It really makes you think.
It really makes you think
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Video games are for children.
what about her?
"serious gaming"
it made us think yesterday. get with the times you retarded slowpoke
There are a billion computers that you can buy that's good for serious gaming and you're bitching about Microsoft who isn't doing that for this one case? What the fuck?
>taking the opinion of gamer girls serious
Isn't VR already dead, again?
Because there aren't enough gayman laptops on the market? Even the new Fagbook Pro has a TB3 port so it will probably be compatible with external GPUs. Fucking degenerate retard.
A 980m is enough for VR and "serious" gaming. It may not be the best but it sure runs his trash game at 4k 120fps.
His. It's a he
Check your privilege.
That post is literally from here.
Just further proves this cunt cant think for herself.
>microsoft releases a graphic design tablet aimed specifically at artists and designers
>apple removes features from their standard laptops and adds an emoji bar
>she is surprised when neither of these machines are filled with top of the range graphics hardware to push a specific emerging field of video games
>despite there being an entire field of components and builds for PC than are capable of running VR (a less than year old genre)
Because they know anyone who games builds their own on the first place so what's the point?
And since when is quake not serious gaming? Unless by serious gaming she means "games with good graphics"
He was born a man. He decided to dress as a woman, and get surgery to look as a woman. Because he has the freedom to do so, the same as I have or you have.
What privilege are you talking about?
Gender is a social construct you fucking hate speech mongrel.
It's openly trans and married to some asian beta, both are the scourge of our society. Have you never heard of Revolution 60 user?? I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be smart or something.
she's a girl, what's the problem?
I hate her so much. Who the fuck buys a business computer to game anyways?
Stop responding to this guy
And mentally ill transfaggots, apparently.
>never saw alien
One of the biggest Sci first movies of the 80s starred a women is she retarded?
a broke clock reads correctly twice a day
i hate her, she's dumb, and she probably doesn't know why she'a right, but she's right.
it's currentyear, powerful gpus ARE standard in all real non-specialized computers, and if we all had them we wouldn't need bandaids like cloud computation for literally everything.
plus, even though optimus is shit, the idea works, and we have low power consumption mobile gpus anyways.
>non-specialized computers
it's a specialized computer you retard. It's like the most professional oriented business PC in YEARS from a major producer, it's even 3:2
What in the fuck are you talking about?
quit making this shitty thread.
or if you must at least put it on the proper board
you act as if it's a >her
Stop masking your misogyny.
Unless, of course, you are running VR on your iPhone.
It's a man, you dumbo. He just dress up like a woman and use drugs to get beasts. You were tricked hard
if you think that a x86 touchscreen tablet is a specialized computer you're retarded
google translate it if you're that bad at basic english
We don't want this mess on Sup Forums either he better take it to Sup Forums instead
Isn't this the narcissistic bitch that said someone disagreeing with her is a moral deficiency (mansplaining)? she needs therapy lol
>and use drugs to get beasts
Where can i get those drugs? or should i just call your mom?
Half of them are side cast
>Why are non-gaming prebuilts and non-gaming laptops not good at gaming?
I wonder.
If you think a 3:2 screen with a huge focus on ergonomics isn't heavily oriented around professional applications then you're WRONG m8. It's pretty clearly made for designers, not gamers.
It's a woman born in a mans body friend, I think you've mistaken it for someone else, or maybe misunderstood the situation
Ya if you buy one of these computer (one meant for fucking about on Facebook and the other literally targeted at professional artists) and you game on them you just wasted 3000 dollars.
It's a biological construct.
New trends shouldn't take biological facts out of the picture because it may feel uneasy to some people. It's very insulting.
People who choose to change gender appeareance should be treated with the same respect as anyone else, but biological roots can't be ignored.
Being born a man, and getting surgery and female dressing style DOESN'T turn you into a she.
That's still a he, or something else. But NEVER a she. She is for poeple born with the body of a woman.
>what about "it" ?
It's a thing at best.
who is she?
no, it's a mentally ill man
Why would a woman be in a man's body? This isn't a gender-bender anime. This is real life and that can't happen here.
aren't our brains what defines "us" though? If I was a robot I'd say that the software defined me, remove an arm and replace it and it'd still be "I" but replace the hard disk and processing units and it wouldn't be "I". well there's some pretty compelling evidence that transgendered people have more similar brain structures to their preferred sex than their birth assigned sex, even in areas that don't alter in meaningful ways from birth, meaning it's inherent. thus I'd label a person "he" or "she" based on what defines their "I".
That said I think the idea that gender is a social construct is really stupid either way you look at it, and it has no meaning, everything is a "social construct". but it's rooted in biology
nobody ever said anything about a standard microsoft tablet being for gamers, so nice scarecrow
3:2 is a fucking aspect ratio and does not denote it being fucking trinary or whatever the hell you think it means, it's literally just the fucking screen width/height, they could have made it 16.990505059959:1 and it wouldn't have been any more special
>heavy focus on ergonomics = specialized
i feel bad for your carer.
also, i'm hesitant to say this because i know you're going to jump on it and ignore everything else i said, but gpus are used for more than gaming, and depending on what you mean by "designers", it could be very useful.
yeah i know but people think all discrete gpus drain batteries the second they are used for anything more critical than rendering a windows background so i had to say it
This is where you're wrong. Brains come in the male form and the female form. Normally what happens is that a female brain develops with a female body and a male brain develops with a male body. Well the gestation process isn't "perfect" and so there are expressions when a female brain is developed with a male body and vice-versa.
It's a fair point. If this was said by anyone else you wouldn't have made a thread.
you're pretty much right but I feel like you couldn't have said this in a more easy to make fun of way.
