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Technology #574
What is the best distribution and why is it Solus?
Should I buy an external hard drive or usb ?
I am attending a 2 hour talk tomorrow by Bjarne Stroustrup titled
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread: Big Mac Edition
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I just bought this for $450, did I do good?
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
GTX 1080 8-9FPS
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
So my Windows 10 crashed with a bluescreen and now my background and mouse wont show up...
What the hell is going on
ITT: your dream laptop
So, freesync synchronizes the monitor with your gpu
Anyone using Void Linux?
4k Streaming/ Torrents
The meme is real
Can someone explain me the quote. what are life changing problems in tech only women can solve?
Do people actually like this weird shitty language?
This is true and you know it
I need a laptop for programming
What's the purpose of this?
Speccy Thread: Doesn't Game Edition
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
This site blurs the content unless you buy a premium account...
Xps 15 9550
These ads are getting worse
Goodbye, AM3+
/bst/ - battlestation thread
Who else here never owned a smartphone or laptop?
What's the point of LXQt while LXDE exists? Lubuntu's LXQt transition has been postponed to the 17.04 release
Why doesn't AOL promote AIM anymore?
What's the best site to upload images?
If my WiFi (WPA2) is safe against rockyou.txt , can I assume I'm safe?
Google Pixel hacked in 60 seconds - 120.000$ won
So this is basically the best phone right now
It's an "artificial life" simulation software
Be old as fuck
/bst/ - Battlestation General
Sup Forums Nostalgia thread?
Can we ban this gay faggot who keeps posting pic related in every thread, asking if its the new desktop thread...
Android studio is literally shit
Why are you all obsessed with your font rendering?
Apple hate thread
What are you doing this saturday night, cuties?
Why do you consider arch linux to be superior to other linux distros(ubuntu, fedora, opensuse, debian,ect)...
Gaymers want vidya on Linux
Browser Speed Tests
/csg/ Chink Shit General
A support thread im sorry
What's your favorite text editor and why is it Sublime?
Food is technology
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Why are most ads for software jobs so absurdly demanding?
Why the YoutTube UI is so fucking garbage? Google is multi-billionaire but can't pay someone to design a decent site
Tfw to smart to install linux
What should I install next?
Windows 7 Home Edition
Best Developer Setup
<wdg> - Web Development General
Why do these things always break?
What does Sup Forums think of Antergos?
Homescreen thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
AMD + AMD really is the worst combo
All modern phones are metal slabs with glass stuck on the front
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Time for a screenfetch thread lads
Orange Pi vs Raspberry Pi
Mine just got the bootloop
What's wrong with the classic interface?
Sup Forums Exam
Can anyone PLEASE upload the amtlib.dll for Adobe After Effects CC or the link for it? Please, user
After being an active Sup Forums user for over 8 years, I felt that it was time to give something back
Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080 Ti Spotted In A Zauba Shipping Manifest
OSes don't have cool startup sounds anymore
Anyone here uses Jolla? How is your experience? Do you feel the "app gap" while using it?
/mg/ - Mouse General
What programming language should I learn if I just generally like programming?
Useful shell commands
Dirty power and surge protection
Hey Sup Forums
How can I begin ricing Windows 7 without causing bloat or installing shit-ware?
Learn me something about bash that I don't know
How did Firefox become so slow?
Why is Atom so fucking slow? It takes at least 5 seconds to start up whereas Sublime is nearly as fast as Vim
Not using the best linux distro
Anyone else have a retarded battery?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread:
What's the fascination with non-fullsize keyboards?
Wincucks shills
Tell me about Tor
Arts lecture
Which distro does Anzu use?
How long before Libreboot is dead?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Newfag here
Is it pronounced gnome or guh-nome?
I need a laptop for school that's dependable, durable, and fast but am working on a limited budget
Which in-earphones should I buy for under 50$ ?
Silicon Valley frets over foreign worker crackdown
Video Editing 2016
Just a reminder that the Dell XPS 13 is the greatest laptop ever created
How did this thing became so popular?
Whats the best brand for SSDs guys?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Explain yourselves?
Have you ever gotten hacked?
