Window Maker

Do any of you use Window Maker?

is this the new desktop thread

eh, no replies so far so i guess so. i use a mac too btw.

shhh dont tell anyone its a hackintosh

it's a macbook though unless im in denial and it's actually some ancient thinkpad

no i meant my computer

your secret is safe with me :)


windowmaker is shit compared to nextstep

hi nick how are u tonight

why is that?

Just fucking stop it's not funny anymore

because nextstep was deved by steve jobs while he was on the outs with apple. he brought it with him when he went back and it became the basis for osx

just skip the games and say that you are looking for dicks user

Fucking hell kys you piece of shit or at least start using a trip so we can filter you

Nobody wants you here you waste of carbon

im a lesbian
no ty

i don't understand why this makes window maker bad

u mad faget

it doesn't but, it makes nexstep so infinitely better that when compared to it, window maker looks like shit

Jesus christ just fucking leave you worthless trap

so you're a lesbian identifying man

im a real girl (T ^ T)

please stop derailing my thread. thanks!

pics or kys

doxing is against the rules

so is shitposting

desktops are technically technology

So are dragon dildos; why don't you go choke on one, faggot.

i don't have a dragon dildo

im sure you're a real girl in your head
i don't do trannies sorry



Tits or gtfo you dumb cunt

who asked? nobody wants to have sex with you user


well im glad you can acknowledge you're a nobody, but my standards are too high for you, sorry for hurting your feelings xd


posting my desktop

How ugly are you on a scale between 0 and 10 ?

>go to window maker thread
>excepting to see some tips & tricks
>thread full of talking about and to some faggot

But isn't WindowMaker based on NeXTSTEP?




window maker has the aesthetic 90s look

a very good wm

I used it on my T420 with Debian for a year. It's a very light and powerful wm.

ive seen pics, she's very cute

Using it right now, love it.

i do and it's cosy

I was using it in the 90's like most people at that time

Company wanted to have standard environment in early new millenia and fvwm 'did not have enough features' and kde was too unstable, so wmaker was selected and enforced and thus i used it for few years when working on the headquarters. Did not like then and do not like it now.
On my home systems i used fvwm (and had used - and still did - for decade cde on hp-ux). Not too long after i moved to Gentoo in 2004, i started using ratpoison and have used to it this day.

I knew maybe thirty linux users (plus the ones in my company, who did not use it in their homa machines) in late 90's and none of them used wmaker (hell, most of them didn't use x server at all).

I used it for a while, it's very AESTHETIC but I use gnome now for convenience.