
So local government of one of the most mismanaged states in the union shits the bed and it's a sign to not use solar panels?

>americucks have tax on solar panels

thanks leonardo di caprio

Crapitalism strikes again.

Wait, so you get fucking taxed for having solar panels and feeding back into the grid?
Where I live senpai, they fucking pay you for that shit, and panels are subsidized.
New houses have to have the fucking things.

>americucks have tax on solar panels

yup, my state (Oklahoma) literally passed a "sun tax" law, which was lobbied by the big private electric company here (OG&E).

If people start cycling more than driving a car, they'll pass a "bicycle tax" law too I"m sure. Gotta keep fucking people, can't let them be independent and live their lives.

Is that the same state that it's illegal to collect rainwater without a permit?

>be american
>tax the everliving fuck out of everything possible except things the jews are making big money out of right now
>never raise wages
>keep the peeps down through militarization of the police


I would use solar panels on my house if I could afford them. They pay for themselves after a year or two

Fucking Louisiana is in the pocket of big OIL


I'm not sure but it wouldn't surprise me

Fun fact: Just reading the word "Louisiana" removes a quarter point from your I.Q.

Also live in Okieland, you know if it isn't oil or gas they don't care. How's it feel knowing we're about to have the highest tax in the nation?

>How's it feel knowing we're about to have the highest tax in the nation?

With nearly the worst education (ranked 47th or so?)

That's Oregon and yeah, the water was rain water. It was in a public canal that went through his property. He "collected" it with three separate dams. Needless to say, this somewhat interfered with the public water supply.

That's why after I get my degree I'm out this state.

Elon Musk is one of the better White Nationalists around today.

Solar provides a way forward to getting out of the globalist's extorionate system.

Not only americucks, here in Spain, yes fucking Spain the country with more sun light hours in Europe! Our government killed sun energy with absurds taxes.
Fuck this shithole.

Not really, it takes fossil fuels to get the rare earth metals outta the ground, to refine them, to transport them to one place, then to build them, and then to transport them to where they're needed, and then doing this all over again when the panel needs replacing in 10 years.
All the energy required to make it comes from fossil fuels and is still higher than the energy you get from a solar panel.
In reality they're just burning up our supply faster. Just it's burnt in china, but it's why they call it chinese warming and not global warming.

Yes, it takes fossil fuels to get materials, not to run them every day.

If you think 10 years of product life through en masse excavation is anything remotely close to continuous consumption, you should go back to first grade math class.


It's the same shit everywhere. Until 5+ years ago you were getting paid a decent amount for the excess electricity produced that you gave back to the network. Then energy companies realized it's profitable as fuck so they increased electricity cost to forcing you to go panels, and lowered the cost of your excess energy sold to pretty much nothing.

I own a construction businness and now you design and construct the house's hydro/electrical system around panels/heatpump simply because you're forced by new law standards. There is literally 0 economic gain for a person/family to have panels right now.

Also I'm really curious to see in some years who will take care of the replacement/recycling costs, on top of the periodic cleanup to keep them efficient which also costs a fuckton if it's on a high roof.

after reading those clinton/podesta emails...
you have to wonder if some big oil or electricity groups paid the clintons to destroy the green energy companies

>Europoor can't read
Why do you idiots keep talking about the US? Are you that envious? You dumb shits keep doing this. One shithole in rural (that means a lot of people don't live there, means I'm willing to bet English isn't your primary language) America does something stupid and all the sudden we're all retarded?

All I can think of is that you're envious. I would be too if I lived in Europe. Have fun paying VAT on every single fucking thing you import. Have fun with the insane taxes on pretty much everything. Must be great right? Keep lieing to yourself and pretending your shithole is any better.

Don't mind him, he's either a shitposting kid or somehow who knows nothing on the subject.

Solar panels have the plans registered at national cadastre and are subject to taxes in the majority of european nations. Unless you install them abusively and risk getting fined for quite some money.

Why cant you just buy your own panels from different manufacturer and install them on your own?

>and energy rates will increase by 9 percent (from 4.01 cents per kWh to 4.371 cents per kWh).
What are they bitching about? Here in Chicago electricity costs $0.12 per kWh

Taxes exist to collect revenue. When people start moving away from fossil fuels that are heavily taxed, the government needs to start inventing new ways to collect revenue.

no moving parts, they last much longer than 10 year. Efficiency drop s rapidly in the first 10 years then levels off and they work at moderate efficiency for 40 plus years

>Government created and enforced monopolies
Government run education strikes again!

This is the unfortunate reality of the situation.

They need your money so they can buy shit the public doesn't necessarily need or want.

It never even crosses their minds to give it back to the taxpayer.


kekd hard

Only if you live near the equator.

Yeah recycling those solar panels is a real pain compared to storing spent nuclear fuel rods.

And yet they're replaced after 10 years anyway

you live in a 56% white country, 62% in le census

You need to store them for hundreds of thousands of years. We already get issues with the ones that are stored since < 50 years.

>All the energy required to make it comes from fossil fuels and is still higher than the energy you get from a solar panel.
They commonly do net energy (make more energy than it cost to make them) after like 20 years.

except rainwater collection bans actually make sense in some areas

Yeah i live in texas so there is a lot of Sun.