What does Sup Forums think about powershell?

what does Sup Forums think about powershell?

Too wide commands.

It's about as great as that resolution.



Windows is pretty GUI based, so imo it's useless.

There is headless shit too.

Get-QADUser | Remove-QADuser -Force -Confirm $false

Get-Beer -From Fridge | Where {$_.Temperature -eq "4" -and $_.Brand -eq "Epic Hop Zombie"}

Powershell is fucking amazing except that everyone I work with is a god damned luddite and we can't move to headless Windows boxes because of it.

>File Server? Better make sure we install Desktop Experience for that
>AD Controller? Make sure that has a GUI so we can RDP into it
>Buildout of new VMs? Better use the Hyper-V Wizard
>We need to install this MSI. Have one of the engineers walk up and down the rows installing it from a network share

God kill me.

I like it, object based is best by far.

I use ipython as my shell on Linux but it's nowhere near as good as powershell for obv reasons.

The autocomplete is magical and I kind of like it. However despite being a windows shill I dev on rhel and use tcsh and is more familiar with linux command line and scripting. I just can't be assed to learn a new ecosystem I wont use in my day to day life.

Microsoft is pushing Powershell and headless servers hard now. Those admins are a dying breed.

If they don't learn Powershell sooner than later they're gonna find themselves out of a job.

It takes a few decades to start up.
But when it finishes, it's pure bliss.

It's shit, the objects only work with ,NET apps (shitware) and other than that is has no advantage over bash.

It's a cuckshell

Good luck manipulating Active Directory or Exchange with bash.

Powershell is meant for MS-specific technologies. Nobody in their right mind is considering using Powershell to administer Unix boxes


How much does Microsoft pay shills?
You don't do it for free, right?

they shill for free because they love their fat bloated gayming rigs. If MS is paying them, it's either in hot pockets or mountain dew.

>It takes a few decades to start up.
This. That makes it nearly unusable as a shell.

Good job Mike, $.05 has been donated to the FSF in your honor!

Typical ms style naming conventions and system integration. Way too powerful.

It's shit.

>what does Sup Forums think about powershell?
what does Sup Forums think of powershell?

It's surprisingly nice. Turns out that the object paradigm is really convenient in an environment where you script small, stateful procedures with inputs (big surprise, right? hurr). Objects also formalize all the parsing you'd normally have to do in bash. Instead of piping everything through sed and having to remember that the second (or was it third?) space separated value was supposed to represent x-information you can just pull that relevant field directly out of the object. You can pipe objects, examine objects or their metadata, or etc. Sometimes it's slow to start up though. That's my only complaint. Otherwise it's a great shell for scripting in.

12 rupees and a plate of hot chicken curry has been dispatched to your designated shilling street, pajeet. Keep up the good work.

t. pooinlootella

You know whats even better than objects?


Sure, Linux's everything-is-a-file paradigm would be great if it was consistent. It's not. At least it's consistent in Plan 9. Windows everything-is-an-object is consistent. Of course, PowerShell also has proc and so forth so I don't know what you're trying to complain about.

what do directories have to do with a shell?

pretty sure Windows has directories as well

Startup in PS2 was slow. Then I installed PS4 and it became marginally better. Then I installed PS5 and that became slower again.

>callingthe entire .NET framework from which powershell can call classes from shitware

Who let the children in? I can tell you've never built anything worthwhile in powershell

Dude if I got a whole chicken curry for a single shill I'd be all over that

Exactly thats why only cucks use it.

so good that Microsoft had to port bash to Windows.


Fuck I know these feels. Why the fuck are people in an industry where shit changes all the goddamn time if they cant even adapt to the most basic shit? Pretty sure our fucking QA lead still has trouble SSHing cause "he's a windows guy"