Who here /hateNEGROS/?
I hate NEGROS with dedicated graphic cards, it's a waste giving something so delicate and beautiful that's been developed with WHITE PEOPLE in mind.
I think NEGROS should be forced to use integrated graphics or amd gpus, desu.
Who here /hateNEGROS/?
I hate NEGROS with dedicated graphic cards, it's a waste giving something so delicate and beautiful that's been developed with WHITE PEOPLE in mind.
I think NEGROS should be forced to use integrated graphics or amd gpus, desu.
Go back to Sup Forums please.
and take your Sup Forums buddies with you
That's an arab with maybe a tiny hint of negro.
You're talking about googles, right?
You know, not every google is a hooting baboon
We don't need your shit here
Actual Arabian here.
I own a dual RX480 amd setup for my dedicated VR room.
Shit is great.
As IT pro the money is too much to give out, im talking 140k+ a year with barely any expenditure. Kind of thinking to spend some of it to go next-level VR.
Im thinking sensory deprivation tanks and a waterproof HTC vive. shit would be awesome.
Totally agree Sup Forumsro!!
Clachmed the clock master here. AMA.
>I think NEGROS should be forced to use integrated graphics or amd gpus, desu.
I think 90% probably already do, user.
More like 0.1%
you forgot the entirety of Africa exists
offendended nucucks
faggots with a sense of humor.
>Actual Arabian here.
Don't be hard on this guy, he's a horse.
The fuck are you even trying to say here?
I say 90% of negros with computers are already using igpu/amdgpu and you say that it is 0.1% because Africa exists? How that even make sense?
i fucking hate cia niggers,fuckers glow in the dark
You said 90% of NEGROS use integrated graphics or amd gpus
I said 99% don't even have running water
the other 1% are running away with your tv
enjoy your oil money while it lasts, Abdul
>Ahmed the Clock Terrorist
I can't wait for him to try to blow up a plane and hear all the liberals either cry in irony or tear down any thoughts about it