We did it guys.
Tek syndicate is kill.

Our guy Wendell had enough of Logan.

Other urls found in this thread:



so is pistol a man or not?

>what doesnt work
>that balding head & fucked up facial hair

I think you meant husband.

>shaved mustache with beard
AMD shill man is also a Mudslime
what a fuckin surprise

We've hit peaked tech reviewers and now everyone wants to "go deeper behind the tech". I think tech as a whole as peaked

Based Logan getting ahead of the meta

I'll keep an eye on Level1Techs.

>>shaved mustache with beard
i kinda wish he got testicular cancer now, but i guess thats kinda hard for someone with no balls


I was subscribed but don't know what the fuck happened.

Crit TV just what?

They split it so Crit TV is Logan and Level1Techs is Wendell.

I think.

Wendell got the former Tek Hardware, Enterprise and Linux channels.

are they seperate buisinesses now or what?:

how accurate is the opening of this

They're separate


I think it's the old Tek Hardware channel

Started watching his stuff from the beginning with TigerDirect. Now I've seen him evolve into a maximum cunt. Pretty sad.

This is Wendell's new channel guys:


The content he says he will provide actually peaks my interest. I think I'll keep an eye out.

Cringey as fuck

>I wonder what Sup Forums is up to
>e-celeb worship
See you guys later.

>not knowing who wendell is

and it's glorious af

Another faggot on youtube. Big whoop.

Naw nigga, wendell is a god


Not him but Logan use to do hardware reviews for TigerDirect

I still want one of these sabertooth boards damn it

how so?


what do you mean

Is he trying to create a new VICE or some shit?

I think this is out of desperation because he was never particularly smart ot tech-savvy. It worked because he always let Wendell explain the complicated stuff. He can't do that now that he's on his own, and even the fanboys called him out on that. It's only downhill from here for Mr. TigerTV.

Seems to me he's more into the production side rather than the tech side. Always been a fan of his production style, and it shows how much better he is on that front after seeing how shit quain's video was.

So who gets Pistol in the separation?

What nationality is this freak of nature? Doesn't look white or Asian to me.

>it's human

I'd fuck it.

Well... The last time he parroted news that i already know.

>CRIT TV - edgy gamer kids
>Level1Techs - decent review channel
Am I right?

American mutt with drawn on eyebrows

>desperate enough to fuck humans


pretty accurate

She'd be a lot cuter if she didn't take a nail gun to his face.


Does it have some sort of palsy or something?

you wouldn't even notice her otherwise.


>his face

Surface book and Surface Pro on the table.

Also, paitreeon, paitreeoon, patreon, panrelon, patorenlonen, patrone... beg beg beg, help help help... fuck a shit up your ass.

Go away Logan. They mention Patreon and talk about it for a whopping 30 seconds.

Hello Wendell, I could smell you as soon as you got into the elevator.

You're smelling pistol's boipussy.

Logan / Ward Hale needs to swallow his pride and work with Wendell... also ditch the trans furry.

A "dual core" Tek Syndicate would have been innovative.

He's acting like a shitty dictator and spoilt brat.

Sums up the whole drama before the split pretty much.

>idk what alpha channel is


LoganAYYMDshill can keep his furry tranny


Logan is the best. Fuck off, nerds.

Your fat autist is as entertaining as a wallnut.

Wendell got his own monster teeth chick for his channel.


hell yeah, now i can unsub kek syndicate

Reminds me of Aubrey Plaza.

very funy

I kinda enjoyed the whole EDGY TEK 360 NOSCOPE GOTHS RULE aesthetic of Tek Syndicate Wendell always added an aura of truth to power and technical knowledge to the whole enterprise. I feel like when separate Wendell's channel feels too much like a professional workplace with workplace cubicle humor and CRIT is just kinda edgy gaymen shit. I'm subscribed to both now but I'm gonna miss both

because Wendell*