Cell-phone culture has ruined the internet. Prove me wrong.
Cell-phone culture has ruined the internet. Prove me wrong
It's ruined real life too.
>be friends with under-30 millennials
>we go out to eat
>they all pull their phones out and stare at them while:
>waiting for food
>waiting for the check
>waiting through pauses in conversation longer than 60 seconds
for fucks sake, they can't even put their phone down while eating, I've seen several of them shovel food into their mouth completely distracted while using their phone with their other hand
I actually asked "what's so important that you cant put down your phone to eat?"
They couldn't answer, because it was nothing important.
>lonley is the new selfie.png
>I actually asked "what's so important that you cant put down your phone to eat?"
>They couldn't answer, because it was nothing important.
Yeah, so?
Maybe they just like doing it anyway and want to multitask?
of course they can. This is about WANT. or WHY NOT.
It's like asking someone "What's so important that you eat some sweet sall the time?"
Nothing. They just like doing it.
Let's see what the alternative is:
Taking a bite, and then staring at your food the entire time while you chew.
So immersive, so distraction-free. Now he can truly enjoy the absolute beauty that food displays and all the little meat pieces in it.
Might as well look on something interesting.
Are so handicapped that you need to use 100% of your brain to put food into your mouth?
Not but notice how he says they went out to eat as a group, not by themselves.
I don't know what kind of twisted fucking culture you grew up in, in my country it's impolite to pay more attention to your phone than to your friends. Don't try to justify shitty behavior user.
It's not impolite when everyone else does it too.
fuck off, millennial
your attention span is so fried from all the adderall and soylent that you can't even savor food anymore without tweeting about it first
It's called socializing. But of course Sup Forums wouldn't know much about that, would it?
Wrong in every single point
Impoliteness doesn't cancel out.
A phone is socializing you retard.
>staring at your phone while you're sitting with your friends is socializing
>A phone is socializing you retard.
you can't make this shit up
I'm 21 years old and I don't own a smartphone.
I get the weirdest looks when I have to tell people this.
Like, sorry I don't want to be hooked online both at home and in public. I know how retarded people get over it.
how many times do you have to post this
Phone posters are saving Sup Forums.
You don't have a phone either?
You can own one without "being hooked", unless you have horrible self control.
It's a really useful device.
i can't. cell phones are just computers on which it's impossible to create anything except social media products for san francisco. they were explicitly designed to destroy the generativity of the internet and replace it with consumerism. this is why the only arguments that phonefags can make are about social status
Political extremism has ruined the internet numbnuts. Either you're a SJW or a white nazi nationalist.
But you are the other side of the spectrum user.
A smartphone is a tool. It has uses.
It might be an email from your college professor, it might be an email from your boss, literally anything.
Don't be on either side. Just use it wisely.
I own a smartphone, throw away 50 dollar tmobile one.
I use it occasionally, you can own one and not be hooked.
Communication by phone is easy and fast. Maybe if you weren't stuck in your ancient mindset, you'd understand.
No. I work at home and am a friendless loser.
My friends don't behave like this. I guess you just have to find people who actually enjoy spending time with you.
Where the fuck do you live. My friends (and me) occasionally pick up the phone and look at some stuff but about 90% of the time we just talk shit.
>I'm a angsty but modern teen and you're an old man who will never understand me
wew lad
I've a smartphone that I use only for calls/texts/emails and occasionally looking up something.
I don't think you're understanding our point (assuming because you're >18). If you're physically sitting with friends it's easier to just vocally communicate. I'm only 20, not like I'm out of touch with the modern era.
>things were always better in the good old days
member starwars?
cell phones only made it slightly worse.
really, Windows users have ruined the internet
millennial is 30+
normie reee
I never said that, ignorant user.
shut up retard
Do you understand that socialize as a group doesn't necessitate talking to eachother? Something people just do things together as a group just to be in eachother's company.
Phones have much better bandwidth for communicating than talking ever did. Doesn't matter if you are next to eachother or not.
there wasn't anything to ruin faggot
you are not wrong, but it wasnt completely ruined. it just made the web a lot shallower, less substantial.
>Phones have much better bandwidth for communicating than talking ever did. Doesn't matter if you are next to eachother or not.
i'm pretty confident that's objectively falsifiable, it's clearly objectively testable
I'm pretty confident that you're a sesquipedalian
>"Hey, user, wanna go to the park and just sit on our phones and not talk to each other for an hour or so and leave?"
Who the fuck does this?
what kind of world are we living in that "falsifiable" triggers people's word nazi shtick?
