ITT: Tech illiteracy that annoys you
>people who think that GPUs can be directly compared to each other based on teraflops alone (this is especially prevalent among consolefags)
ITT: Tech illiteracy that annoys you
>Sheeples who think Windows is good because it's popular
people who think macOS isn't the world's most advanced OS
but user, macOS is just a fork of BSD..
try using bsd on the desktop and get back to me
Thinks Linucks is good because can't be bothered to shell out money for it.
>when pajeet can't into greentext
But they are. Memory bandwidth is almost never an issue. Also, nobody fucking does that, people compare them by the amount of vram or, less likely, by the number of cores.
Have your 5 rupees and get the fuck out.
>Also, nobody fucking does that, people compare them by the amount of vram or, less likely, by the number of cores.
You clearly have never spent a day in your time looking into actual console specs.
The specific GPU chip, the clock speed, and the VRAM are rarely ever listed on anything, and 100% of the time they resort to using teraflops as a metric because it's easier for the consoleplebs they're trained to manipulate to think "well this million number is bigger than this million number so clearly this one is better" as well as "well this number is in the millions so it HAS to be good, right?"
It breeds technological ineptitude that's used to further sales from people who think what they're getting is the bee's knees.
>>people who think that GPUs can be directly compared to each other based on teraflops alone (this is especially prevalent among consolefags)
How can they not? Seems like a pretty sound metric.
b-but bigger is better, right?
I would argue yeah, but it doesn't tell a full picture about the performance of the graphics component.
Teraflops would be better to know for buttcoin mining anyways. I don't know why calculating floating point operations matters in graphics.
Dont the Consoles use basically the exact same hardware (amd APU), so wouldnt this be the only time comparing by teraflops actually works well?
>million number
trillion number
It's because TFLOPS is a single digestable number calculated from # of cores and clock rate. It doesn't reflect graphics performance accurately, yes, but most "gamers" couldn't name a single thing off the graphics pipeline and are more concerned with "AM I GETTIN 980 LEVELS PERFORMANCE HURRR" when the issue is a lot more complex than that. That being said, vertex/triangle operations and texture/bump mapping are inherently mathematical in nature so compute performance is still very important. It's just that it will never have to reach peak compute performance because games prioritize synchronousness over completing something as fast as possible.
I get what you are saying, simliar thing with iphones, people get them because they are 'cool' not because they are good.
But it also sometimes works in the way that because its popular it gets all the best stuff e.g. windows, it has all the games, all the programs etc. so other than 'herr derr botnet' (mostly kidding, i dont like what windows is doing either) its better than the alternatives in pretty much everyway. so it objectively is good, but it has negatives.
that's what BLAST PROCESSING taught me
> thinks linux sucks because its free as in free beer
I would pay real money for it if I had to mate, that isnt why I like linux you fucking shit
Try using macos on a desktop and get back to me.
Anybody on Sup Forums.
Linux gaming and networking is faster.
But it is a valid comparison point, considering that both ps4 and xb1 uses pretty much the same generation of gpus.
It is not valid however if you put the nintendo switch pascal soc, and compare the flops point to the other console
>lincucks that only care about technical details and forget about user experience entirely
How is the gaming faster, all i ever hear is people complaining about how shit the drivers are for linux, Plus linux doesnt even get half the games.
Also i wasnt saying Linux (or mac) is bad i was just saying that most things that windows has/does are better, and thats partly because its popular so there is more reason for people to develop good things for it.
I havent seen anyone say the networking is faster before, do you mean for a personal computer that has linux on it? your internet connection will be faster?
and how do you get legit comparisons, gaming benchmarks ?
People use Apple.
You're worse than a 'jeet.
Reading your post made a fedora appear on my head. All you gaymurs are the same level of cretin.
Apple and Arch Linux.
>ITT: Tech illiteracy that annoys you
People who disregard the actual obvious reason why Macs are expensive, the OS.
>How is gaming faster
Less bloated kernel calls and less latency. Easier to program in for dev since the whole thing is open-source. Doesn't waste your cpu and disk with NSA botnet and unnecessary features. Valve itself is trying to push forward linux to end the windows circlejerking.
>i was just saying that most things that windows does are better
Hmm. Not even.
>That's because it's popular
So? Any number of monkeys is worse that a hand of genius.
>your internet connection will be faster
Yes, you could get a better ping on most games. (I did on dota)
So do games originally developed for windows that also have a version for linux run better on linux? i dont like valves chances of that ever happening, there is absolutely no reason for regular people to change to linux.
I mean it as in the programs are generally better than their free/open source linux alternative. plus like i said above there are far more games
I was saying that because its popular people develop more and better things for it because there are more people to use/buy what they develop, the incentive provides more reason to develop a good product. you arent going to spend tons of money and time developing the best product ever for 2% of people
Thats actually quite interesting, and related to my first question, does dota run better or worse on linux?
Im not saying linux is bad, its great if you really value privacy, or value supporting free/open source software, i would consider using it if werent for muh gaymen but you have to admit in most ways it isnt as good as windows.
what about L4D2
when they ported that it performed much better than the winblows version iirc
ok thats pretty cool then. if valve can get it so that most games come out on linux as well as windows, that would certainly go a long way to convincing me to switch to linux.
