Ordered my pc parts on 28.10.16

>ordered my pc parts on 28.10.16
>everything was ready to ship in 1-2 days
>after a couple of days the motherboard was suddenly out of stock
>send them an email to change the motherboard to other one which can be ship without a delay
>haven't had an answer for a weak
>finally they replied that they can change it
>told them new motherboard model
>haven't have an anwser for two days
>wrote them that i will cancel my order if they don't change motherboard by tomorrow
>got the answer immediately
>"fuck you, we wont change the motherboard, we will cancel your order"


>russian site
>you placed an order and several days later the inventory said they were out of stock
>you figured that must mean your order didn't go through
>that's literally not how any reputable online vendor works
>measuring time in "weaks"
>threatening someone over the internet
>they refuse to do business with you for giving them a retarded, childish ultimatum

what's the problem? you sound like a complete fucking retard

>I'll straight up insult them instead of negotiating the issue like a normal human being and no one can stop me!!!
>What?? Why don't they want to have business with me anymore??

I don't know what you expected op. And before you say anything, yes I've also had problems with parts out of stock from computeruniverse, only in my case everything went out smoothly because I didn't behave like a retard


take your rant to some other kiddy forum


if this isn't bait then you're seriously underaged. Sup Forums is for adults only

You sent an ultimatum to a company that doesn't give a shit about your money and expected them to bend over backwards for you. You got what you deserved, retard.

Next time, wait patiently for you goddamn order and if it doesn't come in a timely fashion, get your shipping cost refunded and if it doesn't come at all, dispute the charge and get your money back.

>oh no, please don't cancer my order!

>>russian site
It's clearly an Arabic site you idiot.

They tell you to pick a same or lesser value piece, you deserve the cancellation I hope you learn how to deal with other people humanely soon

serves you well for ordering cuckware

are you for real?

So you niggas are telling me this is bad negotiation by me? what I was supposed to do? Went to Germany to lick their asses?


He's being ironic silly. Every yuro that knows a thing or 2 about international stores knows computeruniverse is a german store, and a top tier one at that

>top tier store
>when you place an order the inventory updates several days later and your order didn't go through in time
pick one?

>don't ignore me pls
>I don't wanna wait
>I have a problem with you not having stock, I don't like that
It's like you are retarded.

Yes. Here's how it went down with CU in my case

>Hi I noticed [part] is still out of stock. Is something the matter?
>hi user, sorry, supplier is having trouble getting that part
>Ok, what are my options then?
>You can wait, change to another part, or cancel said part
>I see, please remove [part] from my order then, thank you for your time

In that very same hour I got refunded for it, and the rest of the order got ready for shipping.


are u fuckin stupid? I ASKED them to change my mother board. and after a week when they said that I can change motherboard for another one but only with lower price, so exactly what I did. And after two fuckin days when there were anwsers from them I send them last email where I said that I will cancel my order if they dont change. And you know what? I got the anser with canncellation in 40 fuckin minuts. So you faggots tell me this is treat customers deservve?

eat shit you german scum

at this point I'm convined this is some epic tier le master trolle trying to bait us into getting worked up

not gonna fall for it

you should have had mom and dad do it. they don't respect you if your name's not on the card used to purchase it. and you come off as a little belligerent and frankly spoiled, so no human is going to be especially inclined to help you.

I have this slight feeling you have no clue on why it went out of stock, but still felt fucking entitled

I'm American fool.
Trump 2016

except that they didnt reply to me for a week

Even if you are American fool, you are not allowed to shitpost.

i'm not OP. this just sounds like a hysterically shitty online store if that's the lag time on an order. if this is top tier for europe, then you guys are getting reamed.

does it fuckin matter? they could change for anothr motherboard in less that an hour and finnaly shipped my order. but they just didn't do that

>Even if you are American fool
>Even if you are an American fool

and OP isn't doing that himself? I'm convinced by now it's not an under-aged child but a clever, clever bastard looking to get his shits and giggles from us.

>clever bastard looking to get his shits and giggles from us.
i had dizziness yesterday, i even had to take a walk with my cat becuae I thoutht i would die because of that so mad I was at them. Yes, I have really low self esteam so that disrespcateful attitude to me really makes me mad and angry

Read his e-mails. He sent e-mails on an almost hourly basis on a friday evening, and somehow expected an instantaneous reply. Also

>I just placed an order, I want them ready to ship NOW

That's not how it works. You can have multiple reasons on why it went out of stock: website mistake, redirected to respond to warranty claims, you name it. What I don't expect though, is an immediate reply by a company that I know that deals with hundreds of customers everyday, that's just physically not possible

>LOL prebuilts are dumb
t. Sup Forums

Dell would have shipped 50 prebuilt office PCs by now.

Need I say more?

>He sent e-mails on an almost hourly basis on a friday evening, and somehow expected an instantaneous reply
they work on saturday

>What I don't expect though, is an immediate reply by a company that I know that deals with hundreds of customers everyday, that's just physically not possible
So what did they reply with cancellation immidetely when I called them unprofessional faggots? logics? are you here?

Buy from somewhere else and move on with your life.

>they work on saturday

And? You know in most stores, in-store and order support are different teams, right? I do, I fucking worked in one.

>So what did they reply with cancellation immidetely when I called them unprofessional faggots?

