How would one rip an entire Youtube channel/playlist to MP3s?

How would one rip an entire Youtube channel/playlist to MP3s?

There are a billion fucking programs/extensions available, but they all look like viruses. What does Sup Forums use?

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube-dl. If I recall correctly it can handle playlists, not sure about channels.

youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 2

ps. youtube doesn't use mp3, don't convert to mp3, that's dumb


Alright, thanks everyone.

What audio format would be optimal, if that's the case?

160k opus is the best format youtube provides

just use "youtube-dl -f bestaudio ", it'll pick the best available audio stream and download it as-is


I have seen YouTube-DL posted before but it uses the command line. Is there a GUI version for windows?

what kind of gui would you expect?


There's really no need at all, it's easy enough through the command line.
I have a simple BASH script for selecting formats rather than viewing the list manually, someone who has Windows could probably easily rewrite it in batch.

tput clear
echo "Give the YouTube URL: \c"
# Paste video URL
read answer
# Lists possible qualities
youtube-dl -F $answer
# Select quality choice
echo "Select Quality or enter 99 to quit: \c"
read qual

# If 99 (quit) not selected, proceed to download
if [ $qual -ne 99 ]
# Edit this line to select correct output
youtube-dl -f $qual -o "~/Movies/YouTube/%(title)s.%(ext)s" $answer

# If 99 was selected, quit
exit 0

or you can write your preferences as a set of rules, so what you would have picked is picked automatically

for example;



youtube-dl automatically adds the URL to the filename and I don't want that. Couldn't seem to find the option to remove that in the readme or help. Anyone know what that is? I just want the filename to be the exact title of the video.



>Couldn't seem to find the option to remove that in the readme or help.

I already read through it and couldn't locate that option.

>this "script"

You need to read better.

The option is --output.
You will need to read the documentation to use it properly though, do back to square one : RTFM.

Alright, got it. Added this and it worked.

-o %(title)s.%(ext)s

You don't need gui version. You can download youtube-dl from chocolatey:
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
(just type this in cmd with admin rights)