It doesn't get better than this

It doesn't get better than this

But user, you should uninstall BSD and stop using any computer. Forever.

that font coloring is a travesty

Holy fuck. Does BSD have KDE3 already?

That's not even your PC. Here was my last BSD experience

Is there any reason to use BSD?
i feel like linux has too much bullshit nowadays and BSD will be a fresh start? maybe?

No. We need to write a kernel from scratch and throw away this unix bullshit.

im surprised you got the monitor capture to work

umm yes it does...

HURD is the future you pleb

First time a macfag isn't wrong.

>i feel like linux has too much bullshit nowadays

Are you retarded? You can install any level of Linux from extreme minimalist to megabloat. If your install isn't doing what you want, it's you.

>Viva o Linux
Oh (Você)

Linux has been hijacked by the guys. It also has been very stale in innovation.

>by the guys
>not by RH and its minions
You what?

its a vm you retard

Why do you need to insult him? He is retarded... then what?

did you just assume their gender???

Looks like you need to take the crayons away from your kids. They're at it again.


Why do you need to insult this human being? He/she is retarded... then what?

>gender is binary
fuck off

Who at RH? got any developer names?

OKkay fine..

Why do you frkeaaing need to insult this physical entity? This entropic lifeform is retarded... then what?

Some german dude called Hans Pottering, you should have heard of him already.

Sure it does.

I assure it does. Much much better.

Yup, he's one of the main guys at

My brutalist nigga, what's that wallpaper?

I've been seeing more and more LGBTQWTF posts on Sup Forums. Is this some sort of slow invasion?

Rule 1 of the internet: everyone is a guy.

Oh, I didn't know that. In fact, I didn't even know
> was founded by a RH employee
So I guess you are right, inasmuch as they seem to be just another front for RH to exert its influence over the whole ecosystem

nobody wants to see your shitty desktop
nobody cares about your shitty computer
nobody here wants to see it
nobody here asked to see it
nobody here thinks it looks good
nobody here has ever replied to your post with a positive attitude
nobody here wants you
nobody here wants your shitty desktop
fuck you, fuck your mac and kys you piece of shit. You post that fucking desktop iis every thread with some smug comment that has barely anything to do with the topic at hand.
where you belong you fucking dumb ass retard. I thought archfags were bad but then you proved me wrong. I hope to never see you in public only because I can barely imagine the stench you and your cheap leather trenchcoat would give off. Id rather sit in a syrian refugee camp than go near you. I'm sure you don't have a job and stole that computer from a kid all the while shouting: "wow time to rice like a hacker!".

PC-BSD IS trash though

can you please post that again while quoting this post 5 times

h h-hello is this where i post my desktop in this thread ITT ohaio

Yes it does

no desktops go here

You made that look real disgusting

FreeBSD is very refreshing to use after Linux. Try it out!

No, try OpenBSD. FreeBSD gets everything wrong.

I enjoy fbsd, but that user should try openbsd too

posting my desktop



Mate has got a point (though he worded it terribly). It's just pathetic now you've got to stop, you're worse than the fuck face who's been posting pic related in every thread. We get it, you love your desktop but buddy you don't need to whip it out every time you get the chance.


PCBSD is freeBSD, the only usable one

posting my desktop


Here you go.


Check out this desktop

Thanks friend

Kevin you got doxxed once already. Fuck off


i feel like this would be 10x better with shadows

Tiling WMs are the desktop strippers of 20xx

>i feel
Nobody cares faggot, go have feelings somewhere else

pls dont be rude in itt thread

you have feelings too
you have to stop repressing them user

Who's Kevin?

a bad taster

> Packages: 0

>what kind of artist sorting do you want senpai

>not using void
>not using the only linux made by BSD devs

sorted by date dadoi

>not using garbage
I'm okay with this, surprisingly

it's actually pretty dope with Aqua

>i am a retard please kill me.webm

xbps needs more devs and package maintainers.

comfy as fuck


> Moka
Good boy

>broken piece of shit OS by default
>user must be retarded
Typical BSDBabby defense.

You know someone is a hippie when he's using BSD because Linux went too mainstream.

kys pls

wtf I love mac osx now.

I haven't had any issues with it. But as you said it is lacking packages but that's not a deal breaker unless you are just afraid of installing things from source.

Moka is really comfy

é /fio, seu fodatardado

I'm going to install BSD. Anyone prefer open over free? If so, why?

Was that irony?

I'm pretty sure they're just meme-ing you friendo

And thus a new copypasta is born

Fodatardado is my dick in you ass, son of a bitch!

>KDE instead of cwm, fvwm, or lumina

> CPU Temp: +°C

> Total Memory: 2026 MB

> File System Usage: Free | Used | Capacity | Utilized
> Root: 0 GB | 0 GB | 0 GB | 32%

> eth0
> Public IP:

What is this bullshit?

Not a matter of fear, matter of time. I don't have time to hunt for dependencies.

Those days are behind me. I'm not a 14-yo kid on school break, starting off with Slackware 9, spending a whole day installing applications, tinkering with configs, manually compiling the kernel, etc.