Finally take the time to install Ubuntu
I want to change my nick from the old retarded one that I made when I was an edgy teen but nothing comes to my mind
Which fucking retards decided to adopt a funnel as the standard icon for filtering?
Here in Romania we have to solve the informatics graduation exam on paper...
You will never have old iOS again
The 2008 MacBook Pro has got to be the best linux laptop out there
Richard Stallman
Ubuntu is the greatest OS I've ever used
Post yfw you realize Firefox is the best YouTube client on Android
BSD And Other Things
Web Development
Gaming rig
Install gentoo
I have a masters in Philosophy, and due to life's wonders...
You don't use Uber, do you?
Name one (1) good thing about Windows 10
What's the difference between Digital and Analog TV?
Is there any way to know if a USB is safe before sticking it into your computer?
Is Clevo the most based notebook manufacturer in the world?
Boots up in 5 seconds from when you press the power button
Install BSD
Remember this?
I'm sick of seeing some fat hair faggot that can't even install an OS
Where to buy this cheap?
What is it about iPhones that girls just like so much?
Hey there Sup Forums
If money wasn't a matter
What does he even do all day on that little computer?
TPP is dead for the United States
What a weekend
Magic technology
How do you switch between headphones and speakers easily on a computer?
What kind of retarded meme is wakup lights?
Which music streaming service do you use?
Why don't you have 8 CPU threads in your laptop, familia?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What's your favorite programming language. Mine's gotta be HTML!
Found an iPhone 6+ in a parking lot. Phone's disabled. Can I just restore and have myself a new phone?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Googly Eyes Edition
Now that's it's confirmed that protonmail is leftist-Israel mail what are the alternatives?
Bravo, Google, bravo!
Being in a country that's not at least as blue as Russia
Guys, what's the best service to get malware crypted?
ITT: AI Box experiment
Decide to be a sick indie dev
Is there even a single reason to use an OS other than Xubuntu?
Guts Thread
Trump is now the president
How is this even possible?
Call pizzia hut up and send them 20 pizzas
What are big tech cities outside of SF?
CurryROM v4 for S4, S5, S7, S9/11 didn't happen, S8
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
HAHA benis :DDD
How I enlightened / redpilled a Linux friend
I am gonna use a crippled player cause Sup Forums told me to
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread: Trump Edition
/csg/ Chink Shit Genera
So, I'm buying a new computer
What do we know about Nintendo Switch ?
Is this helping make Linux better?
/bst/ Battlestation General
Just downloaded every bailey jay vid during empornium freeleech
My gateway resets when I start torrenting
Difficult choice?
Should we have a /FTG/?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Veracrypt is technology too
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Is gnome 3 the most perfect desktop environment ever created?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I'm thinking seriously to buy my firs macbook pro(2015)
Is solus the new go to beginner friendly Linux distro?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
He needs special software to backup his files
Sup Forums humour
Add torrent,load peers,delete tracker, repeat
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Firefox startup time
Anyone working in online advertising can explain me if these ads are a fucking joke or the vast majority of normal...
I've been in the market for a new laptop for a while
Make Linux more user friendly
Can we have a Computer Science thread?
ITT: We recommend changes for others PC's and what we would like to change ourselves
KDE is not kawaii
UKBro here
Programming languages personified by women
I got for free a core2duo and a 8400gs without cooler(exactly like pic related)
/PSG/ Power Supply General
Looking to switch from windows 7, what would Sup Forums recommend?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Got new PC. Gimme essential apps/extensions
Hey you smart weeaboos!!!!!
This would be terrible if you had to call 9-1-1
Windows backup is a piece of shit, what backup programs do you use for windows
Does anyone have a working link to lo/g/os? I want to download it again but can't find a link anywhere
Donald Trump will control the NSA – what this means for your privacy
Honest question
Does Sup Forums still like technology, or is this just about what computer parts and software you have?
Text editors
Is it worth 25 dollars?
PlayStation 4 Pro Teardown
This actually runs at over 100 fps with 8x AA and highest detail on my FX 8320 with a GTX 660
Projector Thread
Flop or not?
Shitdroid mobile browsers
How does this make Sup Forums feel
Neuroevolutionary Algorithms
Spotify BOTNET
Sup Forums I woke up today and went to start up my twitch stream and my webcam wasn't working...
