Wow I hate Sup Forums now
Wow I hate Sup Forums now
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You ever think maybe these malicious ads were done to get mobilefags to fuck off?
Hiro needs to up the malicious ads. Fuck phone users.
Except we get even more annoying ads on Android now
>Vibrating the phone
>Makes the back button not work correctly so you can't escape the page
At least on iOS you can get ad block without root
phone posters getting what they deserve
I opened up r9k and was greeted by "" trying to phish my info/telling me I needed to update. Is my phone compromised or was it just a malicious ad?
should I wipe my phone?
>At least on iOS you can get ad block without root
You can also do that on Android and it doesn't have any of the problems in webm related.
the malicious ads are on desktop too
if you use one of the only two good mobile browsers you can just install adblock on that
you can also phone adblock
this has nothing to do with phoneposters, just money
being a mobilefag is the worst OP...
Why aren't we allowed to post on our phones again? There are five generals for phones right now but we can't post on them?
>ads on desktop
I don't get these problems on Clover :^)
>not being comfy in bed while shitposting on 4chin
>not browsing 4chin on commute back from work/school/gf
You're a NEET aren't you?
turn off adblock for a second, the desktop ads are just as bad
got on a new install and wanted to kill time while I waited for drivers to install so I opened up EdgeTM and every 5 or so times I would refresh it would grey out the screen and play an add like on clickbait sites, had to press the x
>browsing Sup Forums on commute back from work/school/gf
I drive to uni, I'm not irresponsible.
True autism
t. mobileposter
>not both
>Cancerous mobilefag defending and posting cancer
That's why I have a laptop
I live in Los Angeles, sometimes stuck in traffic for a long time
can we have something else pop up instead
>I live in Los Angeles
I feel so sorry for you user.
>adblock without root
How? Would love to use it.
firefox+ublock origin.
>browser only blocking
Neat, but I'd have to use firefox which is a terrible browser.
Is there anyway to block ads in apps? Especially youtube.
use mini, it has built in adblock
I would suggest to just getting firefox for mobile with adblock and uorigin, even now with the new ads they just get blocked
I have used mobile clients for Sup Forums for the last 6 years, API has no ads, so why should I be BTFO
So you won, what's the reason for hate?
Firefox mobile got really good. YuBrowser also has built in adblock and is open source
>At least on iOS you can get ad block without root
That's because you can't root an iPhone. Plus, mobile Firefox supports ublock.
based hiro, thank you for ending the phone poster menace
The version of NetGuard on GitHub has system-wide ad blocking and doesn't require root.
>using mobile browsers when mobile clients exist.
Seriously why? Clover is pretty good for what it is and I'm yet to see any ads. Does iOS not have any? Can you not even install a homebrew one with cydia or whatever the fuck they have?
whats wrong with using a phone?
Mobile Firefox is the worst browser ever created.
I feel insulted you even suggested it
Why the fuck does Android allow web pages access to physical hardware like vibration controls? It makes zero sense.
Mobile Firefox feels like Chrome on Android 2.0 or so, the scroll is laggy as shit, it fucks up on scrolling speed constantly, tabs are annoying to access, etc etc. Just use YuBrowser at this point.
I've had no issues with firefox on android or on my desktop. Guess I'm just lucky...
>use app
>no ads
>no retarded shit like in OPs pic
>can use Sup Forums in bed
desktopfags btfo
>dl an app for just one site
>give needless app permissions
>probably collects data on browsing and posting habits
No thanks, Ill stick with my browser with ublock origin.
No problems on windows phone :^)
There are others. I just use Chrome though because I actually have a system wide ad block.
while you're at it, pick up some more tinfoil from the store. you're in need of a hat.
>worrying about the number of apps on your phone
>not wanting to download a single app for a website that you use daily
>not denying all app permissions
>thinking a desktop prevents you from having data collected
I would hate to be dangerously stupid, I'm truly sorry that you are.
How do I change my network name like that?
Thats not how you argue technology bruh
You're suppose to say his browser is already collecting data on him.
>implying I care about the number of apps
>implying I use this site daily
>implying I'm on a desktop
Also, dont you have to allow these permissions for the app to work? It atleast needs network access.
If its already collecting data why would I want another app to collect data on me?
The only sketchy one is NFC you dumbass.
You already mentioned the app has one use. Whether you do that action in a browser already tracking you or an program specific app you're getting your data collected.
So download the fucking app and enjoy a better experience when your mobile.
Not to mention shitposting while mobile is the best. You're just out through the day getting >(you)s and it looks like you have a social life.
DNS66 on FDroid
>only sketchy one
Very reassuring
Sup Forums isnt the only site I browse, It makes no sense for me to have another app.
>modify internal storage
>full network access
>prevent phone from sleeping
You can't be this retarded can you?
needless app is needless
Browsers already use those permissions.
>no problems on windows phone
i can name plenty L M A O
They can also browse more than one site. Why would you give another app those permissions for one?
Wouldnt that only work on your own network? What if you're using mobile data? ublock origin has worked fine for me.
Its fine, tabs are annoying but better that chrome. Name a browser that can change its useragentvas easy as ffm and I swich.
Why are mobileposters hated?
Accept it, you deluded fuck. Mobilefags are the future. Even I, Oldfag Extraordinaire, have come to accept it.
>i used to like Sup Forums
fuck off
Daily reminder you literally cannot name one reason why mobile posting is bad
You have to admit it makes shitposting way too easy for everyone (even normies). Its just too easy to ban evade. And I say this as a mobile poster myself.
How does it make evading bans any easier compared to desktop? I don't get it.
It is not like bans were hard to evade in the first place.
Not everyone has a dynamic IP. Now everyone with a phone can shitpost and not care if they get b&
Can literally change any static IP anyway.
That doesnt make this any less true. It makes it easy for normies.
I just downloaded an ad block browser. Works like charm. Easy updates for banner ads and mal ware
Normies don't get banned.
It's not like they have to worry about accidentally saying nigger or something.
So naive
>installing adblock on phone
>not on router
>he never leaves his house
Phone posters are too stupid to block ads.
>dicking around on your phone when bored
Read a book, faggot.
The part where you carry it around to amuse yourself instead of using a desktop like a functional adult.
Why would you use your phone instead of a desktop? When you realize that every answer to that question is unlikely or makes you retarded, then you will understand.
>dont use devices the way you want
you sound like a bitter old man
>barely even browse the web on my phone, don't use Sup Forums at all on my phone
>still only takes a minute to remove ads because the methods are literally the same as anywhere else
>not installing it everywhere you possibly can
Only retards want to use their phones to browse Sup Forums.
Wait, is that possible? It wouldn't work for HTTPS, would it?
Congrats, OP
My router ad blocker does work with HTTPS because it uses DNS blacklisting:
It works great. I guess in theory ad companies could work around this by using raw IP addresses in their URLs, but I've never actually seen that, it's always a domain name.
Bless you, user.
Yeah but it is the best browser that allows such a diverse amount of ad ons
>The part where you carry it around to amuse yourself instead of using a desktop like a functional adult.
>Can't make phone calls on the desktop
>Can't carry it around everywhere in case you need it
>Can't use it when your bored but it off the house
>Why would you use your phone instead of a desktop?
Because I'm sitting around waiting.
haven't had a haircut since 2007
order ahead, walk in and pick up
never been to one
perhaps, been a few years since i took a train
nobody asked you about this
>haven't had a haircut since 2007
>never been to doctor
>a functional adult
what do you have against long hair?
what do you visit doctors for?