>when Microsoft has a monopoly of the browser market, it's a shitstorm
>when Google has a monopoly of the browser market, it's okay
>when Microsoft has a monopoly of the browser market, it's a shitstorm
>when Google has a monopoly of the browser market, it's okay
bad goy
Because Google doesn't try to hijack the web with proprietary shit like ActiveX or Silverlight or Flash, and just relies on open standards. 95% of the browser is even open source, and most of the remaining 5% are HTML5 DRM handling stuff + some botnet.
Do you even read Sup Forums?
Google literally has infiltrated the US government. They don't just control the web, they control the narrative.
At least google isn't an obvious patent troll.
>-webkit-device-pixel-ratio is a non-standard boolean CSS media feature which is an alternative to the standard resolution media feature.
Because IE was unusable dogshit all of those years and responsible for transmitting an absurd amount of malware.
Microsoft isn't a patent troll. You don't know what a patent troll is if you think they are.
>what is EEE?
IE was pretty much responsible for Web 2.0, famalam.
>responsible for malware
Calm down, crackers are responsible for that. IE was just targeted because it was the most used browser.
>Microsoft isn't a patent troll.
This is why they get much more money from android than their very own garbage os.
IE was shipped standard on windows. With chrome you have to manually download and install it.
>With chrome you have to manually download and install it.
That's really a stretch considering how many installers have it bundled.
A patent troll doesn't make actual stuff. Microsoft does. It doesn't matter if their own garbage OS is less used than the competitor, they actually make it and market it, the patent isn't just for trolling purposes. Also, Android actually uses Microsoft's IP, so what they're doing is fair.
Chrome comes standard on Android and Safari comes standard on macOS (Safari is a WebKit browser too, remember?)
Its called an oligopoly you fuckin tard, 45% is not a monopoly
Because google doesn't ship windows with chrome installed.
> bundled
Which means you can choose not to install it. There was no choice with IE, not only was it there, it's basically wedged so deep into the codebase that they claim they can't remove it without breaking half the OS.
Try removing Chrome from Android, you mouthbreathing nigger.
Fuck, Google IDF out in full force today!
It is an HTML engine monopoly though.
Considering we are clearly talking about desktop browsers here (because android would come under that insignificant purple line down the bottom), perhaps it is you who should shut you fucking mouth..
>most used operating system in the goddamn world
>would come under that insignificant purple line down the bottom
You're right, I'm shutting my fucking mouth. I'm done talking with you.