Why won't Firefox and the other non-Chromium browsers support WebP? They have no problem with WebM...
Tor Browser
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
How do I land a junior dev role at a start up?
Hey Sup Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Tech Bubble
Using pc
Ok Sup Forums, dunno how to start this but here goes
What is this part for?
Any good photo viewing software ?
Why are their products so expensive?
/csg/ Chink Shit Generale
Yo Sup Forums, I tried asking Sup Forums this, but I was redirected here
Can anything REALLY compete?
What is Ruby used for?
11.11 Aliexpress Sale
Applel is finished
In Wake Of Trump Win, ISPs Are Already Laying The Groundwork For Gutting Net Neutrality
/mouse/ general
How do I build a futureproof desktop/
ITT: apps everyone should have
What ISN'T a botnet
He covers his webcam but doesn't pour glue into the microphone
What is the best and safest way to pirate Windows XP?
Post em and r8
Oh user, you're just the person I wanted to see, really!
This girl comes up to you and asks for help installing Gentoo
Scientific Evidence of God, by an atheist
Is it possible to write faster code using modern C++ with rval refs/lval refs/const...
Post your taskbars
Who makes the most reliable hard drives today?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Help me out if any vapefags, (pic related) is what i currently use for smoking weed at work...
Hidden Images
Why all the hate?
How do I reset this Macbook Air
Chapsnat hate thread
How To Save The Internet
Pc Crash
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What happened to that rumoured 490 which was going to be two 480 GPUs on one card?
Does anyone know anything about Pioneer Receivers?
I really love this nipple
/rtg/ - Rice Tips General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Has anyone been accepted to an engineering practicum google internship?
Can we please settle this once and for all?
User do you meet the state mandated British values of being a cuck?
What does Sup Forums think of deepin linux?
Clean Energy and Trump
How does Sup Forums support themselves?
Why use any other distro?
Snowden said it is safe to use TOR browser boyos!!
Fuck you g stupid meme fuckers
Tell me what mp3 player to buy. Currently rocking a 30GB iPod fat but I need more memory and the battery on it is cack...
/csg/ - 11.11
Peter Thiel to enter Trump inner circle as tech adviser
Xposed Modules
My CPU and motherboard are running incredibly high temps (65) whereas my GPU is at 28...
Snowden live
Death of Net Neutrality
Normie friend calls me up and tries to convince me to come outside today and chill with him and his friends
What shitty programming language were you forced to learn during highschool, Sup Forums?
Apple selling a $79 MacBook Pro power adapter without a USB-C cable is a step too far
I've recently acquired 10800 sq foot of office space in the middle of a small city, with access to gigabit internet
HTC 10 Under super heavy duty use
Trigger Sup Forums thread
It's not about that it doesn't have it, it doesn't have it *on purpose*
What does Sup Forums think of minimal website design?
Should our new president use Arch or Gentoo?
When was the last time you pressed this key?
Which platform has the best emojis? I like the ones on twitter. Android has a cumface emoji btw
Debian is the FreeBSD of Linux. Are you running it?
Why aren't you using GNU/Linux user?
A serious question
Freshly installed Windows 7
What will destroy the Microsoft empire?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
My country just passed an act that allows the government to collect and store ALL data (internet traffic...
XPS 15
Dubs for distro
What the fuck does he do at Google?
What the fuck?
Rx480 was a massively overhyped flop, GTX 1070/1080 have way more marketshare despite costing 3 times as much
/csg/ Chink Shit General
4TB down to not even 20GB
SSL - Small Sexy Laptop
Time to pass on your wisdom to others. It could be about tech professions, job finding tips...
How can you look at this and not see THIS is the future
Bad ideas
Not just Munuch Brazil is planning to put Linux where it belong, into the trash
You need to disable adblock to use this website
Hey Sup Forums, what's your guys opinion on Acer Laptops?
Leaving apple shit behind. What kind of PC do i want?
Python vs Ruby
Proprietary video games are far more important than privacy or freedom
Hi Sup Forums I'm in a buying dilemma
/bst/ Battlestation Thread
When did VirtualBox become so shit?
Smartphones were a mistake
So I've moved into a new flat share...
Can one learn and master the basics of programming (Looping, arrays, files etc...) in one day?
