New to "making it look good but disfunctional", looking for some tips.
>Is using a DE a thing? or just a WM?
>is there anything else besides i3 that looks good?
>how can i REALLY mimic the top panel of the iOS, without the current app menu being there?
>Is there such a thing as "looks good even without le animu dark theme terminal looking no-titlebar" setup?
Help a brother out. Also, screenfetch dump
Other urls found in this thread:
Who are you quoting
>Is using a DE a thing? or just a WM?
WM is enough most of the time.
>is there anything else besides i3 that looks good?
Yes, but make your own mind on this.
Everything looks like horse shit out of the box anyway.
>how can i REALLY mimic the top panel of the iOS, without the current app menu being there?
Get something like tint2 or even XFCE4 panel and rice it from there.
>Is there such a thing as "looks good even without le animu dark theme terminal looking no-titlebar" setup?
>who are you quoting
some winfag that really hated ricing for some reason, he had a mental breakdown on a thread not long ago
is this a good place to start with i3?
besides terminix, what other stuff is also god tier to get that flat clean look?
>Is using a DE a thing? or just a WM?
Usually ricers only go with a WM
>is there anything else besides i3 that looks good?
IMO, no. But I don't really care for tiling WMs.
>how can i REALLY mimic the top panel of the iOS, without the current app menu being there?
Do you mean iOS or MacOS? Big difference.
>Is there such a thing as "looks good even without le animu dark theme terminal looking no-titlebar" setup
I've seen some but never got a link or anything from the anons.
install macOS
>is this a good place to start with i3?
Yeah, that's a good guide, just don't take it as gospel. i3 has lot's of ability.
Gross. I picture the owner of this to be a transgender man who converted to lesbianism.
im a girl, but ur right about the lesbian part
>inb4 this becomes the main topic of the thread
pls dont
The only thing close to OSX would be to put the action buttons on the left corner since you don't want a global menu.
And even if you did, that global menu thing works like shit on XFCE. The thing that comes closest to it is Unity and it still sucks dick.
Also XFCE can be made to look really fucking fine. No animays, no darkness, no flat shit everywhere, no bitmap fonts. Use clearlooks, noto font and basic background with a gradient or some shit.
>im a girl, but ur right about the lesbian part
Carry on then...
I am surry but girls aren't that meticulous, you are right about the transgender part though.
>life is tumblr
Tfw trans but also lesbian
Fuck you, you're making me want to switch back to Hackintosh.
No one cares namefag.
pls don't bully jordan
Dat soundtrack is comfy as fuck.
I'm sorry...
>life is tumblr
>mfw all the stereotypes about macfags being actual faggots are all true
Don't like the dock icons or the icon theme, but it's a personal preference.
Here have a wallpaper
is it the font, or is the arch logo meant to look this way
why don't we see awesome recommended more often, is it too "hard" to configure for the average Sup Forums-ricers?
because it sucks
I use Terminus and mine looks like that as well. Believe it's how it's supposed to look.
well that's hlv, and I've also tried tewi. I just remember seeing something nicer, and that bugs me.
first rice.
been criticized for only using a limited color scheme, but i like it.
used the video linked to get it working, now i'm just making it my own.
You can specify a custom ASCII art by using the "-a" modifier and then the dir. Other user may have done that.
>User: Tom
basically stock
Looks nice, but what's with the shit at the bottom of your second monitor?
Never said I was a gurl... I have a cute feminine lips and butt though.
i.e you are too dumb to write two lines of lua to make it work just like you want
I've used a fully customized awesome before, it still sucked and i got rid of it pretty quickly
+999 autism bux if you can guess what OS this is
you are mentally ill
can you at least try to form a coherent sentence explaining your experience with it
>didn't ask for distro
i think it has something to do with running a game in fullscreen on another workspace?
caught 'em
Alright, I'll bite. What OS you running, user?
Windows 10
Fucking Mac you nigger
i was gonna say something obscure like workbench 4.0 lol
Forgot Winblows finally got a terminal.
Shit, nice one. The "scrot.png" threw me off.
fuck off H you have enough autism bux
tyty user
Aroklin elvislte
Your screenshot speaks volumes of your mental instability and the tiny pair of balls between your legs
what, can't handle the thought that there might actually be a girl disrupting your toxic boys' club?
new install, user?
Stop arguing, we are all girls here aren't we.
It's a kernel, not an OS.
You should have said GNU/linux or GNU+linux
>toxic boys' club
I don't think it's that which bothers him, or at the least that's not the part that bothers me. This is supposed to be an anonymous image forum.
Any user that pushes to specify themselves as a "minority" (non-white, non-male, non-straight) is automatically seen as an attention whore.
I, myself, don't have any issues with women/gays/non-whites. Though I do have an issue with people that try to be the special snowflake on an anonymous image forum. Am I some black dude that sucks dick? Who knows? Who cares?
i didnt even bring it up
still wrong famalam
Nice CSS, care to share?
Thanks for the meme.
as long as you can't tell from their post that they're unusual, it doesn't really fucking matter
>calling it "ricing"
Please stop with the racism.
Found the Marie-poster.
Wish I knew your IP so I could auto-sage your posts.
u right, but i don't think it's really that offensive considering it's not directed towards anyone.
have you ever used the term gypped? that's offensive.
a top panel like this one, even the icons are fking nice Every one just posts screenfetches and usually no one actually helps new people get into the rice fields
i agree that XFCE can look really cool without it, but i do like the flat theme
>anime lesbian listening to life is strange soundtrack
you really went hard
>life is tumblr
ew no that's this guy
what font is that?
also, how do i get terminux to look beast like that?
>a top panel like this one, even the icons are fking nice
This forum post was from 2008 but it might still be viable. daemonforums org/showthread.php?t=129
I think I've finally got the hang of taking part in these threads
100% invejoso
Your sheep wallpaper blew your cover.
While we're in a desktop help thread anyway, can someone give me a rundown on how to change individual parts of a KDE config? I want to make Konsole's scrollbar unobtrusive
that's a good question, i disabled it for that reason.
>daemonforums org/showthread.php?t=129
damn, thats old. the screenshots are gone, im scared ill do it and it will look really fake and gay, like most of the guides i find
everything I've found so far about theming KDE just says "get one that someone else made" and it looks like nobody has a solarized, minimalist theme up
Have a virtualbox set up? Clone your current set up to a VM and test it. If you don't have virtualbox set up I'm afraid I can't help, after months of fucking with it I still can't get it to work for me.
what is that menu thing?
it's the openbox menu, it comes with the wm.
DEs are comfier
the font's hlv and the file browser is ranger.
Unless you meant the system info on the right, which is coming from neofetch
a little better this time around
still don't like the effect on the titlebar, or the lack of opacity options (so far)
Currently testing comfy-project.
Is that Gnome DE?
Nearly every aspect has been changed from the stock setup.
>different icon pack
>non default WM theme
>different wallpaper
Too late nigress
Howd you do that on windows?
How'd you get ranger to preview images like that?
run it through updoc
Is this the new Marie Rose thread?