Sup Forums, please help me. I know this is a shit practice, but pls just do this.

I have a java project I need done, it's a really simple beginner project.

I'll paypal you $15.

email me for details -- its a throwaway

sent ;)


if you know what you're doing it would probably take you five whole minutes.

post the assignment here, ill do it for free

i remember the last time someone tried to solicit homework here.

we crossreferenced the assignment with his curriculum, and set all the details to the course facilitator. the student was removed from the college in accordance with the academic dishonesty policy of his institution.

lel, it's on warosu

haha lol xD, being cunts for no gain is xD super fun!!!!!!! im le linux man

The gain is weeding out cheaters from the education system.

have you considered the possibility that you've made the wrong choice of major for you? or that maybe you just don't study enough?

im not op, i just had a temporary lapse of complete autism, yeah weeding cheaters out is a good point, imo i would be mad if someone cheated in my class, and desu if you cant do an assignment that is supposedly so easy, as you should either study way more or choose something that you will enjoy enough to bother putting effort into

you will have to pay me about tree fiddy

This should be bannable.

yeah probably, i think ill just go kill myself

I agree with this. And more job market is always good

i concur. op would just take one of our jobs and he doesn't even deserve it

I'll do it for 20$ in buttcoin OP (you can buy easily with paypal)

sent ;)

>its on warosu
link? ive got time to burn

You've never been to college have you?The cheaters are the ones that will be your boss.

I'm Russian. Literally everyone in my university cheated, including me.

>everyone cheated
i don't believe it

>The cheaters are the ones that will be your boss.

>this is what cheaters actually believe
Unless you study some bullshit field like economics (which you obviously don't) your delusion will be crushed shortly.

Believe it, it's omnipresent.
t. one more Russian

Do I look like a pajeet to you?