Is Trump election a RIP for net neutrality in the US?
What is the best(most advanced) file manager for linux?
Why do you cover your webcam user?
Are facials technology Sup Forums?
Funny errors?
Can sub-500 GBP laptops be really so hard to find?!
Ordered my pc parts on 28.10.16
Computer in sleep mode
Uptime thread
Just got the parts for my new pc
FBI ran 23 CP sites
What does Sup Forums have on their Christmas list? Adultfag with non poorfag parents
Cloud storage
Nvidia confirmed for botnet
Home/Lockscreen Thread
Let's play a game. "What the fuck is wrong with my pc?"
Is Cheeky Trump going to boycott apple
Crashes: The Distro
This is as comfy as it gets
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
He's our enemy. How do we resist him?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/SQT/ - Stupid Questions Thread
How long until encryption is banned?
Sticku tredu
Im sorry, but it's time to pack your bags Pajeet. You have to go back
Best video editing software for Loonix?
What are some useful XPOSED Modules?
Are wipebooks any good? how long do they last?
Are high tech dildos a meme?
R8 my sort algorithm /tech/
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Any Kali Linux users? And which tools do you use more?
I was at the library today and found an SD card with a "Multibit" folder in it. I think its bitcoins...
USB Killer
AT&T has convinced Trump to appoint an AT&T lobbyist, Jeffrey Eisenach, as the head of the telecom transition team
/hpg/ - Headphone General
ITT: Memes that actually turned out to be legit
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Shitty Battle Station Thread
Hey Sup Forums are single board computers the future of personal computing?
Freetards on suicide watch
Shit hits the fan, Trump got elected. So I decided to go off the grid.It's scary now! First things first...
/wdg/ - Web Development General:
Why is everyone so fucking desperate to keep their privacy by avoiding to use google...
Is this the best Distro created so far?
Besides stupid Sup Forums memes, Is Trump good or bad for free software movements?
Is it worth getting the Google Pixel Chromebook 2 if I have the money...
What the fuck Google?
Windows programs/apps recommendation thread!
A female friend of mine is studying some kind of engineering, unno, mechanical or something...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So, I've tried all the memes -- standing desk, ergonomic chair, recliner, bed PC, treadmill desk, exercise ball chair...
I never thought about it seriously,and I believed it was a joke. But,can an AI gf exist in our lifetime?
New MacBook Pro Has Already Outsold All Competing Laptops This Year
What's the point of learning so many programming languages all the time and not learning mathematics instead...
Hackintosh thread
Thanks Sup Forums
Redpill me on this mouse Sup Forums
Full screen videos are slow as fuck
Why is it that top tier serious programmers prefer Arch Linux?
This costs around 10 euros more compared to the Samsung 850 EVO and is about thrice as fast
/ASG/ - Assembly General
/wt/ watch thread
Does the iphone 5SE have street cred?
Is there a linux distro that doesn't give you cancer from an aesthetically viewpoint...
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
US navy Railgun How does it work ? (technical resources )
Why do these types of earphones exists?
ITT: tech red flags
Best file manager for windows?
Is Microsoft Edge better than Firefox ?
He fell for the GUI meme
He fell for the thin phone meme
Since Trump has said he wants to promote American industry and literally no computer parts are made in America...
Let's compare phone cameras !
Who here /windows10mobile/?
Which country has the best hackers?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Now that we'll probably see the most dogmatic and oppressive internet laws passed under a Trump presidency...
Thank you for electing me! Now, starting today, we're going to impose strong restrictions on civilian encryption use...
How will he make technology great again?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
DAW Geneneral
Wanting a laptop with single purpose ports
Will the next president of the united states be good for technology?
Pictures of your computers and devices
Does anybody here actually use this piece of shit? I've rarely seen anybody use it
So startpage has officially gone full retard and is now garbage
/rtg/ - Ricing Thread General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/mpv/ - foss forever
Wanna see something rad?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
AMD users know so little about technology that Amazon offers a service to install the GPU for them
Downgrade Rejoice Thread
Redpill me on Linux Mint Sup Forums. I need to put an OS on a new laptop...
I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention this on Sup Forums, but the latest Nvidia drivers, 375.70...
