD has a massive FL going right now

Reminder that WCD is basically a public tracker

Yeah, it's so public that you have to take an interview or get invited, and you need a passkey to download.
It's not a public tracker you fucking retard


u late ah fuk

No one told me ;~~; just trying to help

I said basically you curry fuck

140,000+ users is hardly private

get mad

i dont recall anybody posting it on here either lmao


0.002% sure is a lot
damn everyone using it

I don't think you know the definition of 'private'.

Yes it is. It can have a billion fucking users and still be private. As long as you need a passkey to download and you can't create unlimited accounts, it's a private tracker.

look at my dab

>FL tokens on WCD
>FL on Emp soon
Good time lads. Although I'm out of shit to grab

Piracy is getting absolutely BTFO this year, another tracker gone and a private one at that.

The hydra head saying no longer applies, they are being cut off faster than they can grow.

Worst year for piracy in 10 years.

>The hydra head saying no longer applies, they are being cut off faster than they can grow.

You're retarded, there are literally hundreds of public and private trackers still running and new ones popping up every day. As the top ones get shut down the users scram to the second best available option and turning that into the top

Trackers thrive on its community; as long as there are steady no of users gathering at one place and placing a mechanism to pirate, piracy will continue

It always takes time to recover after a big one goes down, it is not immediate with every user switching over to another tracker and cross-seeding. Public trackers take even longer to recover, months if not a year + for the normies to find what to use next.

Ebo Taylor - Love and Death [2010] [Album]
Ebo Taylor - Love and Death [2010] [Album]
Ebo Taylor - Love and Death [2010] [Album]
Ebo Taylor - Love and Death [2010] [Album]
Ebo Taylor - Love and Death [2010] [Album]


I like rippy

t. rippy

tfw 1tb buffer now on what

>mfw 5 GB upload on wcd 9th birthday


SWEDEN YES! This caused me to stop downloading mainstream porn for the past 3 months.

>tfw late 6 hours


>tfw hard drives full

So what do invite forums look like? Can I constantly apply to other trackers or are they only open at some times or what? If they recruit for limited time, does the thread get deleted or locked then? Can you give me a screenshot on what threads there typically look like?


Monophonics - Sound of Sinning [2015] [Album]
Monophonics - Sound of Sinning [2015] [Album]
Monophonics - Sound of Sinning [2015] [Album]

Find out yourself. ;o)

Are you ptg bot?


I am on my way but first I need to wait for 25GB upload.

So what do they look like?

you ask about PU or elite

ScienceHD is shutting down by the end of the month.

I wonder what the reason is, considering that they made some big changes to the site in the last few months. It appears to be a very short-term decision.

Never give up, /ptg/

I wish I had a full hard drive. I'm just out of shit to download from WCD. The Russians have kept me well stocked. Although there's a video or two I'm looking forward to grabbing on Emp.

pornbay is the way to go

>needing a tracker for porn
i will truly never understand this..

>be me, perv on empornium
>tfw over 700 GB up and dl I'm below 1.00 ratio

kek my life, the best part that I have deleted that stuff I downloaded

Probably the admin no longer cares about the site or outgrew it. Science videos are pretty low priority for any busts or to worry about.

Sometimes you feel like fapping to really specific things. Other times you just download weird shit and don't even fap to it and just watch it and wonder where you went wrong in life

>being addicted to porn

kek..well i have "vanilla" fetishes like anal and feet..so quite easy to find shit on streaming sites

Are there any darknet trackers?

>I have "vanilla" fetishes like anal and feet
You clearly don't understand what vanilla is


Every guy likes feet and anal

Maybe the guys that are niggers and like to have the shit on their dicks. (not too far from being gay also)

anal and feet are pretty "mainstream" fetishes and not really seen as disgusting or extraordinary in todays age

Angry virgin detected

>he doesn't know about enemas
ho boy, stop posting or you'll embarrass yourself even further

Enjoy being HIV positive nerds

weak b8 m8

Anal is a vanilla fetish. Feet is not.

Anal is what gay boys are doing.

Are you 12?

Feet is a fairly common fetish but foot fetish patricians are very rare.


Feet stinks. Better to kiss girls nipple.

Footfags are mentally ill, low-self esteem people who are afraid of women and naturally denigrate themselves to worshiping the lowest part of a woman because deep down they feel that is all they can hope to obtain from a woman.

Footfags are pathetic. Nearly cuck-level pathetic.

Now now, there is nothing wrong with being a cuck. It's a thinking man's fetish.

>Being this delusional and butthurt over something someone likes. I suppose they fucked your mother or your dad left you when you were a kid that made you this cynical and negative piece of shit.

You sound curry

Why would you even put a penis inside a shit hole and kiss a feet full of bacteria? Are you fucking 10 or fucking what? Stop fucking browsing /gif/ and think for yourself!!!

>implying the bacteria on the body is harmful to you
kek, you must've died a thousand times over

Do you have to start actively using WCD as soon as you join?

I have lots of free time on my hands this week and think about taking the interview this weekend because it takes so long to get in.

But I have lots of shit to sort out atm, so it'd be a few months before I could start actively using it. Is idling OK as long as you don't leech?

>a few months
lmao bro

haha xD nice memes, care to answer the question as well?

Have you made yourself /setforlife/ on WCD, /ptg/?


What.CD regularly runs scripts to disable users who have not used their accounts for four (4) months. There is no functionality to "park" an account; all that is needed to avoid being disabled for inactivity is to browse one page while logged in to the site. Users who cannot or choose not to do this are disabled automatically. If being away for more than four months is unavoidable, you must either become a Power User (or higher) or donate, as either one of these will make you immune to inactivity disabling.

A new invitee that confirms his or her account will have one week to log in for the first time before that account is disabled for inactivity.

If you or someone you know is disabled for inactivity and interested in returning to the site, they need to go to #what.cd-disabled on our IRC network (if you're unfamiliar with IRC see IRC - How to Join), where you can discuss your situation with a staff member.

The site will send a reminder to the email address associated with your account ten days before disabling it, so make sure the address on your account is one you check regularly. Your email address is under the "Access Settings" section when editing your profile."

i lurked what.cd at least 3 years before i started to become active..you just have to log in to not get disabled, or donate if you can't log in. When you reach PU you're exempt from being disabled

>all that is needed to avoid being disabled for inactivity is to browse one page while logged in to the site
ok thanks I can manage that

>click the AHD "trick or treat" link
>lose half my BP
Now I'm going to use this piece of shit tracker even less.

your loss :o)


>click the AHD "trick or treat" link
>lose half my BP

You have only yourself to blame for clicking it.

>You have been given a treat: 127042 Bonus Points


How am I supposed to know I can get actual BP cuts? Might add a low percent chance of getting banned from the site too, that sounds like a great way to celebrate.

They told you it might punish you, retard.

Post your profile page and I can make it happen

>caring about BP

BP is a horrible company


Hello /ptg/

I have a plethora of aids medication and a desire to get into what.CD

you know what to do

Stay out

Hello /ptg/

I have a plethora of PTP suspects and only one immunity deal. First person to rat out the PTP admins gets immunity .

You know what to do

>you know what to do

I don't think I do

Randall Weems

pls guud sir I have family


t. 312c

He's memimg Martin

Are you sure? I think he's serious

Who are we going to ban next /ptg/


What 312c means? (sorry I'm not memeing 24/7 like sperg to know all the smallest acronyms around this cesspool of a forum)