Hidden Images

I'm a retard from Sup Forums and I was just in a thread where images from Podesta's emails were being posted and apparently had encrypted CP on them. I don't know if I'm being trolled or not, but they were saying that anyone who enlarged the images will be logged by their ISP and it's freaking me out. I'm just a conspiracy theorist along for the ride and the pictures were of random shit like desks and innocent-looking pictures of kids and stuff.

Am I being trolled here? I'm spooked and starting to hyperventilate and I just need someone tech-literate to give it to me straight.

Other urls found in this thread:


better to turn yourself in at this point. they'll go easier on you then.

Don't worry Mr. Troll, they don't care about passerbyes on Sup Forums, post pics for proof though.

Yeah, microsoft and a large consortium of tech giants came together and designed a huge database of checksums (unique ID numbers) for every piece of CP they could get their hands on

if an ISP detects that checksum being sent over their network they automatically forward it to the FBI

in short you're kinda fucked OP

Allow me to help.
>pic related

I didn't save any of them, I just enlarged them, but I guess that means they're somehow on my hard drive still? I'm not a very technically literate person.

Yeah, your computer downloads it to your OS' temporary folder. It's there until you restart your computer but the damage is already done. They really don't fuck around when it comes to pizza

Yep, they are already in your tem filder and there is already a shitton of references to in in the registry

You dun fucked up, OP

Are you guys serious? There were so many people in that thread and it just seemed like a spooky conspiracy. Nobody warned me until I had already enlarged some of them. My heart is in my stomach

You're a faggot, get out of here.

>report OP for CP
>4chin has to notify the police
>they find all the cheese pizza in his cache and temp files folde
Better stock up on some lube, OP

sorry dude, Sup Forums's a shithole.

Yes, they're still on your hard drive. Your only option is to remove the drive and smash the ever loving fuck out of it with a hammer.

ps the "hidden images" thing is called steganography, OP

a very interesting topic when it doesn't net you a ride in the party van, tough break OP

Hey man, even worst case scenario the FBI will be able to tell 100% where the images came from and everything will match up with your story. Don't worry.

A substantial part of the anons on Sup Forums are also frequent users of Sup Forums, but there are always cultural Marxist good goys that would take pleasure in causing someone like you worry.

Don't be afraid.

Dban your drive.
Run to the fridge get some magnets run it on your pc case.
Play sunshine of your love on your phone while doing this to amp your adrenaline.
Call your friend
Give him your pc for 40 dollars
Ask to borrow his laptop
Connect to your router
Drop your wifi password
Blame the neighbors for hacking your wifi

>A substantial part of the anons on Sup Forums are also frequent users of Sup Forums,
speak for yourself

>but there are always cultural Marxist good goys

I did speak for myself Simon


>this is what Sup Forums actually believes

As for OP, the files are still in your drive, while I don't think they'll go for a single Sup Forumsack who got trolled into downoading CP they will get your ass to a date with bubba if the police ever seizes your computer for any other reason


>f an ISP detects that checksum

Sup Forums is unintelligible shit.

why would you ever go there