Why is Sup Forums so shit and slow now?
Explain this faggotry Sup Forums
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
What went wrong?
I'm a programmer but I'm not very good at maths...
Happy Samsung/Hitachi user
SCSI Thread
There's sadly no quick/dumb questions thread so i'm asking like this
How do you guys clean your glasses ?
Gets blue screen 68th time this month
Why does Africa use opera?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Where were you when chink design BTFO'd every other phone on the market?
Is there any reason to go for the 1060 over the 1050 Ti?
No quick charge
Learned from Sup Forums big multicorporations know everything about you
Any recommendations for a new laptop with a similar spec, weight and the elegance of the MacBook Pro?
This is a patch-cable, meant to reduce "distortion" when streaming music via music services such as Tidal and Spotify...
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
What your favorite non-UNIX-like/Windows NT OS?
What's the best (paid) vpn?
How do you git gud in excel?
He doesn't have an UPS
DNS Server
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How does Sup Forums remember their passwords? Do you use a manager like keepass or do you memorize it yourself?
China tech bubble about to collapse
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread - ELECTION DAY EDITION
Battlestations thread
A black president for 8 years and now Hillary fucking Clinton for 8 years
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/CSG/ Chink Shit General
Why don't companies try to make good phones?
Can I be a programmer if I don't have autism?
Technical strangeness
My ISP gave me a Huawei router because of the upgrade to FTTN
Monitor Thread
He doesn't use KDE
Crashes every 2nd thread you try to open
Just imagine what could be possible with today's modern LEDs
Was USB-C a good idea?
Accidentally press dpi button
How are you going to deal with this shit, lads?
Why art thou not using void?
So I decided to grace this board with my presence. Man, did I have a good laugh!
Who here /hateNEGROS/?
Indian law enforcement agencies will soon acquire the technology to unlock hard-to-crack iPhones and other devices with...
This fucker shows up on startup when you aren't connected to the internet and slaps your computers ass. What do you do?
This program uses neuroevolutionary algorithms to learn how to play Flappy Bird...
Is Gentoo used in any real production environment?
Must install programs for Linux
We don't have a retro thread
Trying to decide on a new gaming laptop. I know, get a desktop instead...
How can Sup Forums even defend AMD CPUs at this point?
AMD FX Appreciation Thread
Can someone pls teach me how to make my desktop look like this?
Real talk:
"Hi user what do you do?"
They forgot to renew their SSL certificate one time
I've got a backdoor on a site, what do
Two options:
Sailfish OS
Sup Forums BTFO
Redpill me on Thinkpads, Sup Forums
Are there any tools which convert images to a collection of html pixels which depict that image?
Undervolt cpu from the default setting
Came home today to find my sister freaking out because she "lost everything" on her laptop
Charge your car
If Apple and Thinkpad were to compete in motorsport, what would be each team's strengths?
Sup Forumsuts thread
Will C++ ever be replaced?
What does Sup Forums think of the surface 4?
Post pics of your food and computer
Just finished watching citizenfour
Okay, guys...
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Just got certified in pic related, curious to find out whether Sup Forums still regards this as a meme
Window Maker
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
FunnyJunk DoS'ed
Tfw to intelligent to anti-alias my fonts
What will happen, Sup Forums?
What is the best DAW for linux?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Im looking for a gamig PC on a budget. I live in Canada, so electronics are marked up 30% more than in the US
Here's my desktop Sup Forums. Make this as l33t hax0er as your skills can
Need a new HTPC
So when Microsoft ends Skylake support for windows 7 in 2018, how will that affect users?
It doesn't get better than this
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
Using Linux
Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air 13" Review
Futuristic tv show / movie
Which one are you?
What's the best font, Sup Forums?
Dell XPS 15 9550
IPhone 7 and 7 plus has the same exact fucking design as the iPhone 6
How do you prepare for an interview?
What are some good program to hide my IP address?
There isn't a single reason to use Arch
Find a flaw
Mr. Robot
Could use some recommendations on a good student laptop. Student budget is also in affect
Hehehe...So why do you geeks use Linux if you can't play Japanese Games on it? Lookie here in the picture...
Alternative to iPhone?
/HSG/ Home Server General
Emacs VS Vi
Why poor people complain about Apple so much?