But i dont see how they can get that because they wont have much if any support from many game developers themselves because the market of linux gamers is way too small to bother with.
>windows users who think waiting hours a month for an update to finish is good user experience
>poorfags who dont own an SSD.
the OS license is dirt cheap to be honest with you family, its just Jewish tricks.
>So do games originally developed for windows run better on linux
Most games uses only the higher level features of OpenGL so it doesn't matter.
>there is absolutely no reason for regular people to change to linux
Not being a brainless sheep is one.
>I mean it as in the programs are generally better than their free/open source linux alternative
kek'd, you have never used '"open source alternative" and you're basically repeating what/ever your idiotic social group said.
>it isnt as good as windows
Try antergos, it runs Windows games perfectly fine with "playonlinux" and please stop memeing your baseless nonsensical opinions on Sup Forums.
>thinking linux is secure and stable
XNU's Not Unix
>not postponing the update until a time you can leave it updating
inb4 windows 10, I don't use that piece of shit
i do postpone ,but there is this time i have to reboot and the only option is to install updates and reboot or install updates and shut down.
And for a troll example i need to reboot because my ps/2 keyboard got disconnected and windows cannot reconnect it without rebooting because windows.
But it makes sense in the context of consoles since ps4 and xbone have the same chip from the same manufacturer. Xbone is just a more cut down version.
Ok maybe most games that use OpenGL only use high level features but arent there far more games that use directx than OpenGL, and im guessing it isnt the same situation for that.
yeah thats not really a real reason though, doing the opposite just to be doing the opposite for no actual reason is stupid as shit, and moost people have no real reason that would make linux a better choice.
That idiotic social group would be Sup Forums mainly, so idiotic is probably accurate. But seriously all i've ever ssen people say is 'is there any free software as good as x on windows', never have i seen 'this software is better than x on windows'
thanks for the suggestion but i use and AMD GPU and i have heard nothin but bad things about trying to play games on linux with them. plus from what i read it sounds like games might run worse or not be supported anyway.
That games part was me personally, but i meant to say for the general poulation that windows is better in most ways. sorry to use this but to them 'it just works' and works how they want it to without the extra effort needed for some things in linux
Anywhom, i may or may not reply, im going to bed and might not remember to come back to this thread in the morn
>I don't know why calculating floating point operations matters in graphics.
Because calculating graphics includes a lot of floating points?
>ps/2 keyboard
go with the times grandpa
>the OS license is dirt cheap
Apple developing and maintaining it however is not.
>runs Windows games perfectly fine
No version of Wine is able to run all Windows games perfectly fine.
And many games still won't run at all.
No, actually you're right. Average idiots don't deserve anything better than the crapbloat that's windows.
>is there any free software as good as x on windows
What softwares do you need? Actually, I can't think of anything not being shit on windows.
As for me:
>Krita for 2D graphics
>Blender for 3D
>ffmpeg for converting medias
>Latex for creating documents
>Chromium as a web browser
The only time Linux sucks is when you want to create musical contents.
>The only time Linux sucks is when you want to create musical contents.
or when you want a desktop OS that doesn't require you to google obscure problems from your phone because your ethernet connection suddenly disappeared
Yeah, maybe it used to happen years ago but now it's much more stable.
They do that now but the previous series of consoles were like OP said
Im not needing any software, that was just something i always see people asking, usually about video and music production.
> people who think digital data corruption is a thing
why do people get so assblasted because of phone posting
Anytime a gamer opens their mouth to talk about technology.
>GPU only has displayport
>people buying phones with locked bootloaders
>people buying development boards other than genuine arduinos and raspberry pis
>Hey, user! Look at my picture
>calling a video/graphics card itself a "GPU"
>calling a computer itself a "CPU"
>when self-proclaimed tech experts recommend an i7 for gayming
>when self-proclaimed tech experts recommend anything above 12GB RAM in this current day and age
>when people buy computers with much higher specs than they use it for (got a friend that has an i7 4770, GTX 760, and 32gb ram, and all he does is rarely play games, and browsing the internet for some studying)
Can't be fucked thinking of anything else. Good enough.
>calling a video/graphics card itself a "GPU"
>calling a computer itself a "CPU"
But I don't see what's wrong with this, neural network.
>when someone thinks graphics cards only serve purpose to play games
>Actually preferring a bus purposefully made to be slow over PS/2
Do you also shit in the streets?
You can run DirectX 9 games faster on Linux.
>Still thinking speed is an argument for ps/2
Mr Ballmer, please stop advertizing your products here. I am fine with my $7 chinese arm board.
>I am fine with my $7 chinese arm board.
That's because you're too stupid.
>>when self-proclaimed tech experts recommend an i3 or i5 for gayming and say that i7 is only needed for streaming or encoding videos
Because phoneposters are the height of filthy casuals.
Your overpriced garbage doesn't even have an open source bootloader. If need some real shit, I'd buy BBB then.
>a complete computer for $20
I can buy an x60 for $20 and libreboot it. That is REAL computer.
>more cores and a higher clock speed makes it faster
>compares two different architectures based on these 2 variables
>ARM "cores"