>pc purely promoted for designers in every single piece of marketing they've put out so far
>a competitor to the cintiq in an all-in-one format
>needing to play games
So millions of years of evolution have lead to the human race only recently getting these mutations that result in a female brain in a male body and vice versa. Why? That makes no sense and sounds highly unlikely
No? where's any evidence that it's recent? there's tons of that shit in history, many tribes that don't share common roots that approach this matter etc etc. It's certainly a rarer mutation though, but it still is.
>aren't our brains what defines "us" though?
No. that's a very common misconception.
Actually, the whole of the functional organs affect who you are. The processing and remembrance is mostly made in the brain (except reflexes) but hormones and other substances made by other organs, and specially and specifically sexual organs, model the way the brain functions, and therefore, thinks. Since birth.
But that's not even the point of the pronoun problem.
Pronouns describe what subjects ARE. Not how they feel.
John Walker Flynt IS a man. He chose to undergo surgery and name himself as Brianna.
That is respectable, but doesn't entitle him for the use of a female pronoun.
>but doesn't entitle him for the use of a female pronoun.
no one is talking about entitlement, you're not entitled to anyone saying anything to you in any way in the first place.
What what's the problem with using a preferred pronoun?
She's not wrong though, you'd expect more horsepower in a pc being sold at that price.
>What what's the problem with using a preferred pronoun?
it's fucking incorrect, for one.
i just call people whatever one of the 2 genders they look closer to, my dude
but, i shall rephrase it to mein'frauleins desired, 'it'
so? Aside from that being arguable, would you not call someone with klinefelters "he" if that's what they wanted?
>Brains come in a social construct form
>I'm a social construct born in the opposite body that is associated with my social construct
Didn't realize we were born with the innate need to look female or male with also the biologically based knowledge that in order to do so I must wear clothes that I was also born with the knowledge of in order to complete this need. I thought those were just made up :^)
Who knew a baby already has the concepts of gender identity firmly in their brains which predetermine which clothes they need to wear in order to feel right?
Not really.
The vast majority of transgendered people do not think that gender is a social construct, you're thinking of SJWs.
Call them a he or an it if it's ambiguous enough. Not like I have to refer to people how they want to be referred to as
>What what's the problem with using a preferred pronoun?
It misleads identification. It's language rooted lying.
This person is NOT A WOMAN, yet is making everyone refer to him so.
It's simply not true.
Gender hiding can be reasonable (in professional appliances for example, to avoid the harassment or negative discrimination that actually exists) but lying about gender is another thing.
No but why wouldn't you though? you don't have to call people anything you don't want to, even if that term applies to them. But why do it if it's just nicer not to?
>The vast majority of transgendered people do not think that gender is a social construct, you're thinking of SJWs.
They don't need to think anything. A schizo can think they're an alien trapped in a humans body and that Al Gore is after them. You just discard their thoughts on the matter. They're not qualified to tell you anything other than the time of the day
Look at the picture op has. Without context I'd just assume it's a long haired faggot. When he gets offended that I refer to him as sir while saying excuse me, I'm not gonna feel bad. Either hide it better or accept you're an unpassable mess. I'm not gonna bend over backwards to ensure I use the right pronoun so that 0.5% of the population can feel better
because it'd be a straight up lie. You sound like a huge pussy who'd bend over and call someone an attack helicopter if they wanted you to without the slightest question.
yeah except there's scientific evidence that their brains physically have female characteristics that can't be learned/adapted.
>this person believes that people would even CONSIDER buyIng a MacBook Pro or a Surface Pro for gaming
That's fair enough. Not really what I'm saying you should do though.
I would. No reason not to. I wouldn't feel obligated to, but it'd do me absolutely no harm.
It's entirely within the realm of possibility to be born male with the brain patterns of a female or vice versa
>because it'd be a straight up lie
more tranny dick for me, try not being a faggot for once in your life
Sometimes you gotta thank god for things like the internet and video games. I can only imagine how soul crushing life would be, if we didn't have escapist technology which allows people like OP to connect with like minded individuals.
>Sup Forums hates fag bashing
WTF happened?
Real naive user, it's no secret that all trannies enjoy being degraded and called out for the (male)s they are.
So it doesn't explain away the idea that means if they aren't called he/she and aren't dressing in the right clothes they're gonna off themselves. Something is learned there. I don't buy the idea that biology can explain away your preference for a skirt over pants.
Also I've seen stuff about neuroplasticity and the role it can play in this. It's not like what you've posted as evidence is the end all be all of this discussion that people have devoted years to and not on an image board.
This just in. Manchildren think the world revolves around them.
why is she so mad?
the gay people from Sup Forums are invading Sup Forums
>So it doesn't explain away the idea that means if they aren't called he/she and aren't dressing in the right clothes they're gonna off themselves.
It kinda does, since the brain and body disconnect is what causes distress. Thus altering the body to fit the map of the body that the brain expects fixes this. And I don't think a lot of people are really saying that skirts over pants is a deciding factor, being transgender is not the same as crossdressing. some even do HRT while living in "boymode".
I'm not saying that it's a clear disorder that we know everything about, it needs more research, but pretty much every study points in the direction that transition is justified (and working)
board culture is dressing up as girls and posting traps, I think you're the newfag that got a wrong impression, friendo. I bet you migrated in 2012
sexual frustration or female hysteria
Microsoft made a laptop?
>$3000 computer that performs worse in resource intensive tasks than a $500 desktop
God, you fanboys are ridiculous.
What the fuck are people paying for if not performance? Why upgrade at all? A fucking touchbar? 0.5kg lighter?
What's her name??