Game over nerds

Game over nerds

I got that exact model free with a router like 6 years ago, still works, slow as fuck tho.

Same but got a 2GB one, only used to install some linux OS like Lubuntu
I just call it USB ;^9

USB/Flash drive.

jiff stick

>zip disquette

fuck you man those were great, fucking floppy poorfags ruined it.

>Flash drive
>Universal serial bus powered solid state mass storage device.
I like USBPSSMSD for short.

I still call them jump drives. I don't give a shit.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Just call it a 'USB'

>not jife stique
Get rekt kiddo

It's a usb key

USB takes longer to say, and is less accurate, than "flash drive"

I call it a compliant universal serial bus mass storage device .

yeah, but it sounds cooler.

But it doesn't unlock anything

It sounds autistic

It's literally the best way to say it. USB sounds covert and secret. If something in a USB, it must be important, therefore, so are you.

You can USDeez nuts nigga. I'm gonna keep calling it a flash drive until I'm six feet in the fucking ground. Fuck you.

Portable hard drive.

Come at me fgts

I have that exact fucking flash drive, holy shit.

Where's UZBÉ?

My mom had one too.

GNU/Flash Drive

if i only store rsa keys on it, am i allowed to call it a usb key?

Call it USB stick when speaking english. Memory stick/muistitikku when speaking my native language

4gb master race reporting in

my niggers



4gb Sandisk cruzer masterrace

I bought these when they came out used them for watching AXXO rips on my ps3 for years

Still use them today for installing win 7. They have great success in bios recognition.

>universal serial bus compliant solid state drive electronic media storage device
we need more like these.

universal serial bus compliant solid state portable storage media device drive containing electrically eraseable programmable read-only memory

porn drives

My friend in high school used to call them "penis drive".

I've lost dozens of drives over the years because I'd put Windows installers on them and then people would ask to borrow them and never return them.

Need a source to buy them in bulk for cheap

>calling it anything other than a flash drive
get shit on shitters

> being this autistic to argue over a fucking name for a device

>yeah lemme go put it on my USBCSSPSMDDCEEPROM

> calling your 10-nm process VNAND array DASD sans disque rotatif électrique a 'flash drive'


USB is what normies call them.

goat post lmao

flash stique electronique