Sup Forums is just another app to these people. They ruined Sup Forums; back in 2010, if I recall correctly, moot said 40% of the site traffic was mobile. Now it's undoubtedly higher.
I was just going to make a thread about cell phone prices. What is the point of paying gaming pc prices for a phone youll a) drop on the pavement b) drop in the toilet c) have stolen in the next year or so.
I just dont understand the pricing. Also, what is the fucking point of a 1920x1080 display on a 5 inch screen ( huawei p9 for example ) do people actually stick their faces into the mobile ?
you can sent picture, videos, voice and text through a phone, good luck getting more than a couple sentences through talking in the same time frame.
>gaming PC prices for a phone
If you're paying anywhere near $1,000 for a phone then I have some bad news.
But if you're finding good gaming PCs at phone price then good on ya.
why are some of you contrarian just for the sake of it?
when can we finally call a duck a duck?
is being on your phone the most horrible thing in the world? of course not: that does not make it any less rude or ill-mannered though
where the fuck did you grow up?
Iphone 7s coming in at 800 bucks. You can run most if any games 2015 and down at high graphics with an optimal setup at that price.
Can you tell me why people are paying that kind of money for an aluminum brick youll use for dickpicks and facebook ?
>Phones have much better bandwidth for communicating than talking ever did.
this is b8
please screencap this
>this exact thread again with same text and same OP pic
$800? Holy shit why.
But then again, most flagship phones (Nexus, Galaxy, iPhone, Note) are expensive as dicks. If you go with non-flagship then the prices go down dramatically for close to the same specs.
People think that phone = status. Don't know if planned obsolescence is a thing for Android companies but Apple is notorious for it. My iPhone 6 that I bought 2 years ago has a battery life of about 3 hours of listening to music/podcasts with the screen off. The battery capacity has actually went down to about 75%. Mysteriously starting shitting the bed around 3 months ago.
In my country iphone 7 matt black 256gb version is 1139€
thats a gaming pc right there, for a device with a 5.5 inch screen at 1920 x 1080, a 12 megapixel camera and Apple A10 Fusion core.. what ever that means. I bet it can outperform the model 6 in terms of opening.. whatsapp
>be friends with under-30 millennials
Is anyone under 30 a millenial? People born in 87 are under 30. I would not consider these millenials. I'm born in 1990 and while some of my friends are helplessly addicted to their phones, I'm certainly not and neither are most of my friends.
Quoting wikipedia: "demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and ending birth years ranging from the mid-1990s to early 2000s."
Fascinating. I always thought it was referring to people born between 1995 and 2005.
>Cell-phone culture has ruined the internet.
It's true.
As did I honestly, though mostly because that age group shows the most "millenial" behaviour.
>your attention span is so fried from all the soylent
Same here. My friends are all 89-91 (which means 25-27) and none of them seem to fit the narrative of what millenials are supposed to be like.
mercury poisoning
b-but its basically milk and oat
They're created in a filthy warehouse somewhere in SF with zero regard for cleanliness or food safety practices because they don't consider themselves a food company, they're just selling chemical powders that are mixed in small batches by minimum wage workers.
You can even see how much they care about your health in their documentaries that feature rats running around on the production line.
Phones and always-on highspeed internet were both equally shitty for the internet.
millenials are precisely those people who were fucked up at a young age by the internet. 80s counts because you would have been traumatized by the internet in e.g. middle school, well within the formative stage of your life
Fair enough. Any theory why some people are more glued to some devices than others?
I agree that political polarization has impacted the internet, mainly because the internet plays an important part in political polarization. By that, I mean that politics today does indeed revolve around how much people use the internet, which is an obvious statement. If you constantly look at memes and a few social media sites for information or enjoyment, your political opinions will shift towards it.
That isn't what's killing the internet, though. It's a combination of censorship and a sort of internet of things (IoT). Data collection is also an issue, but that's irrelevant as data mining doesn't really impact internet culture. The problem with IoT and censorship is that it shapes the average persons views to that of the other users, or the collective. There's nothing wrong with being part of a collective, but the problem lies in the fact that there's few different internet cultures (rather than seperate groups, it's mashed together into one large group, a sort of cultural genocide if you will). Censorship punishes you for your outspoken views, and IoT either punishes you for that same reason, or rewards you for having similar ideas (as you feel a sort of companionship with people you barely know or don't know at all).
Can confirm. Drank three boxes of Soylent and now I'm retarded.
>that huge increase after gaymergate
So that's where all the retards came from...
