Hey Sup Forums!
Have you ever... umm... bought, as in paid for any mobile "apps" before?
What apps were they!?
Hey Sup Forums!
Have you ever... umm... bought, as in paid for any mobile "apps" before?
What apps were they!?
Games, SSH client, other misc utilities
I bought Chu-Chu Rocket from the GooglePlay Store™.
It was full of bugs and crashed every 5 minutes.
I've only bought programs for the PC.
I try to be legit as possible most of the time.
I haven't payed for any "apps" for smartphones as they seem to be more toys and epeen extenders than phones these days.
You could have asked for a refund
I bought Nova Launcher when it was on sale for a dollar!
And SoundAbout Pro because my old phone was always detecting that earphones were plugged in and the sound wouldn't work for notifications...
Terraria too when it was on sale but the touch controls are terrible..!
Bought Unicon and PowerAmp. Both did what I wanted them to and were not too expensive.
The old Instapaper Premium like a decade ago. I still use Instapaper all the time as my main "bookmarker," so I'm good with that.
1Blocker: clearly best iOS ad blocker that came out right when they were allowed. I'm fine with tossing a buck in for full functionality considering how much better it was than the rest. Very happy with it.
Something like two games.
And that's it.
Gotca Google gift card for Christmas once
Think i bought angry birds
I've never bought apps with my money per se. I used google rewards and saved up to buy
Drastic Ds Emulator and Nova Launcher. Let me check actually
Drastic DS
Podcast Addict
Sleep Cycle
Blue Light filter License
Wolfram Alpha
MyBoy! (GBA emulator)
I like my purchases, some where $0.99 when on sale so that didn't take too long to get
Bought Super Hexagon, thought it was only for smartphones.
And MyBoy.
Fun fact, i barely use the thing
I ve spent at least $500 dollars on apple store. Thing is I abandoned my iPhone and got an android. Since ill never use any google services because of their excessive data mining I use alternative means of getting the software I need.
Sounds cute as hell.
None of them because I don't want to give my personal informations to anyone, not even paypal.
It's the fucking current year and it's RIDICULOUS that in order to buy apps or credits or whatever for mobile devices, you need anything other than your SIM credit to pay. For what fucking purpose should I waste time and energies with banks and stupid 3rd party services, when there're ALREADY plenty of phone payment methods out there? sms, mms, calls and what not, if I'm going to purchase shit on my mobile device, I want to pay said shit with little effort as possible and without relying on anything else than my mobile device.
Fuck all of you app developers, you are all fucking retards if you can't implement a payment method that doesn't require me to dox myself in order to pay for your retarded shit.
No more than $5 on two games. just Bloons and Peggle.
Sleep as android
that's it.
I bought several apps. The reason I bought them is I was too lazy to figure out how to pirate them (I'm old enough that my time is money so there's a legit tradeoff to consider)
Super Hexagon
Eufloria HD
My Daily Plate
gReader Pro
beWeather Pro
Titanium Backup
Sleep as Android (plus two plugins)
The Room
Monument valley
SwiftKey (back when it was paid)
Widget Locker
If you use an android smartphone google already knows.
>le "they already know" argument
Knows what exactly? my phone is rooted and runs a custom rom, I've permission apps and ads blockers plus I never entered my informations anywhere ever, especially not for my throwaway google accounts. Do you think everyone who uses a mobile phone is a normie with facebook as home page? topkek.
Please articulate your answers next time, if you don't want to look retarded.
not the guy who posted it originally, but chu chu rocket is a great game. played the original dreamcast version back in the day.
good for a few days of spatial puzzle solving
>what is a backdoor
>My time is money
>Play shitty gayms on your phone
Paid for Smash Hit and Plague on Android. Cheap: Something like $3 or $4.
Only one.
>installing cracked apps
is this your non-retarded argument? keep trying, good luck next time. I see still no valid arguments to not implement mobile payments methods for mobile apps in fucking $CURRENT_YEAR.
Sure, up to 15€ in one app alone
The ingame purchases were limited, so there was a limit of how often you could upgrade with ingame payment, so I went for it.
Buying coins or similar endlessly available shit ingame sucks.
Dropped $20 of Google survey money on Pokémon Go. Don't h8
I've only "bought" one app, and that was nova launcher prime, when it was on sale for $1. I've "paid for" about $2000 worth of castle clash gems though.
Preach, brother!
