I never knew this existed

I never knew this existed. myactivity.google.com/myactivity

Google basically knows everything I do on the Internet.


>he does other things while logged in to his google account

they removed a bunch of features months ago and it sucks now, you can request your info so there's that

like what?

they didn't remove shit

You don't say?

You were able to watch again the hundreds of hours of video recorded from your phone camera at any time of the day but you can't anymore now

why would you convincingly lie, on internet?
I opened this very same thread like 6 months ago. There wasn't such a thing.

Thanks OP, I found a lot of old music I listened to on youtube and now I'm having a nostalgia attack.

>He has something to hide.

You really think someone would do that? Just go to the Internet and tell lies?

They also track your movement using GPS.

I set that stuff to off a long time ago. It was being used against me by people that worked at isps and people that bought 3rd party info to keep me out of "their business". Once I set it to off, they weren't able to bug me as much but they still have all the old stuff. They still use it as if it ever bothered me. I just didn't like to think google would do that. They don't. The other companies that have access to that stuff do.

>his windows have no curtains

>get invited to dinner
>suprised they know what you ate

Google is a CIA's project.

So what, I have a youtube problem?

Yea, I miss that feature D:


It's literally nothing unless you stay logged in to Google, which no one on Sup Forums is retarded enough to do.

Post your browser history, please.

>[sign in]

How do I cleanse my online presence?

Change your legal name.

they'll still know who you are though

Thanks, any ideas what I should change it to?


>redirects to whatever they call it now.


Chad Thundercock

Hey that's pretty neat, now I can find stuff easier.

>having location enabled
I don't give a shit about them seeing my browsing history, but this is where I draw the line.

>carrying electronics with you anywhere

Got something to hide, pedophile?


Did you just fucking realize that? Am I on Sup Forums?

Not him, but what if I fucking do? Huh? What if I have questionably legal content that is threatening the integrity of somebody famous? Huh?

If you have nothing to hide then you wouldn't mind giving us a picture of your passsport and social security card then.

You're a complete nobody on Sup Forums. A big corporation has a reputation to keep.

This is a childrish argument.