Technology that can't be explained.
Magic technology
How the fuck do these heavy metal cylinders fucking fly?
they flap their wings
>analog to analog signal
>can't be explained
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
Fuck you
They flap they are wings?
those chinese are clever fellers
>warm, peeled, hard boiled egg
Well, mystery solved
>I was expecting the shell to be square too, but fuck your logic, rite
I'm using that kind of a CC adapter in order to listen to my MP3 player in my car via they car's radio.
My car, a Volkswagen Golf, turned 20 this september and is the living proof that German engineering used to be best.
Spotted the newfag.
mine will turn 20 next year. also using cc adapter
That's a thin laptop
That's a lot of dongles
My mate has this in his 90s Volvo, fucking blew my mind because I had just assumed he had manually wired his aux.
meme magic
Of course, if they flap they're wings you illiterate fuck.
Have you seen a bird flying without flapping its wings?
I theorize that it somehow magnetizes a tape in real time so it can be read by the cassette head
mfw it's the actual approach of neurosciencetists and their research
I use one of those in an old CD player
The cassette player itself makes some noise when playing but the quality of the output sound is very good however.
What's actually magic is the low fares you can get on airlines which fly this thing
God bless Boeing
I think it's just a magnet on in the cassette and there's no tape
Difference in air pressure on the top and bottom of the wing. Fluids moving quickly have a low pressure relative to slower moving fluids. An air foil on the wing forces air to move quicker over the top than bottom, causing a pressure differential that keeps the airplane up. What's crazy is that you keep that thing up with a ton of random impacts of air particles against the wing.
IIRC it's just simulating the effects of a standard tape. Look up how a tape works and you'll learn how these work. It has a metal surface at the point where the reader would traditionally contact a tape.
Moving electrical charges induce magnetic fields. Natural magnets such as iron have permanent electric current within them.
Idiots pay Apple for shitty products and have to use shitty adapters to use their shitty products.
Why can planes fly upside down, then?
Checkmate, physicists
He doesn't look very happy
>causing a pressure differential that keeps the airplane up.
Part of growing up is unlearning the K12 lies-to-children, user.
Actually has magnetism been explained?
ur pretty dumb but probably think ur smart
He probably spent the rest of his rent money on those adapters that barely work.
Hmmm.. So the headphone jack outputs electrical audio signals... now only if we had a way to translate electricity into magnetism
Primitive microphone. Carbon particles are compressed by a vibration-sensitive diaphragm. When the particles are compressed they conduct electricity better.
Basic speaker. Variations in field current to coil of an electromagnet causes a diaphragm to vibrate.
Tape deck head senses magnetic tape's arrangement of particles.
except we still don't really understand exactly how magnetism works
Not really though
we don't understand "why" they work
but we understand how they work very, very well.
It's enhanced gravity. Because polarity.
And no one understands how gravity works without adding additional imageniary mass to fudge calculations to match observation.
Dark Matter is 2XXX ather.
>Light is a wave therefore there has to be a medium!
>It has a stronger gravitational field so it must have more mass!
Science is a cargo cult at this point
If you dig deep enough, we don't understand how anything at all works. But we understand magnetism well enough for all practical purposes.
My Subaru Impreza turned 24 this summer.
But Japanese cars are highly improved for the European/German market compared to versions for US/home market.
Fuck Volkswagen!
Explain then how the polarity is constant and unchanging in a controlled environment then.
>fucker doesn't even have money to buy a table for his tv.
you got bamboozled mohinder.
There is no way, I feel like vice is just uninformed here.
Anyone know?
Well technically we don't really understand inertia, so I guess it's true
not him, but google bernoulli's principle
thats actually not far from the truth, see how the wings are bent upwards?
thats because that is a still photo, it just captured the frame in the exact moment the wings where up instead of being down.
if you see it in a video, you can see the flapping
>Moving electrical charges induce magnetic fields. Natural magnets such as iron have permanent electric current within them.
Actually, in a sense, all substances have such electric current in them formed by electrons moving in the field of atom's nucleus. However, ferromagnetic materials can have those currents oriented in the same direction on a large scale, allowing the net magnetic field to be large.
ha, I had one of those for my old car. used it on my ipod. Fantastic device. Very straightforward
>egg cuber
for what purpose
Dunning-Kruger effect in full action.
yes kind of, gravity is at the level of understanding of lighting hitting the tree=>came from clouds =>tree burns
or proverbial apple
apple falls=>there is gravity
why? what? how? nobody has a clue
Haven't you noticed that people here ALWAYS write the wrong version of there, their and they're?
