>be me
>want to create db2 table
>cant because sqlcode -666
>check for hanged utilities
>"""""senior"""" programmer Pajeet didnt terminate his db2 utility on the jcl

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll bite. This is all true
>walk into university lab where I worked with doctoral candidates
>only other people (2 of them) in the room are on a prayer rug praying
>do i walk out or do I do my own thing
>fuck it im allowed to work here
>start coding
>get yelled at in yiddish or whatever moon rune language they speak
>ask what work they've done today
>they say God's work

pretty rude of them tbqh

I had muslim classmates that prayed in class, so as long as you did'nt poke them with a stick they did'nt care

>be in college
>Master and doc program are all pajeet students
>engineering building smells like curry sifted through dog shit body odor

>be in college
>taking 300 and 400 level classes with masters students, all pajeets
>woman are quiet and very diligent about doing work and tests individually in class
>men cheated off the 1 pajeet male who actually worked for his grade, every assignment, every test, in every ducking class
>teachers do nothing because can't fail 90% of the masters and doctoral students, to much lost revenue

I had to sit in the back of the class in a corner just to keep the idiots from trying to cheat off my tests.

>Apple Software Update:
>New update available: Apple Software Update 2.1.4

jcl as in job control language on IBM mainframe?


>tools > format > auto format file
>"541 lines formatted"
every fucking time

Wow dude, do you even grammar?

wish i wasn't on phone to write it. fucking indians

>Our company fires all of our desktop support guys and outsources it all to India
>Fast forward 2-3 months
>Any non-technical end-user is completely fucked because Sandoo Sadeep takes 2 weeks to respond to any ticket tand can't fix the problem anyway
>Our fucking CFO had to wait a week to get his password reset
>Company eventually hires back a bunch of the desktop support guys for a shitload more money than what they were getting before

We have desktop support dudes getting paid 50-55k a year to reset passwords and image computers. Shit's hilarious.

I have no idea what you just said but I agree it was bad.

>be at work, writing some code and shit
>build guy comes to me asking for help
>"I copied the new application version to the device but it's not working"
>Ok let's check it out
>Walk to device room
>Runs application, it crashes because it doesn't find a newly added namespace
>That namespace was added by me, it should work
>Hmm weird... everything seems to be OK
>Ask the guy to show me how he updated the device
>OK bro
>Copies the exe only, leaving everything else
>You know that we have code in places other than the main executable right? You need to copy the DLL's too
>He is the guy responsible managing our builds and deployments

>pajeets using mainframes

cobol is the future, guise

>try to open packet tracker file
>this file is incompatible with this version
>try a few fixes and none of them work
>open file in notepad to ensure it's not corrupted
>assume the school software is either behind or ahead of what I have at home
>call over teacher to see if he knows a fix
>he sends teaching assistant Rahjeed to help
>"okay what the problem?"
>"I'm trying to open this file but it says it's the wrong version. have you guys updated recently?"
>"hang on hang on"
>he points at the screen
>"you see the picture? It's meant to be the packet tracker picture but it's wrong"
>he's talking about how the icon changed because I changed default program to notepad to open it
>try to explain it to hI'm
>he doesn't understand
>"no no no, you need the right picture for it to open"
>change the default program to packet tracker again
>"okay, now you have the right picture so try opening it"
>open file
>this file is incompatible blah blah...
>"okay, sorry, I do not know. You have to move on"

>be a lab worker in a university
>unofficially be the IT guy
>this one pajeet can't get a Lattice Diamond license he needs for one of the classes
>am told to help him out
>retard needs a step-by-step explanation on how to apply for a license
>can't figure out anything, still, unless I literally point stuff out on his screen with my finger
>got to explain what "at least 4 characters" requirement on a password means, because the pajeet is clueless
>the pajeet enters 1234 as the password; that's the retard's problem saynothing.png
>won't get confirmation email for fifteen minutes
>"did you enter the your email address right?"
>click "back" a few times
>inspect the email address the pajeet entered
>retard can't spell a fucking email address right ffs
>get the pajeet "fix this issue"
>re-registers, gets the activation email this time, I walk through the process of a student license request
>gets the license
>asks me how to activate the license
>I ask the pajeet where the actual Lattice Diamond soft is install
>"oh, I didn't install now download it yet"
>I walk out of the room while saying nothing and mildly slam the door while leaving.
>Walk back to my office and blast Komm süsser Tod over my headphones, as that's how it felt.

That was by no means my worst encounter with pajeets, it's simply the most recent one.

forgot to mention, on the second time the pajeet registered, I said "that's a shitty password"
>pajeet agrees and says imma make it more secure, then
>see the pajeet enter 12345 on the numpad


For some odd reason our Pajeet-immigrants around here are quite smart when it comes to their tech

>pajeet comes to our store regularly
>make friends
>he uses our tools to repair his stuff because he has none
>pays us for regular repair prices

I'm pretty sure kikes pray by dry-humping the air, not laying on rugs.

Found the pajitt

An actually cool guy reporting in from Pajeet-land

1. You have no clue how bad it is over here. Academia has no integrity even in the STEM fields

>mfw I'm the only one who uses GNU/Linux in my class
>mfw we "learn" vi editor without any hands on experience

Ask me anything, I guess

>letting Pajeets enter your store

>updating by hand
>not writing a script that checks dates and replace whatever is older

>pajeet agrees and says imma make it more secure, then
>see the pajeet enter 12345 on the numpad

we /IBM/ now?
>when Pajeet performs an IPL on the wrong LPAR
>a week before the change target date
I can't make this shit up

"it's five chars instead of four, user. Much more secure"

he isn't wrong tho