>don't listen to FLAC
>use streaming service
>kill your storage
Spotify BOTNET
Other urls found in this thread:
Web player isn't affected
Web player works with useful browser extensions (read: adblock)
Web player can be integrated with mpd using modipy
Remind me why a local client for this service exists, again...
i dont listen to music at all :^)
why'd you post this here
dirty mp3 peasants
Does the desktop client use the Chromium framework? If yes then that's why, not really a fault on Spotify's side.
dirty mp3 plebs
FLAC master race standing by!
web player doesn't support 320kbps....
It's an SQLite vacuum call, which rewrites the database every time it's called in SQLite but not in other SQL servers.
Man, I can't wait to have some time and setup a proper distro.. Win 10 ain't too bad, but I need that modipy stuff, almost as much as I need to finally learn to code and compile that shit myself.
Thanks for sharing, user.
The web player is also Flash-based.
I'm using local files right now, but public torrents are ass and I don't have the time for the What.CD interview
Shit programming =/= botnet
> PC cucks
Works fine on my iPad Air 2
>tfw too intelligent for music
talk about rotational velocidensity
Just invite beg for What.CD bro, most people give them out freely
I don't use spotify anymore, but it started as a local client. The web player came about after I came to my senses and uninstalled.
>being under 20
what the fuck
please tell me this image is meant to scare people and is not actually real
Spotify uses ogg vorbis.
It's real, nvidia fucked up
Whoops, it was actually the bumblebee devs
In shitscript line 2:
rm -rf /usr /lib/nvidia-current/xorg/xorg
^-- SC2114: Warning: deletes a system directory. Use 'rm --' to disable this message.
but tooling is for noobs and faggots.