Windows 10 rant

I'm an /o/ regular, more of a mechanic and less of a pixie wrangler, but I'm not retarded when it comes to computers. Anyways, Steam got buggy after a few months on my laptop so I went ahead and hit "uninstall" then went to download it over again. All was well until it said the steam file under program files (x86) must be empty to reinstall. I go look and sure enough there it is, full of all the files. But I can't delete the steam file or anything in it. I'm the only user, i'm the administrator and yet it says I "require adminstrator permission" to do anything to it. I can't reinstall steam until this old file is gone. BTW I had no games installed at the time. This is the fifth time in the past two months Windows 10 has been an absolute shitpile to me with this laptop. I got it for college, and so far it: Gets stuck in tablet mode if I dare try to use that feature (EVERY TIME), managed to crash just because I installed Solidworks, had to be totally reinstalled (under warranty), has been all around annoying and now this BS. Wtf is this shit? I've never been less impressed with an OS. An OS I can ignore is a good OS. This OS actively fucks me over at every opportunity.

Fuck it.

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blog was too long
did not read

install win 7


general rule of Sup Forums if you dont have ability to install gentoo your question belongs to >>>/sqt/

/o/ is my favorite board community on this filthy site though so ill try to lend you a hand

Can you still see steam in program remove in control panel?
If not, can you see an uninstall.exe in steam files?

You know what to do OP.

kill yourself (after installing gentoo)

no and no, thanks for helping

typical symptoms of the uac meme since vista. either turn off uac completely, old files may still be fucked, or change folder permissions. if permissions didn't work use unlocker or a live cd to delete the files.

if you still want to leave winshit, try ubuntu or a variant. xubuntu is the most solid choice. if you still want to try the default ubuntu distro make sure you leave the amazon botnet.

>but I'm not retarded when it comes to computers
>running spyware10

Boot up an Administrator Powershell and do rm FolderName.

I needed a cheap laptop that could run basic word processors, solidworks and mild ammusement apps for college. I'm no compsci major and I try to figure this shit out but usually just fuck myself. At least the cost came in under 400$, forgive me please.

well since you cant delete that stuff, did you try moving them somewhere else?

also try going to user accounts in control panel(you can simply type user accounts in search) and change your account type to admin if its not already

My account is the only one and it is an admin. It won't let me move the files either.

>I'm not retarded
>didn't use google

Literally couldn't find anything on google that worked. The file owner is my admin account, and the only other similar problem I found was when "trustedinstaller" owned the files. I see trustedinstaller" but it doesn't own the files.

try this
select steam folder (or program files folder but this is more unlikely to work)
go to propeties > security
click edit find admin group
tick all the boxes
save and close and try again

The boxes labeled "Deny"? Seems counter intuitive to me, but idk. Is that correct?

no dont deny i meant the allow boxes

All checked except for "special permissions"

can you delete shit in the steam folder now?

>Get Ubuntu ISO
>make bootable USB
>mount Windows partition
>delete anything you want

check ownership

Nope, not the folder itself or most of the contents in it. Some things could be deleted though.

Just go into windows 10 settings and reset the pc to factory settings but keep personal files.

youre clicking continue right? can you post the error it gives?

also try going to security > advanced and making administrator the owner of the file

Will this save all my programs? Namely, I don't have hours to waste trying to reinstall antivirus, Solidworks, Office, readers, etc.

It says the admin is already the owner

Boot into any Linux distro and delete it, it's that simple.

The more details dropdown is unresponsive. I also restarted it before I mad this thread

> Linux
> Simple

...I'm not at all familiar with Linux although I used Ubuntu for the first time last week and was quite impressed.

Nope but it if you have fast Internet it's a mindfuckless task.

do permissions exist for those subfolders?

also fuck it just make a live ubuntu usb boot that and erase that fucker fuck windows

Do you know how to use a mouse? If so you can do it.

i mean you can erase windows files from ubuntu
get a live usb
boot from said usb
click on your hard drive on the left side of the screen
find steam

OK well it needs to wait until the weekend I got homework to do. I'm concerned about Solidworks running with it, it's touchy as fuck when it comes to licensing and whatnot.

I mean, don't actually install Ubuntu, just boot into it.

No kidding? I might have to get ubuntu on this pile anyways.


This is honestly how I feel. I honestly prefer dealing with Apple's bubble wrap OS than driving on death road everytime I use my laptop.

yea you can
you dont even have to install it you jsut boot it from the usb
when you close your computer and remove the usb everything is back to the way it was except steam is gone

Thanks. I'll try it tomorrow.

ITT: Sup Forums doesn't know how to Windows permissions

You are too dumb to use computers. I recommend getting a Mac.

>Windows 10

Found your problem.
Install Windows 7 then disable UAC. Problem solved.

fuck windows 10 it won't let me install .net framework 2.0 or 3.5 or whatever the fuck. i have to reinstall windows 10 from scratch i guess!

lmao looks like the wincucks are out in full force today to defend their complete failure of an OS. I'm with you OP, I've been forced to use a win10 computer to interface with some lab equipment and it's just as if they went out of their way to make everything shit and not work.

kill yourself

>implying Sup Forums knows anything about technology besides gaymin

>disable UAC
are you serious?

>make sure you leave the amazon botnet.
wait, buntu still comes with the amazon shit?
i thought they removed it / not included default when shitstorm came with it