>Nova launcher prime
>SwiftKey mere days before it went free
>Zooper widget
>minima live wallpaper
>assassin's creed because it was cheap as fuck (never played it through)
literally keylogger.
You can buy one if these cards in a shop. Just like those iTunes credits
I wish, that doesn't exist anymore in Eurabia and if something like that still exists, it's surely not something you can buy without giving your credentials. The only thing I know which is close to prepaid cards is paysafecard, but rarely anymore accepts them as payment method, at least not the apps I wanted to purchase in the past.
only came here to say that Heavy Object is shit.
Just minecraft and stellarium
There's a couple of apps I'd gladly pay for, but I don't want to give Google my banking info, and there's no prepaid Google cards or that survey stuff where I live.
titanium backup
sd maid
quicky transit
>tfw iktf
I bought some Llamasoft games after pirating their shit since the cassette era.
GoatUp was decent fun. Space Giraffe was an unplayable mess.
poweramp, thats it
Nova Launcher Prime
A bunch more that I refunded after backing up the apk so I get it for free.
Here in Germany we have pic related. You can pay cash for those
Please post more.
AccuWeather Platinum
FX Plus
NFC Starter Plugin
Nova Launcher
no, because I do not want to give google my credit card and they literally do not accept any other form of payment from my country
no paypal
no codes
Italy here, I never noticed them. I'll check the local electronics' stores next time I happen to pass by. The store where I usually go buy SIM credit doesn't have them.
Esselunga sells them
I did way worse.
I have over $1000 in app purchase in a certain Japanese mobile garbage.
What did he mean by this?
In Germany they're sold at supermarkets as well.
vecotrs of ejaculation
Nova launcher, and I pay for a Netflix subscription if that counts
Praticamente le trovi in ogni supermercato m8
Count Widget
Manga Rock
Dump Chat
Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright Trilogy HD, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy HD
MonkeyMote 4 foobar2000
Mobile Mouse
Runtastic Pedometer Step Counter & Walking Tracker PRO
Deus Ex: The Fall
Decibel Meter Pro
Peggle HD
2048 - Doge
Calculator Pro for iPad
Rhythm Control 2, Hardcore Selections Pack 1
Air Video
Air Video HD
Network Analyzer
Magic Jigsaw Puzzles, Paradise Birds
Sleep Cycle alarm clock
Monty Python's The Ministry of Silly Walks
Normal: Battery Analytics
Dungeon Raid
Goblin Sword
.. and then it rained
Defense Witches
Kingdom Rush
Kingdom Rush Origins
Kingdom Rush Frontiers
Earn to Die 2
Tales from the Borderlands
Fleksy Keyboard
Triple Town
Attack the Light - Steven Universe Light RPG
Monument Valley
Manga Storm
Tower Defense: Lost Earth
Dead Space
Time Lapse Camera HD
osu!stream, Electronic Pack Vol 1
Remote Mouse
Tiny Fax
mid 2013-now
Some of these were just in app purchases
Was about to buy something, but my card wasn't working for some reason. I don't even remember what I wanted.
Blobcat is pretty similar to chu chu rocket.
I think some Square Enix games when they were on sale with survey money.
Never bothered to play them cause I have already a long backlog.
EZ disabler
Lite facebook (waste of money, now I receive notifications less often)
Nova Launcher
SD Maid
Couple of "Pro" unlocks like for KLWP
Power Amp
Echo lock screen
Weather Timeline
Love Live SIF has a nice once-per-account booster pack.
Never, I just download the pro version apk
>paying actual money for mobile apps
fucking kill yourselves, cucks
Don't use my waifu's image for your dumb thread. I'll fucking find you irl.
ur waifu is a dumb slut and the show's title describes ur mum lol
I spent $150 on the Love Live mobile game.
No regrets.
How much can you make from Google Rewards? I have never tried it before, but it might be a waste of time.
>On a mobile game
You are a fucking idiot
What are some apps even worth paying for?
I'd guess I make $3-4/month. It's basically like making $50/hour for 5 minutes per month.
Sounds about right. I made between $50-$60 after a year of doing it. That's way more than I spend on mobile purchases anyway.
Stronglifts 5x5 and manga rock.
wolfram alpha
that's it
Hmm that isn't so bad. I'll do it whenever I get a chance, if it's easy. What do I get Google Rewards or Survey?
>$2000 worth of castle clash gems