Does Sup Forums use f-droid?

Does Sup Forums use f-droid?

>no Adaway or DNS66

Do you WANT ads?

yes. I know because i'm in fact the famous Sup Forums.

Is there any reason to switch from Adaway to DNS66? It only seems to look nicer, but it doesn't even have automatic updated, does it?

Doesn't require root

That's the only advantage I guess

Teenagers on Sup Forums use iPhone, they think it shows that they're not poor or something.

t. Insecure poorfag


Yes, only ever used it to download Clover though.

rate me:

document viewer
firefox (backup, replaced with tugabrowser)
k9 mail
notable plus
os monitor
terminal emulator
torch (kitkat)

Any suggestions?


Termux is a more fully featured terminal emulator if you're into that (actually it's basically like a Linux emulator)

Also of you're looking for password management, OpenKeychain + Password Store is a pretty awesome combination

share your diary

Is there any FOSS diary app, that uses a decent encryption?

tugabrowser is botnet
The dev is challenged to put the link to the source on XDA but he refuses to comply

Its basically for people who dont want to root for just adblocking.

>but it doesn't even have automatic updated, does it?

It doesnt but I can see it getting it in the near future

Any alternatives? Firefox is too slow on my sd 410.

No, I just use only FLOSS apps without ads and firefox with ublock origin on android.

No ability to whitelist unfortunately.

I thought I was Sup Forums ;_;
Welp, at least I do use F-droid too, so we cool.

f-droid botnet can S my D, r/android app store is where it's at

there is though

-->domain filters --> tap on + --> enter whitelist site(s) and select allow

>Not blocking ads at the network level

how come minmin guard still isn't on fdroid?

I dont want ads on my phone when I go out

Then set up a VPN to allow you to connect to your home network while out, retard

DNS66 is easier and does the same thing. You didnt even bother checking how DNS66 works did you

>minmin guard

does it require root?

>Using untrusted software over my own VPN implementation

Doesn't seem to be working for me unfortunately. Added something to the whitelist, still gets blocked. Hmm...


Brave Browser already has an android release

Yeah I use it for Clover, DataStats, etc. Fdroid isn't the cleanest app store but it's all free so it's good enough for me.


I use Adaway but I still get the occasional ad when I use Pandora.
Is there a new list I should add to block that out?

I do for Clover but it feels like it barely ever uodates

I've started getting this nonsense recently. Never had anything pop up before. What gives?

no idea, ive never seen that

what site did you add?

It looks like a place holder for the ad, try miminguard and see if it goes away

Yes. I don't have gapps on my phone, and all I use is on f-droid (or comes with the rom)

The most important if someone wants a good setup is:
k-9 mail + apg (Is there a more frequently updated gpg client I should be aware of?)
KDE connect
newpipe (so I can watch videos in horizontal without automatic orientation)
osmand (If I need navigation)
lightning (browser)
owncloud (for automatic upload camera images and access files)
920 editor (text editor / viewer)
mupdf (pdf viewer)

What should I do to improve?

I use f-droid, BUT
I absolutely despise the people involved in it.
They are supposed to promote free software but instead they are elitist assholes who will literally refuse apps because they don't like the styling of the code.
I submitted 3 apps by forking their repo (that's the recommended way to do it) and all 3 were refused for stupid shit like using tabs in the manifest file. Like who the fuck cares?
Also you can't send APKs, they have a shitty automated system that builds your project from source, usually failing miserably.
Fuck them.

I got it working. Looks like it doesn't accept asterisk links to provide blanket cover to entire domains (like AdAway does). You have to enter each url specifically. It's not a huge deal.

But it still leaves blank space where ads go (browsing on Chrome), so I'm sticking with AdAway. Perhaps uBlock could take away the space? Never tried it.

>But it still leaves blank space where ads go (browsing on Chrome), so I'm sticking with AdAway. Perhaps uBlock could take away the space? Never tried it.

Yeah it seems to leave a blank space for now. You could try minminguard app as another option

No Xposed (I don't think). On Nougat.

automated build systems are fine you should just know that it is that way, so you can use a similar or identical setup for your own projects for faster testing.
As for tabs in the manifest file, apparently they care, so why not just conform to the standard so their automated testing says your code is clean?
When your project was refused, did they give a full report of what was wrong or did they stop after the first error and left you to figure this out on your own?

Does it need Xposed to install/run/function?

No experience with Minminguard but Google is telling me it's an Xposed module.

just download the apk linked

Guess I didn't do too much research, will do and report back later.

>Not using Google Inbox

Inb4 botnet matters

No good, needs Xposed

OK niggers. Here's what you do:

>Root phone
>download AdAway (outside of the play store)
>Download Xposed
>use Xposed to download a YouTube ad blocker
>Use Xposed to download minmingaurd to block all leftover banners

Still can't play Pokémon Go

Ok, story time then.
I sent them 3 apps: one of them has over 50k downloads on botnet store, one is around 10k and the other one I just released it but it's aimed at freetards so it won't get many downloads.
Anyways, I tried to send those 3 apps to them. I forked their data repo, added the manifest files, and sent a merge request.
It got refused. They wrote 4-5 lines so I wouldn't call that a full report. It was something like this:
-App 1: you used a library and included the jar file instead of building it (library was made by me, btw). I tried to make the thing automated but if you ever used Android Studio, you know how shit it is. I gave up
-App 2: you used libgdx (it was a live wallpaper). No more than that. I don't even know what I did wrong or if they have something against libgdx. I just created a project with the default settings, didn't touch anything weird, no external libraries, nothing. I gave up
-App 3: the manifest was not formatted according to their standards and their fucking lint refused it. I could not for the life of me figure out what in the fuck was wrong with the manifest. I'm gonna guess it's some encoding issue since I'm on Windows (you know, the \n thing). I gave up

They basically treated me like I was trying to upload shit. I asked for help and they didn't answer. If you go through their repo, you'll see 90% of merge requests get refused for stupid shit like lint.

minminguard doesnt require Xposed to install, you can sideload it. Though you do get the Xposed not enabled message

So it wont work without Xposed?, did you test its ad blocking ability by itself?

that sucks.
No wonder nobody writes apps for android.
Windows usually write \r\n instead of \n, but most editors can still read that.

I just installed the apk and it didn't block anything.

darn, gotta settle with blank spaces with DNS66

>re-install f-droid
>no apps available
>turn on all the default repositories
>STILL no apps available

wtf I hate f-droid now

yeah it seems to do that the first time you load it
update then exit then start it back up

Maybe you are just stupid

no u

actually you are the one who is stupid in this situation

no u

>no u
actually no YOU

no u
[spoiler]the repositories updates an hour ago, it's all fine now[/spoiler]


captcha: you are gay

Is there any F-Droid's version of Pocket?