This is rude and disgusting

This is rude and disgusting.

You too, user.

How unprofessional


apple fags BTFO LOL

>card sticks out

>ive never owned a laptop made after 2012

>Trackpad on the right.

What in the absolute fuck were they thinking?
What about lefties?
What about all that extra space they have at the bottom they COULD have put a trackpad in.

Some people in R&D need to get fired.

My next laptop came out in 2015 and SD has a full size SD slot

Ok, this is the third thread I have seen about this one tweet. I'm really starting to suspect shilling.

It's a Razer Blade Pro, it always had it on the right.

2015 model

>it caters to righties
Oh no, it's only functional for 89% of the population!

I'm left-handed and use my mouse with my right hand on the right side. Dont know what the fuck your going on about

Lefties should be in labor camps.

Honestly, I would've never expected this type of advertising from a company whose prime demographic is uneducated 12-13 year-olds and easily fleeced adults, believe me.

>Designed for gaming on the go

Gee I wonder what influenced the placement.

Nice gif bro

Bitch ass razer apologizing and deleting the tweet

I would have bought a mouse if they kept it up

You push the card in you fucking mong

The fuck are you on about?

>hurr during why is the sd card sticking out
Because it's not properly pushed in. Do I need to spell it out for you?

I think it is fantastic. It really shows which members of society are reactionary morons; the Pavlov's dogs to the politically correct outrage machine. Get fucked bottom-feeders.


>Sign my Declaration

Why would they want Apple to do this?

I never whined about it sticking out. He was saying all new laptops have half size slots and I was just saying the 2015 laptop I'm getting has a normal slot.

This senpai. Everytime I look at the replies to shit like this its always the same dozen people complaining ...

>still giving freebsdgirl validation for her whining

why do people do this?

also, why are people so offended by penis jokes? would they have reacted the same way to a vagina joke? probably not

>why do people do this?

I think it is because today there are next to no genuine concerns to legitimately bitch about. Tumblrinas and their mangina beta orbiters live a relative life of luxury in the west (created by mainly white men who they attack, paradoxically) with no worries in life, no wars to fight, no outside enemy to be concerned with -- unless it's the white male. It's like little Bindy, or Jonathan have reached their teenage years and are now rebelling against authority. Mix that in with low IQ and add some more racism by getting blacks on your side and you have a recipe for disaster. Really, if Hillary wins, perhaps WW3 will be good if only it wipes out most of the trash.

This laptop is an utter monstrosity, but I would still choose it over any crApple product ever.

>being offended by posts on the internet

Lefties go to the purgatory by default. You know that, right?

It's quite obvious we need to get rid of this rotten grievance culture by destroying social media cancer such as Facebook, Twitter et al.

>SSH my DE
But what does that even mean

Ahah S my D so edgy we republik of gamurrz XDXD ezpzgg

DAMN LOL at that attempt for a smug response but he didn't even know what he referring to.


well in her case, running out of meth and cheeseburgers would be a legitimate complaint.

Razer laptops are like when you're 12 and an Alienware isn't ugly enough.

>Razer calls themselves 'Apple of gaming world'
>insults Apple
>Apple fans butthurt

Nothing to see here.

Left lives matter bro.
Get over it.

Nintendo is and always has been the Apple of gaming

>well in her case, running out of meth and cheeseburgers would be a legitimate complaint.

That's dem first-world problems again giving rise to bitches.

the comments are ridiculous 2bh. Bunch of sensitive numales and virtue signaling.

This reminds me of the old gamer ads that poked a little fun back in the late 80s and 90s

You fucking idiot

the way to do that is to have being unapologetically offensive attitudes at all times the new normal.

you cant push it in you fuck head, most laptops use halfsize sdreader slot.