Windows Taskbar
XKCD is officially shit tier now
Infiltrating US election network but russians are already there
Post your Android screens
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
What is the best messaging app and why is it LINE?
I never knew this existed
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I have a difficult programming assignment due tomorrow, let's see if the ballmer peak is a real thing
Buying 20 laptops for my company. Convince me this isn't the best option
Linux is a FUCKING piece of SHIT it wont even fucking play my fucking GAMES
/bst/ Battlestation thread
When will professional look return?
Apple’s new MacBook Pro laptops are not designed for professional use
Where were you when Louis BTFO Apple?
I was pumped for these but now I'm scared. Are they pushing the release date back because they suck...
Sitting in class and semi-bored...
Is he our guy?
A virus replaces your OS with gentoo
TFW trying to replace broken screen on laptop and I cut the clear tape on the screen connector thing
Guys, I wanna buy AMD FX-8370, but I have i5-4440 now, which means my socket is 1150 and I need AM3+...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
If Apple made a car, what proprietary bullshit do you think their cult members would just lap up from start to finish?
Well, Sup Forums? Is This Person Correct?
Which GPU is best for heating your room during winter?
What's wrong with JavaScript
Fuck's your phone?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Microshit Visual C ++
Okay Sup Forums if you had to choose would you choose Indian, Japanese or Thai (Oceanic) curry?
Give me on reason you arent on antergos Sup Forums
How do you guys backup your Keepass? Do you put it in a cloud service? I'm going to start using it...
Daily reminder that if you were really running FREE software, you'd be running BSD
T420 appreciation station. Post your beautiful T420's (the masterrace of laptops)
Tfw these are my school computers
A somewhat scientific study on Sup Forums usage. I thought you more technically minded people will find it interesting
Dedicated board to technology
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is the Sennheiser HD598 good or bad? Thinking of buying it, I don't know much about headphones though
Anyone here use Diskeeper 16? I'm curious as to whether it's actually worth my money and buying it
Better specs than pi3
10 Million Android Users Switched to iPhone
Ok Sup Forumsentoomen, my wife's son need a nvidia gpu, which one should i buy him?
Is Sup Forums pro tesla?
ITT: post good email softwares
C++ is the best programming language, right guys?
What programming language(s) should I learn if I just want to make apps for businesses, Sup Forums?
On the racism expressed on the board itself, and in the wiki
Hey Sup Forums!
What download manager do you use?
Well shit. They've caught us boys. Guess we're done
I prefer don't go with 10 now, people said is too many update, like every day
Hey guys this is Austin and today were going to be browsing Sup Forums!
What's going on?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What is the best functional programming language?
Now that the dust has settled, are these a meme or are they actually good?
This is the best and most popular browser in the world with an unthinkably massive corporation behind its development
Go to
The Internet will soon be a place
Does Sup Forums use viber?
/SQT/ - Stupid Question Thread
The first Linux country
Disassemble and reassemble laptop
Windows 10 is now the most popular OS of Steam users
Wheres my vape boys at
/DBT/ Daily Battlestation Thread: Nov 7
/wdg/ - Web Development General
No optional arguments or function overloading
Galaxy 4 vs Iphone 5c
It doesn't get better than this
Do your parents think your degenerates because you stare at all day? Dont try to justify it its a simple yes or no
Should you root your phone when you have to search up 'how to root phone'? on Google?
Does taking LSD (or similar) help with understanding programming concepts?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
When are 4K projectors going to become mainstream/affordable? pic related is $35,000
Are high refresh rate monitors a joke or do they actually improve reaction time?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Copyright Industries Back Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign
How many e-mails do you guys use? Should I have more than one?
Sup, nerds
JEB! Thread?
Why do manufacturers make shitty keyboards like this? There's more than enough space to provide full-size arrow keys
Im about to fucking kill myself
Shitbox thread
I'm doing consulting work adding "telemetry" to a future update of a very common networked embedded device...
Picture not related
What desktop environment do you use?
EBay cheap refurbished workstations
Daily reminder you have ZERO (0) reason to use Arch or Gentoo instead of Ubuntu or Debian
Nice stickers user!
Is there any fucking browser that doesn't take up a shit ton of resources?
