If your computer was a girl, what would she look like?

if your computer was a girl, what would she look like?

Other urls found in this thread:


like ruri


A jewess


Like the thinkpad, thick where it counts and able to take a beating.

ThinkPad T420
>business clothing
>five years old
>energetic and smart because aftermarket quad core and three drives
>Glasses because shit TN screen with shit viewing angles

sleek but THICC and fully equipped where it counts

Like Emma Roberts/Lilly Collins

Leslie Jones

Like this

audibly kek'd

she could be literally covered in shit and i would still fuck her

She would be missing teeth and have be covered in cigarette ash, grease and crumbs

An attractive very dark skin black woman.jpg

Like an open heart surgery.




Does AIDA count as a girl? If not, then Dolores all the way.



>Old 2011 Vaio E series
She wouldn't be an asian model like Sup Forums's usual favorite laptop (thinkpad) or a cute blonde girl with blue eyes (latitude) but at least i love her

She will look like this.

Wet wet

This would be a library computer/laptop


Your friends riced out gaming rig with rgb leds

This movie looked like such shit from the trailers, what exactly is going on in this scene?

Your thick thinkpad


plain looking face with a big ass and small boobies

Sup Forums's waifu is a slut, A SLUT

Also captcha had a photo of a mason lodge, the fuck

Your mom.

Is this the original of that pic? i can't even tell anymore

Does your computer harvest your foreskin and sell it to produce anti wrinkle cream?

Rebecca is thicc



A used up old hag far past her prime.

Riced, but not arch meme riced

Amada keeps me warm in these cold autumn nights.

>non deterministic errors and kernel panics

and with a massive red clit




Because its red on red and hiding something special


mine pretty much


close enough

She would look like OPs mom because I would be turning her on every night


dem hips

Patrician taste.


RIP in Piece

>OPs mom isn't turned on 24/7

Hahahahahahahahah i get to use it!


Man she was a cutey

I wish...


slam tight piggy

What's her name?

Christie. She's the one that got away.

fukin cute desu

Got any more?


Fucking jews man... i will gas her with tears in my eyes


I dunno, trendy?


Same but built for work


Is it what a riced thinkpad with animu desktop and stickers look like?

This is the only acceptable answer.
Anything else is just autism.


Is she doing that brazilian gachimuchi dude dance?


>tfw no elf waifu

slam tight, piggy

slam tight piggy

slam, tight piggy

My desktop PC.
>Plays games
>Strong and athletic
>Always does what the coach says

not the youngest
but still does the job for me

My rig just turns 7 years old this october, phenom ii 965 based. She's still munchin any games i throw at it (gpu is upgraded 3 times tho)

>7 years old

She is old-fashioned and wears black
Considered ugly by normies and adored by neckbeards
She is small and eats too much
She has a warm jewish heart (Intel Merom)
My dear X60


Is this the new weeb thread?

My mail server

slam tight piggy

That's literally an insult in Spanish, means cocksucker. And she's from Portugal... well.


Very bland and somewhat organized. A bit outdated in style but efficient with the resources. Is there a picture of such a girl?


I once read too much of a battle harem about things that are owned for a long time getting sentience, and fapped on my bed, imagining my laptop (I'm a poorfag student) turning into a cute grill.
When I stood up from my bed, went to my desk and tried to turn the laptop on, it refused to boot. It turned out the motherboard of the laptop burned out. I was never able to turn it on again. Typing from a different laptop now.

Cheap, chinese, noisy, with a bunch of add ons.

She would have two 19-inch rack units

desu senpai