
Can you tell me who this is?

I've got an oppo f1s. Its quite nice


Chineses are poor as fuck.
Your point?

Interesting, tried to look for vivo and OPPO phones on aliexpress, and found almost nothing.
So they are chink only phones?

Have you tried gearbest

It's not car sales. Everybody can have iphone with credit.

who's this baloney manufacturer?

Anyone advice/resources on how to get a xiaomi to europe?

why would you buy iphone with credit instead of a phone that fullfills the same functions without going into debt

poorfag mindset, my country niggers do the same

People want their status symbol

That's why you see literal foodstamp unemployment line people with iPhone 7s

>He thinks chineses can even afford credit

>Xiaomi that low

I thought chink mainly bought those devices...

mostly poo in loos

How the fuck do Oppo sell so well? They don't support any of their phones and spend most of their time releasing minor variations and iterations every month.

R5, R7, R7 Plus, R7s, R7s Plus, R7 lite, F1, F1 Plus/R9, R9 Plus, F1s, F1s Plus/R9s, R9s Plus

And why are OPPO and Vivo listed separately? They're both brands operated by BBK. The X7 and X7 Plus are literally made side by side with the R9s and R9s Plus.

>needs credit to buy iphone
>not a poorfag
>not an eternal poorfag with shitty money management
kys nigger

Their phones are excellent with excellent cameras.

Finance major here

1. While the low Chinese exchange rates are good for exports, foreign imports such as Apple products become expensive as fuck
2. Chinese people (and East Asians in general) have a strong saving mentality
3. Chinese banks offer very little credit card protection so not many of them own one

So no, most of them wouldn't buy the Iphone on credit

Only americocks buy phones on credit.

I have an oppo find 7 (qhd screen 5.5") and I removed the screen protector. I can't count how often I dropped that thing. Usually lands on that one corner which is a little dented now. Other than that, the phone is absolutely fine.
Great phone, though a little big for my tiny girly ass hands...

>All China SHIT brands with BOTNET inside

poorfag europeans do it too, it's ridiculous.
something to do with their general approach to life being "pretend to be a lot wealthier than you actually are".

Poor americans and europeans are not a lot different from each other, both groups see phones with apple logo as a status symbol

1. They might not have credit card but online shopping sites give them credits
2. iphone are generally treated to be something entirely different from other smartphone (luxury vs consumable) thus the factor of price does not have lots of influence in China.
3. Chinese people buy parallely imported phone which are often 50% cheaper than price elsewhere with iphone being one of the few exception

That's a lot of makeup.

The strength of oppo/vivo in Chinese market is offlibe market in villages/smaller cities so it is natural for them to have little online presence

And here I was thinking only Pajeets buy $10 phones

Iphone is a sign of status you dumb fuck, most people either get the biggest phone they can or an Iphone, you don't know shit about China.

Not news. Chinese can't afford buying an iPhone from the USA so they buy phones easily bought in China. Apple products are a native to the USA so they sell well here because the USA loves abusing their credit.

>Xiaomi dropped at the same time as Apple
literally what happened though idgi

Sorry, which part of what I said was wrong?

>That reading comprehension
He clearly meant that it is poorfags that buy iphones with credit, and that niggers in his country do it too.