Apple hate thread

Daily reminder that OSX/Macbooks is the ONLY OS/Laptops that does not have any meaningful reasons to exist.

Mactoddlers belong to or since their macshit has nothing to do with technology

Other urls found in this thread:

>how the upper class show off
>deviantart-tier car drawing

holy fucking kek that guy with an iMac

who upset you this time

I bet you're socially awkward.

Go do something else other than shitpost on Sup Forums to try and fit in.

>Mactoddlers belong to or since their macshit has nothing to do with technology

Please don't shit up those forums. Mac users can


you need to be over 18 to post on Sup Forums

>t. mactoddler

ok kid

Are you upset that I have more pixels than you do?

Poor guy. It must feel sad to be so intolerant to other people's choices. Who cares if some man wants to suck dick? C'mon. Who are you to judge?

i dont mind apple because the iPhone SE gets me hard but jesus that pic just reminds me how much i fucking hate chinks, they really are the absolute scum of the earth and all deserve to die to make room for superior races (read: literally every other race)


What a pathetic thread.

Dopey OP makes a super pathetic thread. No wonder there are almost no replies to it. SAD!

>t. mactoddler


>t. mactoddler

You have no ports!!!

Daily reminder that OP has literally no reason to exist. He shit posts on Sup Forums about things he doesn't like to try and fill the void left by the total lack of accomplishment in his life. When he dies no one will care. He will have no friends at his funeral. Just old, disappointed Mom and Pop, wondering where they went wrong raising their boy.

Anyway, I'm in the market for a new mobo for my hackintosh. Any suggestions?

>t. mactoddler

>dat Michael Bay-tier lens flare