Of course most english speaking people are idiots, but you should have spotted that Sup Forums is unusually idiotic.
they actually can't, they lose altitude that way
Red bull pilots
The Ising model for ferromagnets is pretty adequate for most purposes, though more exotic materials still need better explanations. In the case of something straightforward like oxygen, a paramagnet, it is not so hard to explain after some introduction to MO theory.
>not him, but google bernoulli's principle
not him, but please user go goole how lift works and why. Bernoulli accounts for like 5% of total lift generated.
*it is
There are theories that vaccum of space is not empty, but actually full of anti-matter. An object with mass rips a hole in the anti-matter and as a result.. Im kinda drunk and can't be bothered to remember the rest
not him, but what the hell are you talking about?
Subaru guy hates volkswagen how original
not him, but plane works because of pressure change how technicalities of that pressure change happen fundamentally not important
He bought 10 dongles 79.99$ each. He probably don't have money for food now.
do you remember the rest, that is quite interesting.
I think you mean that an object with mass displaces the dark matter around it, like a baseball presses down on a sheet.
My 1993 Buick Regal just died recently, 340k miles, general wear and tear is causing multiple piston misfires, too expensive of a repair.
Older American engineering is better than German engineering.
reminded me of square watermelons
Wow, you found out cars are durable goods. Amazing!
that's a carbon fiber cylinder you tardlet
Little known fact that airplanes are impossible. People see mockups on television and the so called "airports" of the world keep a few models on the runway, but they never move. Have you ever actually seen one fly? I haven't.
Wings are designed to direct airflow in a way where the air is denser under the wings than above it. Causing the plane to be pushed up by lift.
It's really easy when you have massive jet engines and hundred foot wings.
>Difference in air pressure on the top and bottom of the wing
Yeah it's called the Bernoulli effect. But how does this apply when there is no air at the altitude in which planes fly? At 35000 ft, theres no air for the Bernoulli effect to work.
There's still enough air up there
Some planes operate much higher
how in the fuck
They grow them in wooden boxes
that makes sense
That seems like pretty reasonable mileage for an early 90s VW Golf though. It's just that the Golf wouldn't have coughed out less shit into the atmoshpere or drank nearly as much fuel while still carrying about 5 people.
Strong newfaggotry ITT.
>vw wouldn't have polluted as much
>implying vw hasnt been cheating emission tests for years
That's not why airplanes fly. People like you cause shitload of confusion.
ITT: Sup Forums tries to talk about things it knows nothing about. All if you need to shut the fuck up.
t. /sci/
Only planes design for that purpose can do it well
>*it is
A bird flying without it is wings?
Thought it was glass
it makes it fit in jap fridges better, wish we had em here
to create cubed eggs
>The gap between the head and the disk is about 40 atoms high. That’s how close the head comes to touching the disk surface. About 3 nanometers. That’s even smaller than a bacteria or a virus. >The read/write head is incredibly small too - width of less than a 100 nanometers and a thickness of about 10, and it flies above the platter at a speed of up to 15,000 RPM.
>To get things into perspective, Tom’s Hardware makes a comparison of the head with an aircraft. If the read/write head were a Boeing 747, and the hard-disk platter were the surface of the Earth:
>The head would fly at Mach 800
>At less than one centimeter from the ground
>And count every blade of grass
>Making fewer than 10 unrecoverable counting errors in an area equivalent to all of Ireland.
I think hard drives are an incredible engineering achievement.
Whats a "cargo cult"?
Thats clearly an office of some sort
Isolated tribes of humans who's only knowledge of modern society comes from cargo planes flying over them. They worship the planes.
>so if we put you in a static high strength magnetic field and then apply a series of interspaced RF energy and transient lower strength magnetic fields and then receive the signal with some locally placed coils we can image your hydrogens
you guys don't have shit on MRI
They're also a fuckton more expensive than the cheap ass watermelons we have in the US.
that isn't technology though
You know, for under $100 you can ride one on most weekdays.
It's a neural network, expect running on carbon instead of on GPUs.