Miss me yet?
Miss me yet?
With every bullet so far.
look i made this thread again
I always enjoyed watching him showcase hardware but he sucked at pretty much everything else so...
fuck to the no
>tfw no pistol gf with feminine dick to suck
was pistol a trap or is this another of Sup Forums's attempt at humor.
She was the only good thing about the show. I always wanted to marry her and have a threesome with both of us and a large dog.
>tfw you watch level1tech now and do have to watch jew logan and trap pistol
how much you paid mook for this kind of advertising?
It's a man, baby.
Would still smash
Reminded me to go thumb down all his new videos
CritTV not working out huh?
>make lighthearted jab at one of their joke videos/pistols terrible script skills
>get tons of likes
>3 months later he responds with, there was no script,
Not at all. I don't hate Logan. He's very good at what he does, which is shilling things. He got his start as a salesman in infomercial-style videos, and he's never really progressed beyond that. I'm sure he'd be fantastic in that space. As the host of an tech channel though? No, he was never very good. Tek Syndicate was only ever worth watching for Wendell and to a lesser extent Qain. Pistol is a worthless cunt. I won't miss the channel at all now that L1T exists.
He's been faking any knowledge of computing past gayming for years. Also funny how he tries to act hipster, but doesn't even drink light roast chemex or v60 coffee. Fucking poser.
Counterproductive. Thumbs up/down don't actually mean anything. ANY vote is counted as "engagement" by Youtube and helps promote the video. You'll often see heavily-downvoted videos pop up on the front page, because controversy creates cash. If you want something to go away, don't watch it, don't vote on it, don't comment on it. Ignore it completely.
Where is Pistol?
Wait, this isn't lv1tech.
I have no clue who this is