/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Old thread: >New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki and then shut yo bitch ass up and join TtN

>If you have a question, check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:
pastebin.com/dD3cqWKc (embed)

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before, though most claims of being staff are false
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you that cheating can be evaded. It can't and you will be banned and everyone will laugh at you
>people claim to report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>retards will repeatedly tell you to join BtN because it's the "best" TV tracker, but in reality it's always down and you should join TtN instead
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck your mother

Is TL a shit? are TL ratio stats accepted by better trackers when applying?

someone let me in.
need a good Snowden file

deadass love this op my guy


>don't forget the iconic symbol of /ptg/

but BTN IS the best TV tracker OP

>named stallman, a Sup Forums meme
>avatar is a Sup Forums meme
>custom title is a Sup Forums meme
>response is playing off a Sup Forums meme

bruh shut yo bitch ass up fr.shouldn't you be givin old Remotey a hand job? i heard his buttons didn't get used much today cuz the tracker always fucking down

So who's gonna fill the shoes of SciHD? PTP? BTN? TheGeekz?

Chuckled IRL.

Indians are basically white anyways

I told you in the last thread. There aren't any good rips of Snowden yet.

There's actually a 1080p screener on PTP. Some frames have a watermark that has been blacked out but that's the only difference

Drizzy is that you? You've been talking really niggerish lately...and what happened to your trip? Will you be making new music?

>people on ipt limiting their speeds




stallman is a cool guy, there's no way he's not a /ptg/fag

They're not Sup Forums memes anymore, they're just Linux memes at this point.

fuck off stallman
or should i say
fuck off sperghetti

I'm not spaghetti, I'm redhead :^)
Suck on my cock AB staff

Please stop using curry as insult

sup pajeet

Not you again.

Itt thieves discussing stolen goods
Why is this allowed here again?

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Wake up my nigs


My my, what an edgy young man

user-kun~, why are you wasting your money on nigerian scam seedboxes when you could buy something cute for me instead?

Got banned from BTN because I tried to mass-snatch for promotion and miscalculated the seed time required leading to hundreds of hit and runs all at once. Will they let me back in if I explain my mistake and beg them? It's not like I tried to do a bad thing...

Finally got into Bibliotik, what are some good books I should download?

What genres you into senpai?

How do trackers look into cases where you have inactive account from not logging for 3 years but wanna start again?

No. All bans are final

Almost all trackers will reactivate you pretty much no questions asked, as long as it's the first time this has happened for you. If you keep getting deactivated and asking them to reactivate you, they might decline at some point.

TL is only good as a backup tracker in case your main ones are down

you can try

I'm done buying you stuff! I'm broke and I've got loan sharks after me.. Ok just one more thing.



you're pretty much fucked

Try to get a new account

Reactived most my account last month
No real problems

Btn and wcd have automatic scripts that active you if you idle in the disabled channel

With ptp prepare to wait for weeks

Can I upload music I created to What.cd?

lmao that's retarded

As long as you own the license to distribute it. If it is music you created but the license is owned by someone else then this would be copyright infringement and illegal.

Any idea about animebytes?
Wanna try to build something off it to get into other trackers, and it's the only one i have account on, even if it has been deactivated for 4 years now.


Just go into the disabled IRC channel. If your account is still in their database they'll reactive you

spell check


WCD freelech when? I want to feel comfy again.

you're not comfy enough after 9th year anniversary freeleech?

>2 mins ago PepoteRouge marked torrent 33273840 freeleech type 1!

If the only seeder for a torrent fucked off and left us all at 99.9% how long do I have to wait before I can safely delete it without getting a hit & run?

Should I just report it to staff?

Rules depend on tracker.

only if its in flaac

AudioNews tracker is perhaps more fitting for aspiring musician and musical content creators. Coincedentally open signups are evry 2nd of the month. So join quickly or wait another month

>Should I just report it to staff?

Of course, all torrents in a decent private tracker would have atleast one seed presumably the uploader at most times. Unless the uploader has specified that he will only be able to seed at certain time slots or for certain periods of times. in which case I imagine someone being requested to voluntering of seeding that torrent

Also make sure you are connectable in the first place, i.e you are properly port forwarding.

It's been 5 days and none of the other peers have finished either, everyone else is at 99.9%.

I reported it, so hopefully staff get in touch with him or just remove the torrent so I can delete it. Bugs me to have one torrent stuck in my Downloading tab.

you should have had a week to go back and check

wtf user

Yeah but I never noticed I had H&Rs until the ban came in. I'm literally heartbroken right now.

312c got FIRED!

I think you should discuss it with the staff.
Seedbox crashes amongst other things happen, HDDs can get wiped and if you have a good track record I think you have a good chance of getting that account back. Be extremely polite, etc.

Serious question
I usually use Play Music for $10/month. Is there any benefit (besides saving money) to setting up a Subsonic server on one of my spare laptops and just using that? Trying to decide whether I care enough to download everything.

If you don't get your account back know that you can ask for season packs here anytime

Who the fuck cares if Ttn banned DRACULA? That's one of the best groups available now in P2P. Now they are internal on HDB aswell, i really don't think they give a fuck. Probably ttn curry will get their release and rename it like PublicHD does.

First tell us how you got in BTN and I will consider getting you a new account.

I torrent my music so that I can upload and share tracks in the form of fanmixes. If you don't have ultra limited space or bandwidth there's really not much point.

