
Old thread: >New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question, check Google. If you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:
pastebin.com/dD3cqWKc (embed) (embed)

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before, though most claims of being staff are false
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you that cheating can be evaded. It can't and you will be banned and everyone will laugh at you
>people claim to report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time

>faggot pretending to be a gangsta

kys OP

cara pls cara pls

user why are you using seedbox when you could be seeding my box?

get fucked footfag lel


You sound like you're a 15 year old kid who think he's hot shit because he has an IPT account and listens to Lil Wayne.

Your cartel bullshit don't belong here.

First for BLOATHD


second for HDBits or kys you pathetic waste of human life

Hello Pajeet

first of all: anyone can take a screen of bookmarked home pages

second of all: you should kys for having all those other curry ass trackers

>projecting this hard
>not knowing that's an old ass OP pic
bet you're not even on PTP, fucking newfag

Which ones are curry, Gopal?

all of them except the /ptg/ diamond aka holy trinty plus one aka WCD+PTP+BTN+HDB

where do I go to get my ptp account re enabled

>projecting this hard himself

I'm on HDBits, what about you, faggot?? Tell us what DON remux is freeleech on HDB right now or fuck off

>4 points
nice try, rajesh

>being this fucking stupid
I bet your favorite trackers are MTVagina, bloAtHD, bluewaffles. oh my what a faggot

kys already footfag, also where's your screencap huh?

You young men need to get your act together and start treating each other with respect RIGHT NOW.

>not knowing what a real diamond is

Footfag BTFO.

Who did you vote for Laser?

>keeps calling me footfag for no reason
>asking me to waste time with a useless screencap
>meanwhile he can't even name one of the 3 current freeleech picks

are you really THIS mad for not having an account on the best tracker to ever exist?

yeah you're not on HDB lmao
have a nice day newcuck footfag

i just got banned from HDB with no explanation


the answer was Star Wars Rebel remux by the man Nick007 himself.
everyone with an HDB account would know, except you... oh wait, you're just pretending.
keep memeing you jealous faggot


that's not how it works you faggot.

if you want an explanation you go to IRC and beg for mercy offering your mom/sister as trading merchandise to get your account back

there is no star wars rebels remux lmao
kill yourself already footfag

Username? Were you uploading member releases elsewhere without permission?

go to the irc. might be a mistake.

>there is no star wars rebels remux lmao
liar confirmed. no point in taking this discussion any further.
stay cucked hahahaha

sure footfag, that's sad you're not even on PTP jej

Where i can find Fear The Walking Dead season 2 720p p2p release? Just scene so far.

I can upload it to mega for you user


When will GGn save me from the complete dirth of content masquerading as a tracker called UGC?

Why are apps still closed a week after BGC was dismantled.

because NOBODY likes or wants refugees

why do you think Trump is gonna win?

Cause they don't want you, curry friend.

>download complete BD
>one of the special features is basically porn
>menu doesn't work so I can't check there
>can't find it listed anywhere

>being on a curry site
>downloading dubious material

sounds like the perfect recipe for failure. is the video cuck porn by any chance?

I actually got it off HDB :o)


Were you the one bragging about getting in today?

proof or GTFO

>applying to bloAtHD
>getting cucked even before getting in
>mfw LB recruited me in less than a day

i mean by the time jrsdead responds ill be in hdb

Actually, never mind. The reason it's not on the menu is because it's a special easter egg. :0

>said menu didn't work
you're just stupid

It doesn't. You can see what it looks like but you can't interact with it. Dumbfuck.

312c if you are reading this it's too late

to apologize?

don't come on ptp tomorrow

But I'm a good user!

>"can't interact"
>he doesn't know how to properly play a blu-ray
>calling ME a dumbfuck
you fucked up, user

then prove it by getting in through official recruitment.
tracker open applications are the definition of curry.

23:35:46 < LaserEyess> I wonder if these logs get posted to /ptg/
23:35:54 < LaserEyess> time to do my by weekly ctrl+f

fuck off opaitime faggots, nobody cares about your pathetic irc drama shit
grow some pubes and get into a real tracker

Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.


What's the best TV tracker that actually stays up for more than a day at a time?



TV-Vault, obviously

This. Sonarr + usenet holy trinity = a relentless fucking experience

It's been at least a couple of weeks since BTN tracker was up for more than 24 hours straight

Would be awesome, thanks! How big it is?

the fuck are you talking about? It has been stable the last few weeks, after they sorted the hiccups from the update

It's down now dickhead and was down less than 2 days ago.

i know that it's down now, still doesn't change the fact that it has been stable the last few weeks..can't really blame them if your connection is shit :^)

What is the best tracker for gay furry porn?


yeah my connection made the site show 'under maintenance' on Sunday.

wrong fetish

worked the whole weekend for me, must be you :^)

carat cuck

great fucking comeback

wow. nice comeback m8, all you need to post now is
>using the carat with a nose smiley

I'm not your m8, buddy

whatever, canadian


glad wcd is keeping curries out

BTN is back

>using the smiley with a carat nose

thanks doc!

Dear 312c:
Seriously, I am jumping up and down and throwing my shit in handfuls at the loving monitor in some impotent primal effort to get re-enabled I have been sitting here trying to enjoy your tracker - YOUR TRACKER, YOUR SITE, YOUR COMMUNITY BETWEEN UPLOADERS AND DOWNLOADERS THAT THE USER WILL BE ABLE TO ENJOY YOUR UPLOADS - but instead your drat thing's been crawling out of reddit and taking warm shits in my gaping mouth. Swear to god, you should have just added a little door to the disabled page through which a hand pops out and flips me off, because I am insulted that your tracker staff or fls or whatever brainless shitstove three genes short of a monkey FAGNUT signs your paychecks through thought that a person with more than a single loving digit IQ could enjoy sitting in the disabled channel. INSULTED.
How in the gently caress does ANYONE - whose fucking job is to develop the community - suddenly become SO loving GOOD at being an asshole on reddit that he can say whatever racist shit he wants without a trace of skeptism from his staff peers? BUT HO HO HO THIS TIME HE'S 312C-MEGA-KEK, THE DOUCHIEST cruel human being IN THE WORLD. 1.21 GIGAWATTS MARTY, LET'S GO BACK TO THE loving REDDIT.
Tell me, please, why does 312c have to win? Huh? What happens when 312c wins and I lose? Is there some huge loving kegger waiting for it when it gets done? Is there money involved? Or perhaps the motives are more sinister. Maybe 312c's family is being held hostage by another private tracker staff and that he has his cock in 312c's wife's mouth and he's holding a cell phone up to her and 31cs can hear her pained moans and cries for help and the rear end in a top hat tracker staff then says, "You ban that cock-sucking user, or I'll blow her brains out." I COULD UNDERSTAND THAT. I CAN BE SYMPATHETIC.

The only reason I joined a private tracker was for Hell or High Water and jrsdead is still dead holy shit

marked :^)

I should be studying for my exam in an hour but instead I'm shitposting in /ptg/

oh well

study user! Education is important!

jrsdead invites when he feels like it

GGn doesn't recruit on PTP (at least at Power User) so I'm kind of sol unless I trade.

GGn recruit on BTN and bB

a furry

look at page 2

marked, went ahead and disabled your invites for you as well

no its not
learning is, but education is not

Maybe not in your shit country :^)

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Madam president really has a nice ring to it :o)