You just answered your own question right there. Are you baiting?

here is the proof, you ateistic nazi supporter

>in-store and order support are different teams
should i give a shit about their bad management?

> Are you baiting?
Are you stupid and can't even fuckin read emails I posted?

holuy shit ithis is thread is full of morons

How anyone can be this fucking entitled is beyond me. Back then I was working in-store, you wanna know what CS called to shitheads like you? Little kids. And they had the exact same instructions these do: arrogant fucks are pushed to the back of the queue, and cancel orders in response to threats and insults.

Fucking serious, learn some human interaction 101


and you learn how to fuckin respect you clients.
Because you know I work at the place where I have to deal with a lot of clients too and you know? I always have a minute to call a client to apologies for inconveniences. if you a shit worker dont try to justify this

This show it up accurately. He a normal human being. Also, your English is shit. I hope it's not your first language, op.

maybe my english is bad but it would be enough to persuade your mother to suck my dick

>muh the customer is always right meme
get fucked

>I work at the place where I have to deal with a lot of clients too

You dont. Know how I can tell? You don't "apologize" to a client that's disrespecting you. Only ones that do it is onsite sales dpts. where the amount of income is based on commission. Set incomes won't even bother with you, they can tell when a client is a lost cause. In fact we're dealing with one of those fucks at my current job right now.

>at tech in mechanical equipment now, warranty claim on an equipment we know was used wrong (force mounted backwards, gear teeth twisted the opposite way)
>orders to have him fuck off, even if he threatens to not buy from us anymore
>he does, sales go bananas, offer him extended warranties, free parts and what not

Board was fucking pissed that day

>October 16th, 2028


ITT: poor people bitching about retail in 3rd world countries

>You dont. Know how I can tell? You don't "apologize" to a client that's disrespecting you.

how can you speak for me? I DO APOLOGIES if I know we messed up something. I don't work in sales, but in a water supply company. if a client paid for water connection works and we delayed or missed the appointed time, I would defensively call and APOLOGIZE (it's not even my responsibilities to control that, I won't get salary cut or something) just because people deserve to have better service, specially when they pay for it and have every right to be mad.
It's sad that you are too stupid to understand that

holy shit this is beyond unreal. I refuse to believe that any single person can be THIS stupid

I mean, there's a lower limit to IQ, right? How low can you go and still be capable of sending an email?

please tell me this is a cleverly orchestrated masterful bait

what part of that email conversation makes me you think that?

Пoшeл нaхyй oтcюдa иpoд

Fucking everything. From the very first email, it starts off bad and only gets worse. It gets 10x worse when you look at the timestamps

simply brutal. I feel sorry for the table that OP's head got dropped on as a child, it didn't deserve it

>if I know we messed up something

See? Now we're getting somewhere. Look again at the e-mail in the op, they did apologize for the late reply, and offered a workaround. You could have politely said you preferred another solution. But that was not enough for little spoiled you, was it? And you had to threaten and insult them afterwards. You only have yourself to blame.


third email was written because status was changes from delayed to out of stock. understand? they said it will be shipped in 1-2 days, and it turned out that THEY DONT FUCKIN HAVE THE MOTHERBOARDS in stock at all and god knows when they got them. that's why I send an email after couple of hours to change motherboard, because it started discovering that they are fuckin liars, or stupid, or lazy or all together.

>. You could have politely said you preferred another solution
I said. Look. And only when they went full retard again and haven replied for day. I lost my shit and send them my piss off email

all me btw

>And only when they went full retard again and haven replied for day

I don't know if you had to translate the e-mail or not, but they said themselves they are dealing with an unusually high number of e-mails. Just because they responded to your first contact, doesn't mean they are ready to instantly answer all your e-mails afterwards, they got a shitton of other e-mails in the meantime, hell even with me they only responded to my contacts in the following day.
Have some common sense, like it or not it was your impatience that gave you a failed order

It literally says in the email why they are unable to change it, and that you have to cancel the order and make a new one if you want another motherboard, you fucking dumbass

>unusually high number of e-mails
emails of what? that people mad at them because suddenly all items they ordered went out of stock even when they were supposed to be reserved for you when you make a fuckin order and they would have to wait for weeks to get they order because of that?

no, you fuckin dumbass
read this you piece of shit

Just out of curiosity, what did you score in your last IQ test?

You weren't going to do anything useful with it anyway.

Don't mind the people here OP they are just trying to be "le cool trollmaster". Something being in stock when you make an order and later go out of stock just points at garbage inventory software, not your fault.

While you should not have send the two preceding emails the third one was justified after not hearing from them for a week. "hurr durr impatient" when you enter a store you expect staff to come over and help you too. Else this is management just cheaping out on staff which (again) points to shit organisation.

While OP maybe indeed young, letting your customer wait for a week without any reply and then having the nerve to again wait for 2 days and responding after 40 minutes for cancellation is showing 0 respect towards your customer.

My guess is that management cheapest out on staff and they are overworked, this same staff is taking out their frustration on customers who rightfully inquire about the delay. They hope by doing this their situation might improve if those customers go complain to management which is cowardly.

TL;DR OP did not handle this professionally since he's young but waiting a week for a response is not acceptable. No matter how much you americucks get fucked in the ass.