I just reported a torrent earlier today and only now realized that the torrent was uploaded by one of the leading staff members of the site. What should I do? Is there some way to retract my report? Should I just send a staff PM apologizing for the mistake? I really don't want to get banned.

I got an invite from someone on IRC.

If you did that on PTP you should prepare your anus right now.

I'm sorry that happened to you user. But you made a mistake and won't be forgiven.

sup faggots

are those private trackers really the promised land with high bitrate releases?

If I want anything older than 1 year on TPB I usually only get low bitrate crap that has enough seeders anything over 10GB usually takes half an eternity

If I pay the DDL/OCH jews 10 bucks per month I mostly get pretty decent 10-20Mbps releases but sometimes you're out of luck and all the good releases are taken down and you're left with shit at 2Mbps again. But at least I always get full speed.

I only care for movies and TV shows, I don't pirate games and I have spotify for music (inb4).

Are there trackers with decent 4k offers already? I recently bought a 4k monitor

4k bluray encryption isn't cracked yet

Private trackers are the way to go, even pleb tier private trackers are orders of magnitude better than tpb and you will find older movies and shows still well seeded.

There are some 4k releases but few and far between.

You can only get into all the other private trackers from one music tracker (What.cd) so you'll have to suck it up and get a WCD account.

BTN/PTP and HDB are ideal for good releases. 4K isn't cracked yet and all the existing ones come from the capture card or whatever it was.

Is there anything worthwhile in the WCD Torrent Master+ forums?

>tfw waiting for recruiter to reply

>calling people faggot

Is there anything wothwhile in any of the other userclass forums?

lel did you report one of red douche's uploads on PTP? prepare you boipussi

So I don't give a shit about music and I only want to get a higher rank on WCD.

What music am I supposed to burn my fl tokens on? What is the most downloaded kind of music that are not fl torrents, staff picks, or anything like that? Something which has a high chance of paying back for itself with passive seeding over the years?

elite has a nice level of actual discussions going on but no perks currently.

TM has hdbits invites but shhhhhhhh

>have 0.6 ratio with ~45GB downloaded
>required ratio is 0.5
>be on ratio watch anyway
thanx GGn

Is BTN a ratioless tracker? If so, how does it work, you can download as much as you want without penalty?

>using the current year as an argument

>implying I use my precious hard drive space for shitty VIP picks I don't listen to anyways

Sidewide freeleech when?

Popular new music from artists such as Bastille or Taylor Swift. Look at the snatch count of artists and figure out which albums will be released before the tokens expire.

>over the years
You don't get buffer on WCD, you buy it from bandcamp.

Hi. So, I've been in the private tracker game for a very long time (started ten years ago), and used to be fairly idiotic with my downloading practices (I'd download tons of shit I didn't seriously intend to watch or listen to or play or whatever, etc..). A few years ago I grew the fuck up and stopped downloading random shit en masse and treasure my torrent accounts. I tried using seedboxes and playing the top 10 to fix my ratios, but I didn't have much luck because I'm so far behind. What's the best provider to use if I need to get, say, a solid TB or so total of upload across several sites as quickly as possible? I want to nip this in the bud so that I don't have to worry. Getting new accounts isn't really an option because my ISP refuses to change my IP address, and it would also be pretty dishonest.

GGn is LITERALLY the easiest tracker to get ratio on.

Autosnatch everything because its all FL untiul 6 hours after initial upload.

No H&R policy so just delete after youve benefited from it.

What was the report about?

>Look at the snatch count of artists and figure out which albums will be released before the tokens expire.

I tried that but everything I find with when I look for most snatched or seeded are ex staff picks, ex fl picks, vip picks and so on. Is there a way to use the search function to show the most popular torrents that have not been influenced by freeleech or neutral leech in any way?

When do the tokens expire anyways?

Just get a new provider you and hence a new IP you fucking idiot.

Literally download all torrents marked as "freeleech" right now. There probably like 800 or so by now. That should get you 1-2 GB /day for a week or two.

Spend the FL tokens on something you care about.

They expire at the end of the month.

All the other providers in my area are super shit, and I'm p. dang sure they'd figure it out eventually. Some of those tracker admins are autistic as hell.

No, I mean use snatch count to decide the potential popularity of a NEW TORRENT BY THE POPULAR ARTIST.

There are lists like this one (don't quote me on the reliability)

Once the music is no longer new or shared on other sites people will not be as excited in downloading it. Sometimes you can just cross seed popular albums without even bothering to waste a token on it. Like Sup Forums or TPB will probably have a copy of those selfsame files.

Like this user said
You should be able to get at least 1-2GB a DAY from only seeding freeleeches. You don't even need to bother seeding regular files because the amount of upload you get is so prolific.

Do not autosnatch anything with a seedbox on WCD and if you have to only do the popular FLAC/V0 2016 NOTHING ELSE. The current freeleeches should be more than enough.

I have a very shitty connection, I have a hard time keeping up my ratio on trackers with no BP system.

theres no quick fix to sort your ratio.

what trackers are you talking about because different ones have different tactics to maximise returns.

WCD - download all FL, leave seeding forever
PTP - download GP as soon as they come available.
AHD - Autosnatch all 75% and 50% internals and seed forever. The best way to get BP is actually to trade for upload because its far easier to get 100gb of upload than the equivalent in BP. You should only use BP for user class upgrades.
GGn - autosnatch everything, delete whenever you want.