Please help me Sup Forums I bought a gtx 1060 to replace my old cards and uninstalled the old drivers and replaced the...
ITT: Tech illiteracy that annoys you
Is it possible to block phone posters from a website?
Game over nerds
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Charge your watch
Howto freelance
What's your personality type, Sup Forums?
Sup Forums, why is he so angry at apple all the time?
NVIDIA considered harmful
My USB suddenly is not being recognized and is asking me to format...
Intel is going to be caught off guard by Zen, aren't they
After the Macbook launch event, Apple now sells 17 different types of dongle
Why isn't your website using HTTPS?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
F*ck macbooks! Hail thinkpad!
This is why I trust OpenBSD
83% for the last hour. Windows 10 install from win7
ITT: Fat laptops
Hey Sup Forumsuys I have a question:
Who the fuck wrote youtube's recommendations engine?
You buy an iPhone 7, in the box you find EarPods with Lightning Connector
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Miss me yet?
Well Sup Forums?
Have you ever actually had a need to program in x86 directly?
Find a flaw. Humor me with your Incapability
How to stop the microphone
Networking degree
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/FFG/ Firefox General Thread
For me, it is Slackware. The best Linux distribution
Is there a good MP4 to WebM converter for MacOS like MasterOfWebM for Windows?
Why haven't you entered the void yet Sup Forums?
These are dark times
"First time" Linux User Help
Use loonix they said
What tech are you buying yourself for Christmas, Sup Forums?
Opera Browser
Deep learning thread
Am I about to goof'ed on this buy or am I gonna do guuuud Sup Forums ?
Who was the real genius behind Apple: Jobs or The Woz?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What went wrong?
Nvidia and telemetry?!?!?
Alright! 5150 is there a difference between those sold within the US and Australia...
/wt/ watch thread
Whats wrong with Video Games?
Proof that GIMP is trash
Is it a good show?
Are we all just going to IGNORE how garbage this display server is...
Work at Microsoft
Thanks guys...
Help a brother out. Also, screenfetch dump
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Apple just can't compete
Motherboards without useless crap/building a new pc
My girlfriend is taking a Java course in uni and she's hopelessly terrible at it. I really don't get it...
Real talk Sup Forums
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Walk out of Computer Science lecture
How do you deal with the internet still being optimized for low resolutions?
You cant connect iPhone 7 to latest macbook pro without buying seperate dongle
ITT: Post your monitor(s) and discuss
Is the surface pro 4 the best tablet ever created?
Wtf is this satelite dish/spinny stuff?
Homescreen Bread
Glossy displays are literally impossible to use. Why do they still exist?
Why Mozilla is doing trivial shit like this instead of improving Firefox?
What is the most promising javascript-based operating system?
Well it finally happened, Apple won
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What kind of home security system are you paranoid nerds using ?
10 Million Android Users Switched to iPhone
MS Surface Book
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
"Hey user, thanks for helping me install Facebook, is there anything I can do for you in return?"
Would you live in a stealth camper van?
Razer Blade Stealth vs Dell XPS 13
Tfw checking the AM4 section of the CPU store every day
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Ok Sup Forums...
CPU-Z thread
Why the fuck do we need so many messaging apps???
What does Sup Forums think of Telegram?
Thoughts on this PC case?
Arch removes the beginner's guide. All of a sudden there's a rush to EZ-Arch 101 implementations like Antergos, Manjaro...
Guts Thread
Your favorite color on the rgb scale
Could someone make this for newer macbook?
Nvidiacucks will defend this
Being in private trackers
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Since CS programs aren't meant to prepare you for software engineering positions...
The year of Gnu-Linux will NEVER come
How do you make a social forum immune to political influencers and corporate shilling?
ITT we build the ideal laptop
KDE master race thread
Plasma Mobile is a Fully Open-Source Smartphone OS from KDE e.V
"We promise."
How would I go about using only RAM as storage without a HDD assuming I load everything onto it at boot up then keep it...
So Sup Forums, you've just put together your new computer, connected your monitor, mechanical keyboard, trackball, etc...
Tfw every night almost 1-3am I see a car pull up to an atm when I'm on a walk, someone gets out...
What is the best router brand?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...