>ho ho why do you stare at your phone? socializing like a normal human being is way better
>browses Sup Forums
>lmao senpai why dont you use your phone to socialize lmao you must have no friends. have fun with your computers nerd
>browses Sup Forums
Phones ruined internet culture, but not for the reasons you said. Phones made online communities an app you can log on and off whenever you feel like. Sup Forums and the rest of the internet culture sites are seen as games, almost. You log in, shitpost on whatever board youre into (usually Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums, where childish behaviour is the norm and edgyness and shitposts are celebrated), and then you log out. No lurking, no respect for the previous rules and customs.
Eventually, the original posters will either adopt the "new board culture" or just leave.
Sup Forums is already dead. Every 'xD im here for the porn', every intentional shitpost, every edgy frogposter is a vulture.
>Sup Forums is already dead.
and nothing of value was lost
Fuck you and your PDP-8, grandpa.
Grandpa is really angry with kids this days.
Where do we go next?
I was in middle school before smartphones but when texting on phones was popular. Even then kids would never put it down even when you were talking straight to them.
Thats all you need to see. Phone posters ruined everything.
>go out to dinner with our sperg friend
>thank god he remembered to shower this time
>he sits in silence as we decide what to order
>just sits and stares
>everytime we try and start a conversations he just loudly states that we're "fucking normies"
>pull out phone to try and forget he's there
fuck phones, fuck cars, fuck corporations, fuck advertisers, fuck shitposters, fuck this election, fuck monetary systems, fuck uneducated people, fuck fast food, fuck boxed food, fuck bagged food, fuck bankers, fuck militia, fuck television, fuck news media, fuck social media.
modern society is total shit and phones are just a part of it.
Best year of the internet.
Is pic related you? Though I can't honestly say I disagree with you on most of your points.
how about you prove you right hmmmmmm??
wow a graph
so science
much true
kill yourself, swiftly.
>le epic doge xDD
You're the one who needs to die.
you sound like that wannabe mature loser who nobody wants to be friends with
Don't you just love to go out with your friends and look at your phone user? I know anytime I'm with my friends, the first thing I do is look at my phone, then check Sup Forums, then ask my friends about their day. After all, the point of going out with my friends is to look at my phone.
Kill yourself.
wew, it's actually much faster to talk than to swipe text
Ten bucks says the reason people stay glued to their phones when people in this topic are around them is because you're just fucking boring.
If you had something to offer which was actually engaging, you'd likely see the phone go into a pocket or purse.
Fuck off young'n
You're fucking stupid. People keep their phones out during fucking rock concerts, and all sorts of forms of entertainment you retard. Its a disgusting addiction.
why are normalfags so fucking weak
dude, I did meth, speed, spice (synthetic cannabis made by hobos in the sewers) and all kinds of shit, meth is as addictive as cocaine and heroine, even more probably
and I just said, nah, not gonna do it anymore
if i could what's so hard with not going to facebook? does facebook inject something stronger than cocaine in your brainless ape head?
first post best post
triggered a lot of phone posters too
>shoveling shit into your mouth while staring at each other unable to speak
Kill YourSelf (KYS)
it's fucking retarded when people talk out of their ass and act as if they're outraged when they simply don't understand the things they're complaining about
let me show you how you should THINK, as in, use your fucking brain, stupid monkey
you have the RE-ZO-LU-SHAN
then you have a PFFFF-OHN
the MOHBYLE DEHVUYCE has a diagonal
now try to vizualize that rezolution, it usually is spread over a large surface, such as a PC monitor
you stupid brainless fucking MONKEY dumb SHIT
what if you spread it, over a, listen to me you fucking caveman troglodyte, primitive fuck,
over a smaller surface
it would have the same effect as looking from a bigger distance has when staring at a monitor, the image becomes sharper, less pixelated
In English now, savage.
It's not that it's important, it's that they want it to look like it's important.
This is honestly the worst
>watching a performance on youtube
>there's dozens/hundreds of phones in the air recording the whole thing
Do people really want to rewatch performances recorded with their crappy phone cameras that badly?
I only got a cell phone in order to answer calls from job interviews. It's only $20 per month, but it's still a smartphone in case I need to access data (I never do). Most of the time the phone sits on my desk. Also a good portable alarm clock.
I understand the looks you get. I tell people my phone battery lasts for weeks and they look at me like I'm crazy.
It's probably to late now, but did you look at VOIP for a home phone? I get unlimited calling for ~$5 a month.
Most of the companies that offer VOIP seem sketchy, and I could not find anything lower than Project Fi's $20/mo for unlimited talk and text.
I would gladly switch to a VOIP home phone for $5/mo. How would I get started?