I am making a checklist of everything I can do to maximize my security

I am making a checklist of everything I can do to maximize my security.

I am using Linux Mint 18. I have chosen PIA as my VPN but I may switch to mullvad if I get better feedback and do more research. I will be having my VPN connected at all time.

As for web browsers I will be using firefox unless a better alternative is suggested. I will be including uBlock origin, https everywhere, lastpass, and ghostery in my addons. I am a bit worried about ghostery as some may have negative feedback about it.

Mega Sync is used for backups.

What am I missing? This is not a meme post either.

Other urls found in this thread:


Worth mentioning I did do full disc encryption on OS install



>Linux mint

Go on

>What am I missing?

you're missing the fact that your ISP knows you are a pedo and will cooperate with authorities

>maximize my security
>Linux Mint

>Linux Mint 18
>not a meme
Outdated packages aside, why mint?

it's literally nothing. Mint website and forums got hacked one day and the hackers redirected the .iso download to a corrupted version of the .iso

18 does have systemd. but so does every other major distro, so that's that

I'm honestly just ignorant. It seemed like an ok option to run from Microsoft level bullshit .

Ok that explains it. Is the systemd meme a meme or are there legitimate grounds for concern. Should i go full retard and install tails ?

That is really gross !!!?

Yeah among other things.

Like unsigned and outdated packages.

no the people joking about it being 'not secure' are circlejerking about their website getting hacked and the redirected .iso, and to a lesser extent some butthurt debian guy who was mad that Linux Mint doesn't press you to update tons of shit all the time (you can literally get every update if you want but by default it only alerts you after they are sure it won't break your system. you can change the settings in their update manager to install "risky" updates if you want.)

lots of people are paranoids. every major distro uses systemd now, ubuntu is still most popular distro, mint is just a derivative of ubuntu which is number 2.

the dirty cow thing was fixed within 1 day on ubuntu/mint

they are the best distros that's why they have the most users

the best

>I am using Linux Mint

Switch to Ubuntu. Mint has proven to be insecure over the years.

linux mint's goal is to create a stable os. there are lots of updates that will fuck your shit up. i addressed this in the post above, but basically mint by default does not press it's users to install updates that are pressed in debian and ubuntu.

personally, i have a laptop i am just shitposting and stealing media, I don't want my system to break because i installed a 'bleeding edge' package

i'm on work computer right now if i was at home I would screenshot and show you guys exactly how you can prioritize 'muh updates' on mint, which is essentially an Ubuntu skin

Fair enough. Though to be actually helpful, look at full disk encryption. Not sure about mint, but I think it's included (optionally) in Fedora's installer

Why would anyone think that?

Linux mint isn't a secure OS.
It ships with cinnamon and just works out the box which is good, but compared to Ubuntu or Fedora it's not a secure OS.

That much was already proven earlier this year, and that hack was only the most public fault, not the biggest.

ITT : Bunch of faggots who knows nothing on security.

the hack was on a website

Such a huge double standard about updates on this site

if you're running Windows 7 on your pc and not updating you're a god but god forbid you run a stable linux os without installing every update the second it comes out

But I'm running Ubuntu mate 16.04 and I update regularly.

Run an up to date OS like Windows 10, Ubuntu, OSX, etc. Nobody would recommend outdated software


and the updates I install on Mint are the same as you. believe you me, mint 17.3 is Ubuntu 16.04. Mint 18 is Ubuntu 16.10.

Mint is like a reskinned Ubuntu, the updates in my update manager are primarily Ubuntu updates. The debian guy who was shitting on mint was shitting on their update manager basically. Mint doesn't 'put updates' on the bottom right until they are sure it won't break whatever version of Mint you are using. You can go into your update manager and change this.

mint is a good balance of usuability and security. if it helps noobs get a foot in the door with codecs and not breaking shit all the better.

anyhows this is just all a dick wank, i am asuming there are expoits in all debian based releases... so unless you are running slackware or BSD just shut the fuck up

only thing i can critiq op is ghostery - i used it for years but there are some reports of botnet i have heard whispered, thats why i switched to "disconnect"

also re: FF i hope vivaldi gets opensourced in the future...

i actually have Ubuntu 16.10 MATE on my desktop. I like Mint 17.3, which is Ubuntu 16.04 based, much much better

I follow the forums and stuff and might make the jump to Mint 18 (which is based on ubuntu 16.10) when they sort the bugs out. There are guys way smarter than me who will do that and fix shit, and I will follow in their footsteps when they say it's safe.

I don't give a shit about muh security and having the latest OS if it means my wifi, bluetooth and soundcard don't work anymore

remember: this is a casual computer, I am not doing anything shady or secret. I would rather not lose my images/music/themes. Another reason I am not jumping off the Mint ship

There's a reason why everyone uses Ubuntu in professional environments.

i thought everyone used Windows in professional environments

make sure you have pulseaudio as well, then you will be set.

chroot ur irc client and browser and for the love of god don't use firefox

also don't use the internet because your ISP knows everything you do no matter what snake oil software you're running

if you must, stay away from mainstream websites that get traffic that use google analytics, such as boards.Sup Forums.org/g/, because even if you are running cuck browsers like Brave behind 11,000,000 proxies Google knows exactly who the fuck you are and exactly what you are doing anyways


I meant professional Linux environments like NASA or TESLA or Solar City or Amazon

enjoy your chink botnet

>mint is Ubuntu

you misread my post, i don't use brave I actually use Chrome (ium) and am well aware that everything's a botnet including my hardware, I don't try to hide from google I use it everyday, I know the government can read my emails and watch me jack off through my webcam and luckily I'm not a pedo or a terrorist


you know what I mean. 90 pct of the packages i install are from ubuntu repos\

i haven't installed the "amazon on your desktop" package though

Why the fuck are you so paranoid about security and hiding your online presence? Are you doing something illegal? Do you have something to hide?

Linux Mint is a joke. If you want real security to protect your data/server/device, compile your own Gentoo from scratch.


>there are people who think Linux mint is secure
>especially after the hack earlier this year and all those outdated packages and updates, known vulnerabilities and security flaws

>Amazon on your desktop
You mean the thing Ubuntu removed with Ubuntu 16?

More users = The best


>the hack

the hack was on a website not "Mint" some guy didn't hack the OS that millions have installed, he hacked their website and changed a link and it was changed back the next day and IF you happened to download and install that particular .ISO you could undo the vulnerability with a couple of simple commands

the millions of installations of Mint are people who left Ubuntu because their terrible DE, them ignoring the community (i don't remember people in the ubuntu community asking for the Amazon search feature) and trying to get into bed with big business.

Mint is community driven for regular users. I'm not some super hacker running a huge network or something, this is an OS for a personal computer. Don't act like Ubuntu is some elite impenetrable fortress, it's just a popular ez mode distro for regular people for their personal computers. Mint is the same, but for people who prefer a Windows style environment to a Mac style environment

pretty much, it means community support. Ubuntu and Mint aren't for distro hoppers. If that's your thing, knock yourself out. Be aware that unless you're some kind of hacker, there is nothing you can do on your hipster distro that I want to do that I can't do on Ubuntu or Mint

At least found out comodo gives out free ssl.