Anyone have insight on buying old xenon workstations from ebay?
They're incredibly cheap for the power, as long as I pick up one with a large enough chassis; I can throw in a graphics card and go
pic related, $219.96
Anyone have insight on buying old xenon workstations from ebay?
They're incredibly cheap for the power, as long as I pick up one with a large enough chassis; I can throw in a graphics card and go
pic related, $219.96
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Why the fuck would you want a prebuilt? Also that's quite expensive in my book.
I can understand buying it for the components , but why keep that archaic, dusty and cockroach infested abomination of a case?
you can not build an entire machine from new components that would run as quickly as pic related. If you can, you've got my attention.
Because it looks nice and professional.
Not OP. But then whats the point?
A case is almost half the price of that prebuilt.
I never considered this until now. Maybe I'll buy a sandy bridge workstation for my next build.
Its really not a bad idea, you get the speed of a modern i5 + some wam and a legit copy of 7 for cheap.
You can't even swap the case; those Dell's are BTX. No third-party manufacturer ever produced BTX cases en masse.
this price/performance is only the case with xenons, I don't think you'll find an i-series machine that is has 0% mark-up
It's Xeon, not xenon
That said the Xeon line has been around forever, so you have to look up what you're buying. The system pictured is LGA 771, which is basically old as dirt now
you can get 2nd gen i5 now for ~200 if you look.
Just because it's old doesn't make it obsolete. The x3363 is essentially a more energy efficient version of the Q9550, which is still very usable especially if you overclock it.
agreed, op should replace that ugly thing with one of these
only thing with the machine that I see is that it's using 8GB of DDR2 memory, would that cause a problem or not?
I wonder just hoe housefire mine would be with that processor...
It's obsolete unless you're planning on getting a dual CPU model or 32GB RAM or over since ECC is dirt cheap used.
Otherwise a NUC will perform just as well and use almost no power.
Well then. Don't go fo a BTX.
There has to be good examples w/ a mini-ATX case. BRB searching ebay.
>a workstation
it's a bad habit
If "$$$" is your biggest issue, then buy an Xbox 360 instead instead of dropping $200 on a system you can find for free in a surplus dumpster
>It's obsolete unless you're planning on getting a dual CPU model or 32GB RAM or over since ECC is dirt cheap used.
You're so fucking clueless. X3300 series doesn't support 2S operation and DDR2 ECC is expensive because everyone got rid of it almost a decade ago.
so is DDR2 a bad thing? May be old but would work modern applications with little to no difference? Not to mention the lower latency is a big plus
I was talking about Xeon workstations in general
this. you can get thinkstations with w3550s for cheaper.
Would one of these shitty workstations be able to stream Picarto and Paint Tool SAI in 1080?
Different user here, and I'm in a situation that allows me to buy a cheap computer. Not looking for a laptop, and I'd like to save some money. Not interested in building a computer either.
I'd imagine so. I know some pleb who uses Sai on some shitty HP laptop with fucking Windows 10.
will this run modern games on ultra?
yes, the only bottleneck would be your internet upload speed. And whether or not you have a graphics card you wanna throw into it to assist in other areas.
Oi, I know shit about Xeons.
Tell me how this would be a bad deal, Sup Forums.
throw a graphics card in, and more on the 'high-medium' than ultra.
looks like a great deal, but is it wide enough to fit discrete graphics?
I got HP Z workstations for my firewall and nas.They are awesome, built to run 24/7 with buffered ecc ram and all the goodies.
But can I stream my art in 1080p?
That's my biggest drawback. I used to run a shitty HP laptop with a Core2Duo and integrated graphics. It could only run at standard def.
I wouldn't mind splurging a few hundred more on a stronger graphics card, or a nicer model.
Maybe something like this? I've got around 600 dollars to work with.
Its probably cheaper to buy just the tower and get the ram/hdds/OS separately. That seller actually offers that, I'm going to get a S20 from them soonish.
proprietary power supply will be a bitch
brotha, any kind of xeon would smoke a core2duo.
take into consideration tower size, I'd just go with a $200-range machine and throwing a good graphics card in.
The more I think about it the more sensible this build becomes.
Essentially the same power as a modern i3 (less single thread performance) but more ram than you'd expect from the i3 build.
Install a Nvidia GTX x50 and you have a capable machine for ~340 dosh.
If you find one no older then 2011-2012 for like $250 shipped its a good bargain depending on your current rig.
Personally im trying to sell my athlon 750k 7870le rig for an HP Z420 workstation with E5-1620 3.6GHz and throw in a rx 470 or rx 480
Most of those HP workstations come with a decent enough power supply. I have an XW4600 which is more pleb-oriented (Q9300/Quadro MVS 290) and it has a 475 watt power supply. It's a Delta so I imagine its rating is quite accurate.
>not having a gaming computer for your firewall/server/NAS
>40 dollar shipping
Wew. On an order of 100+ isn't shipping free on ebay? Or is that only amazon?
Does amazon do refurbs?
>you can not build an entire machine from new components that would run as quickly as pic related. If you can, you've got my attention.
you mean, at the price range of a couple hundred $ ?
or did you mean the better home CPU are slower than that xeon? why are we all wasting time with i5 i7 3GHz ?"?"?
price range.
You've all lost your minds. Why buy some old shit like that when you can get something with an x5650 for less money with Sandybridge era performance and 6 cores?
And E5-2640 will rape an X5650.
>optiplex 755
yeah no, those are core2duo/core2quad machines at best. They're scamming you.
Don't get a workstation
Look for refurbished servers. They come out of businesses and data centres and you can pick up something 5 years old that's still considered powerful and you can just put a GPU in it (usually one that doesn't require a 6-pin)
It's almost always cheaper than individual parts.
Except unlike the 2640, the x5650 can be overclocked at which point it is the same speed as the 2640. At half the price. kys
You can baseclock overclock a 2640 on X79 just like the X5650, so I don't know what you're talking about.
Don't do this dumb bullshit
An over clocked x5660 stomps the e5-2640
BCLK straps don't work with e5-26x0 chips. Sorry buddy.
The potential of the 2640 is severely curtailed. You get max 200 MHz out of it. The x5650 has much more headroom and will destroy it.
You can't overclock on that motherboard. Hard to find lga 1366 motherboards that allow it.
Some very gutsy individuals have done some overclocks by solding between pins on the motherboard and chip, but I ain't got the balls for it.
more info on this stuff?
That must be the fiat multipla of cases.
I puked.
poorfag here. bought an optiplex 740 with a quadro fx 1800 for about $70. had 4gb of ram and for a few bucks i got it to 6gb.