Why is Sup Forums so shit and slow now?
Images will sometimes take 10+ seconds to even begin to load once clicked, and even once cached and clicked again, it STILL takes ages - I'm smelling a rat here.
Is the new admin doing this on purpose?
Why is Sup Forums so shit and slow now?
Images will sometimes take 10+ seconds to even begin to load once clicked, and even once cached and clicked again, it STILL takes ages - I'm smelling a rat here.
Is the new admin doing this on purpose?
Because hiro changed to a cheaper host so he could jew more money out of the site.
this pretty much
chinese moot was a mistake
Sup Forums is generating too much traffic.
Both of these are correct.
>tfw I don't see the difference because I still have shitty ADSL internet
I mean is mostly has to do with Chinese Moot but a large part of it is the fact everyone uploads huge images now.
Like yours is a good size for a site like this so it loaded for me instantly.
No, it's loading fast for you because it's being served by i.4cdn, not the new is.Sup Forums. take a look at the URL for every image that takes ages to load. I guarantee its from there.
Even small images take a long to load from is.Sup Forums
My iPhone 7 does not have this problem.
I blame trump.
I know, that's what I'm saying. It's not image size that's the problem.
Unless you yourself have shitty internet.
It's practically a mainstream website now famalama.
Yep, Redditors and SJWs have invaded, hence the huge surge of trap and cuck threads.
Sup Forums would be a much better board if it got rid of images.
>imageboard without images
I know they're containment boards, but there doesn't need to be porn boards on Sup Forums, especially when they don't even serve pizza.
>even once cached and clicked again, it STILL takes ages -
then it's clearly your computer, doofus
Sup Forums is exploding right now is why
I just open images to a new tab. Loads them fast that way, but if you try to open them within a thread, its certainly slower now.
You need to check your hard drive's rotational velocidensity, m8. You can fix it by downloading more RAMs, but it's not going to be cheap.
It's because you don't have a Sup Forums gold account.
Does anybody else have the 'You Might Like' ads or is it just me?
Phoneposter scum detected.
Elections motherfucker!
They should just ban Australians and the site will run smoothly
Get rid of australians, amerifats and canadians and it would be even better.
Elections, Sup Forums traffic
Fucking duh