What the hell is going on

I looked at an old facebook account I haven't used for years, and found this.

Some random indian (?) dude has completely taken it over, changed my profile picture to an ass, added 60+ friends and is just using it as a normal facebook profile.

He hasn't made any posts except to change the profile pictures to some chicks ass and tits, he just seems to be using it as a lurker to see what his friends are up to.

What the fuck?? Why would someone do this? Its not like facebook accounts are hard to get, you can set them up for free. How did this even happen? It wasn't a super secure password, but it wasn't trivial either. Who is taking the time to break into facebook accounts just to use them as normal?

Luckily due to my weaponised autism I made the account under a fake name with a fake identity and it doesn't have any of my friends except one on it, so it doesn't really affect me but... I'm just so confused.

What the fuck? Is this a common thing?

Indians just don't understand how the internet works

I hope no one has done this to me, I deactivated my account years ago

If you still have access/can get access back to the account, change all his pics to poo in loo memes.

Hey, OP - I had the same thing happen to me earlier this year.

I have a burner facebook with a fake identity (not my real one) - but instead of Pajeet some Russian dude took it over and added shitloads of friends and just a picture or two.

I took it back, but you're right when you mention that it doesn't add up.

A bot maybe?

I just went and checked my old fake identity's email account *(using the same password) and thats compromised too.

I wonder if my fake identity's info got leaked and sold in one of those mass infohacks that have happened in the last few years?

Nope, password has changed. I could probably get it back thru facebook support, but nowadays I have different fake identity so I don't really care that someones using an old one of mine.

I'm trying to wrap my head around this and the more I think about it the stranger it gets.
Why hard indeed

Same thing happened to me except it was some pro commie russian teen who used it to spread red star memes.

A random Taiwanese took over my Kikebook account. I got the account back and changed my picture to gore.

then why the fuck did you censored the name? are you trying to protect that poo nigger?

I once had mine "hacked" by some faggot In Singapore, although I've never been there.
My password was my last name, so it's not like it was hard.

Just makes me wonder if there's a market for this shit. But why?

>my weaponised autism

Thanks for the keks op

Maybe they can avoid some sort of censorship or get blocked features by using accounts made in first world countries?

Pakis.... every-fucking-where.
Trump will toast them.
Welcome to 2017.

>Is this a common thing?
no OP, but you're not a common person

One time some chink gold farmer took over my diablo account. I played diablo for like 3 weeks before I realized it wasn't for me. Didn't play for 1-2 years and when I go to log in my password won't work. Reset password logged in and noticed I was filthy rich. Stil didn't play much after that.

It's probably used for like farming.

Is that guy's name Ankit Fadia

The only thing I can think of is that someone is stealing accounts, setting them up to look passable so that they can be used for likes and sharing.

People pay money for likes and sharing of content on facebook

You can't just make infinite profiles any more on the same IP so it would make some sense to try andand steal accounts, especially if it means those accounts already have a network of friends.

Maybe he didn't want to make one with his real credentials.

>not using passphrases
>not using 2fa
>using the same password for anything at all?
And you call this weaponized autism?

>Advertising how new you are
Got nothing against newfriends but you don't need to shitpost about it.