Just what the fuck is going on? I updated Ubuntu from 14 to 16 and now I can't get pass this black screen.
I ran the do-release-upgrade and it says there is non...
Just what the fuck is going on? I updated Ubuntu from 14 to 16 and now I can't get pass this black screen
how about you stop fucking localizing error messages and maybe then somebody can actually read them
>De her ignorerats
Obviously you're ignoring a female rat. Unwise user women, even rat women, are always right
This is what I get at start. Just promoted to login. Since my username didn't work, I tried root and it worked.
Looks like something went wrong during installation. It says it can not locate the Ubuntu installation
They've been ignored...
Or maybe you are not connected to the Internet?
Says it can't locate a new version of Ubuntu.
Can I get back into the GUI somehow?
I dualboot with windows, should I download Ubuntu a new?
sudo dpkg --configure -a
that's what it says
I should be. Can I check it somehow? Can I connect to internet through this terminal if not?
to check.
'ifconfig' for interface information
>Can I get back into the GUI somehow?
Ubuntu users everyone
When I check ifconfig my inet adress is only the local
If I am not connected to the internet, how do I fix this?
If it doesn't show the other adapter, it might be missing a driver, which is a pain to fix. Can you use a different NIC (perhaps some old PCI NIC in a drawer or a USB adapter you have somewhere)
>upgraded Ubuntu
This is why you don't use unstable shit. Install Arch next time.
Just do a fresh install if you are too new to install something better. Upgrades on non rolling release distros often fuck shit up.
I'm new to Linux/Gnu....
Tried pinging and it says unreachable. Seems like I need to get connected to da webz. But how?
Get ethernet cable and plug it in. Honestly just do fresh install, you will save yourself a lot of time.
Fresh install is the only way, friend
This. Reconfigure all packages. That normally helps in situations like this.
What happens when you type
That normally brings up the gui.
Black screen only when startx at first.
Then I get pic related.
Could it be because I logged on as root? I can't find my god damn username to login with...
You can try 'cat /etc/passwd', that should list all users.
Reset the password with 'passwd '
>Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is based on the long-term supported Linux release series 4.4.
>op running kernel 3.16
Kernel incompatibility?
dhclient enp2s0 &
How to update?
Thanks, going to try this right away.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Well you got your x
>can't find my username
Well it and apt-get says none because you're not connected to the internet, faggot.
Switch to an OS that's less horribly broken. Maybe OSX or Windows.
If you must keep on with the amateur kludgefest that is desktop Linux, just back up your data and fresh install. Way quicker than trying to fix that fucked installation.
Or he can
apt-cache search linux-image
Pick the one you want
sudo apt-get install
I love you both. I got all my files and all now. But the drawer isn't there. Looks like this now.
What can I do from here?
sudo apt-get purge X11
sudo apt-get auto-remove
sudo apt-get install whatever package your DE is called.
You need to backup your files and reinstall. It's not worth trying to fix that. The system's state is completely fucked.
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
might be worth trying
install gentoo
Just install a newer kernel and you're good. Quite likely that your packages are all messed up due to your kernel not updating to 4.4 after your upgrade.
But regardless of the system state back up ALL your data.
>mfw edgy linux hakker kidz encounter problems with their bloated toy linux and they can't come up with other solutions than to do fresh reinstall
Why are you running kernel 3.x on Ubuntu 16.04?
Restarted and plugged in ethernet cable, then I ran sudo apt-get update and now shit happens. Will update what happens!
Upgrade is the worst option for both Windows and Linux. Always use an ISO to format your drive and clean install so you can properly update and latest drivers are installed.
Did you even read the thread? Clearly the guys helped OP find a solution that at least allowed him to backup his stuff. Now he's trying to update his kernel and maybe stuff will work just fine after.
godspeed, OP
Somalis shouldn't be allowed computer access.
>too dumb to use noobuntu
Time for a full reinstall or?
How do I get it ti boot from tty1?
sudo apt-get autoremove (this will erase nearly every package)
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
Haven't tried this though
Systemd(icks) happened.
Boom, I am back in after running the sudo apt-get update and then installing the new kernel 4.4.0.
Why is botnet amazon still here? :(
sudo apt autoremove will remove the 'old incompatible' packages not the newly installed ones.
OP needs to run it.
Op you good now?
Going to autoremove and reinstall again to see if I can get it up and running a bit better..
I laughed way too hard at this.
>ever not shitting itself on updates
Oh boy.
I wouldn't recommend upgrading a distro, not even Windows. Always best to do a clean install of the new build.
Bricked my Ubuntu install by upgrading, rather than doing a clean install.
I have a Sup Forums pass
This thread really hurt me internally. This was definitely an issue that should have been resolved on IRC. If you have tech support trouble, join #techsupport on irc.snoonet.org
shut up man
87236876348763458273465x this
Everything went well, I can shitpost.
Managed to update the kernel to 4.4 and I also removed the unused and old packages. Now it works really nice again.
Now it's time to start having some fun with customization etc.
Worst part is that I also encrypted my phone with Cyanogenmod 13 this morning. Had to wipe the shit. Piece of crap Pajeetware...
I thought that Ubuntu had get rid of Amazon from 16.04, dissapoint.
Actually considering switching to Linux Mint.
install xubuntu.
You do know you can just uninstall that right?
To start the X server:
If you get an error, google it.