Organizing music

How does one even organize this music in a logical file hierarchy?

also general music organizing bread

Picard/musicbrainz to rename and reorder files in the structure artist/disc/[mp3 filename]

Does it create directories?
I've got some stuff that you probably can't get anywhere with no proper tags, I don't want anything to be lost

foobar2k if on winzoz, (there it does create/delete folders)

i guess nothing can help without proper tags

well the application sucks if it has no fallback like putting tracks with no tags into one directory, giving them their original file name as a track tag and then renaming the actual files to something like unknown track 0...n

/home/me/Music/%albumartist%/%year% - %album%/$num(%track%,2). %title%

Musicbrainz Picard -> dbpoweramp -> FLAC 8 v1.3.1
[album artist]\[album artist] - [album] ([GRAB]1,4,[year][]) [UPPER][[extension]][]\[IFMULTI][album] (Disc [disc] of [disc_total])[]\[track] - [title]

obviously I don't reencode mp3's

tag and organize it all manually

's what I did

>I did it, it must be the best way
Your logic is massively flawed.

in no way did I imply that it was the best way to do it


Literally Artist>Album

Great, thanks for posting, was really worthwhile.


it did contribute to the topic of the thread

what's your beef?

itunes does all the sorting for me

Overcomplicating autist.

>I did this but I am not recommending it
Yeah, such a valuable contribution.

Everything's downloaded into my music directory, then I let Foobar do the sorting because it has easy album artist tags

Artist > Album > Year > Disc Number > Track Number

I've been doing that since I started my collection and do it every time I add new music, so It's not a problem. If you have thousands of tracks with fucked up tags lord fucking help you, also you disgust me. I would just download everything again at that point.

Just make sure the music has the proper metadata embedded in it and then use a music player like Guayadeque so that it doesn't matter what your actual folder heirarchy looks like. Just select any combination of criteria to filter your library to what you want to listen to and hit play.

That's a very satisfying webm.

I do: Artist > Album > Tracks

Don't really care about years or disc numbers since it's all on the hdd and won't ever be put on a disc.

I care about year because certain artists I listen to have released multiple albums in the same year.

I should have written it differently though because I messed up the year order and because disc and track numbers are just tags.

The folder hierarchy is: Artist > Album > Tracks

In my music players I have Artist > Year > Album > Disc Number > Track Number

look into beets

pretty good-tier album right there

>How does one even organize this music in a logical file hierarchy?
Let some program do it for you

I got everything that conforms to it as:
%artist% - %album/%track num% - %track%
the rest either
%album%/%track num% - %track%
foldername/%artist% - %track%

Music player knows how to tags so the underlying folder scheme is not that important