Why poor people complain about Apple so much?
How does it bother them if they are not going to buy anyway?
Why poor people complain about Apple so much?
How does it bother them if they are not going to buy anyway?
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>Richtards giving money to cancer
Remember kid, vote with your wallet.
Fox and the grapes.
Freetard NEETs can't afford Apple products so they attempt to rationalize that fact by pretending they aren't worth owning to begin with.
Better than giving money to Jews
I disagree with the idea of people unwittingly getting ripped off for less quality hardware. I do think it's good that they are forcing companies to push forward, on the other hand.
anything other than apple is cancer
iPhones have the best quality hardware
They make people think it's ok to be a stupid fuck, but it's not ok OP it's just not.........
they were worth owning until the iphone 7 then they ruined the product and made it anti music
Interesting point, I hadn't thought of that in that way
It makes other phones more expensive, like the Pixel.
That the whole iThings ecosystem drove all other manufacturers to build good looking stuff instead of focusing on better hardware or cheaper stuff.
It empowered tech idiots to decide a trend that affected all other competitors, a thread that brought aesthetic and design in an otherwise paradise of pure functionality.
Just upgraded from iPhone 6 to Pixel xl
Man, that guy is good. "Why?"
the iPhone is not a product for the rich like the MacBook Pro, it's cheaper than many of its competing products
I don't know what country you live in user but here every poorfag nigger and white trash has an iphone
But user, poor people is the main audience for the iphone.
Once the price is within their range frugal people will buy quality over percieved value.
They have had to put up with shoddy stuff that doesn't outlast its warranty for most of their lives and buying one quality product that will last long enough to be obsoleted by tech advances is a good deal for them.
so much this
Sup Forums is full of bitter poorfags, they bitch about anything they can't afford with their autismbux
Not really, iPhone users have a lot more money than android users.
Poor people like iPhones because they know rich people use it. That is why its a status symbol and android is not.
Because they never used one.
Its hard to find someone that owned different apple products say that Apple is shit.
Their products are simply good. But I agree that is not for everyone.
>That is why its a status symbol
>status symbol
Why do poor people love Apple so much?
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>not using smiley with a carat nose :^)
Exactly, its a status symbol for poor people. Because they know only rich people use it.
How old are you, 12?
>only rich people use it
Are you legit retarded?
Sorry, not only rich people of course, the majority of rich people use it.
The majority of rich people use it because rich people love efficiency. iPhones are efficient because they literally just werk out of the box and they don't really have to do any configuration like you would with an Android phone.
Intelligent rich people use Androids because they don't waste their time doing stupid meme shit like social media.
Is not that , it just happened to have a really user friendly interface.
Rich people with knowledge on tech related products don't use them.
"Rich people" can afford actual pussy magnets not just fruit toys.
>Intelligent rich people use Androids because they don't waste their time doing stupid meme shit like social media.
holy shit, you are 12
Not really.
Rich people use it because they are smarter and therefore they know its a better purchase.
And they can afford the best phones. AKA iPhones
Too bad geohot won't fix it's issues.
>intelligent people dont use social media
So intelligent people buy android because they want to waste time installing icon packs and custom roms like the jobless virgins in this place?
No. They buy iPhones because they are more powerful, have better apps, are faster, get more support and simply just werk.
>How does it bother them if they are not going to buy anyway?
but poor people are the ones buying iphones.
>giving money to a company that fills their keynote with niggers, race mixing, and faggots
kill yourself.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Rich people can afford large Gucci bags to carry all the Donggle dongles
Has Apple turned into a dongle peddler?
What is their end game? Giving away free macbooks and charging $200 per dongle?
>Has Apple turned into a dongle peddler?
Better than a Ultra Book bristling with legacy ports that are expensive to implement and nobody uses.
You buy the attachments you need and save.
opinion discarded.
Any and every company that goes public gets taken over by the lenders. How new are you?
Do you honestly think a board full of programmers and tech junkies can't afford mac products? Or do you think it's much likely that they know they can do the same things for cheaper?
Macs aren't the status symbols you think they are anymore.
They start shitting on other phone companies because they gotta keep up the Apple trends
>removable batteries and storage? FUCK THAT, itards love paying $100 extra for 16 more gigabytes of storage!
>Better than a Ultra Book bristling with legacy ports that are expensive to implement and nobody uses.
You buy the attachments you need and save.
Yeah better buy those attachments at $60 each instead of just having them on your fucking computer when you need them.
Holy fuck. You guys are either fucking stupid or some iBaby has raging superiority complex.
>How does it bother them if they are not going to buy anyway?
They influence other tech companies into doing stupid shit that no one wants.
Like how some chink phones are removing their headphone jacks for no fucking gain.
...or the Pixel's everything, and the constant "THIN DESIGN" everything must have that destroys the hope of better battery life.
Apple is like a financial vampire to everyone around me. Poor people are who buy Apple products to look like they have money.
Nobody straight likes to watch their fellow man get anally raped by faggotry right in front of them.
Poorfags buy iPhones, they get it on credit through their carrier.
iphones are fucking shit though.
For they 1 year I was in the army 3 of my armies buddies had either 5 or 6.
All of them at random times their phones touch screen would respond to nothing.
And they had to wait for the battery to end because "lol you cant remove it"