Chapsnat hate thread

It's a shame this piece of shit is so popular you are nearly forced to use it.

Can we agree this app fucking sucks

>Gets mad when you root
>Gets mad when you use Xposed
>Doesn't take a picture, just a screenshot
>Background services super battery hungry
>Developers openly hate Android and put minimal effort into the platform
>Doesn't let you use third party versions so you can at least escape their shittyness

Fuck it, man

What do you expect from an app that's literally designed for sexting

Don't like it? Don't use it

>mfw casper stopped working today

yeah I told my girlfriend it was used only for sexing

>we both have it installed
>we never talk about it or use it with each other

Clearly you're being cucked.

use snapprefs

And the devs probably keep all the snaps(nudes) but shit their pants if you try to

No root :(
I heard cottle is working on casper v2 which will have better authentication. Hopefully it won't be too long...

My Snapchat account is suspended or something for root I think?

I'm pretty salty because I have nudes stacked up

yeah you gotta install snapchat first (the right version for snapprefs) and login, then root, then xposed, then snapprefs

>you are nearly forced to use it
Get the fuck off of Sup Forums

>He doesn't have normie friends

>normie ""friends""

If having goldfish for friends is what you want out of life...

>so popular you are nearly forced to use it

What did he mean by this? The world may never know.

Please respond

I'm a 21-year-old US college student and I'd be socially dead if I didn't use Snapchat. I have several friends who communicate solely through SC and it sucks, but I can't really do anything about it.

>going thru so much trouble just to retain pseudo "self destructing" transmissions

why dont you folks just do MitM atk on yourselves using one of those library that basically install a VPN on your android and everything gets routes thru a PC in the same LAN

from there you can find some ready tool to intercept https ? idk

how about running snap on an android virtualized and just printscreen the PC screen?

Most importantly, proprietary software.
You don't need Snapchat and Instagram to be social user. If you do you're just a millenial loser.

in the USA? really?
university students there arent flocking to whatsapp telegram or facebook app ?

not OP but if you were 21 and all the hotties just gave you their iznaps to keep in touch, wouldn't you?

its like you werent there when girls went to MSN and ICQ was dead over a semester in late 90s, and at that time didnt have webcam and their computer that didnt yet fit in pocket to take photos in the bathroom

I'm younger than that kek
I don't need photos, I need real bodies.
People need to realise that.
While you're trying to get laid, I am getting laid. Just put action in your life dude.

>I-I don't want friends anyway

lmaoing at your life senpai

>not OP but if you were 21 and all the hotties just gave you their iznaps to keep in touch, wouldn't you?
Fuck no. They can give me their phone number if they want to keep in touch.

I recommend getting better friends.

>start using this
>talking to girl i liked
>screenshot everything she sent me
>mfw i found out they can see when you take a screenshot


Any alternative to Casper? I've been temporarily banned twice for using it.

>this app sucks
>im still going to use it and support them!!!
ughh millennials

You're retarded.

Snapchat is the worst fucking way to communicate. Even if you highlight everything you writs its still terrible. It was not meant for constant back and forth conversation deliberately. It was just made for quick one-line messages. Anyone who uses it as a messaging program is fucking stupid. You need friends who aren't retards with


>forced to use it

Not really, unless all your friends are turbo-normies (Not even just normies but turbo-normies). Whatsapp is the REAL shit you're forced to use.

>yeah snapchat is shit but I use it because of all those funny filters

Pretty much everyone I know that actually has SC sais this.
The app is shit and will die in a few years.


I have a real problem with getting drunk and having conversations that disappear and I don't remember.

Never really used it, but I'm considering it.

Maybe I'll show off my geeky shitty of the week to some co-workers with it or something.

I used Casper for saving the risque photos my hot neighbour used to snap, but now that crap stopped working.
Her IG and Face are so "angelic" in comparison.

I miss my snapchat bot. Ran for 2 years and recieved 250,000 snaps before they updated their api and i just gave up trying to support their shit.

I always get so nervous when i wake up with a fuckton of sent snaps

>Developers openly hate Android

Dude, the CEO goes nuclear warfare about Windows... the company is a textbook example of cuckery.

This app tripled my nudes collection of chicks I know IRL.

>you are nearly forced to use it
How so?


I used it with my gf when we were starting out, but then we kind of stopped using it, instead opting for Facebook messenger. I mean, it's absolutely horrible on Android anyway, why use it?

Lmao you're a sad cunt famalam

>use a photo sharing application with the sole purpose of making photo messages non persistent
Why on earth do you need to defeat this purpose by installing tons of shitware?

Just play by the book or remove it.

Using casper is the easiest way to save the original pics and videos without the person knowing. If you take a screenshot you dont get the full size or as good of quality. Plus you get the annoying timer in the corner. Anyways cottle updated casper so its working again!!

>Be 27.
>Hang out with people my age.
>Don't have snapchat.

...and that's how it be sometimes whodi.

Rooted and no issues.
No need for xposed.
Haven't noticed any significant drain
Possibly, dont care though since i only use it to sext


I love it. That's why I'm so happy that facebook is launching like third version of it's stories feature, and the latest clone is most feature rich of them all.
It's a fucking pain in the ass to use snapchat. It's not fun anymore. I hate Discovery feature and the fact that it invades my story stream and shoves it's bullshit into my face.
The app is unoptimized piece of shit. It's apk is like 80 MB and it takes up twice as much, and then the lenses and shit.