Which platform has the best emojis? I like the ones on twitter. Android has a cumface emoji btw.
Which platform has the best emojis? I like the ones on twitter. Android has a cumface emoji btw
This is the most vapid waste of a thread I've seen in a long time.
>arguing with yourself
aren't emojis just a standard format font?
why can't you use the ones from one OS in another?
How can I make this cumface emoji? First time I've wanted to use one
How did everyone turn this into a caterpillar when it's obviously a centipede?
anti-trump propaganda
Android 6.0 had best emojis.
7.0 ruined them.
OMG emoji one is so CUTE!
What platform is that from?
First place: Google
Close second: LG
Shit tier: Samsung and anything else
Honorable mention: Apple for being cuckolds
>mfw i see the emojidex one
It's the drooling face on Android 7
What the literal fuck is wrong with the folks at emojidex?
Do they realize children can access these emoji?
I don't use emojis and disable them so I wouldn't know. They're all equally shit in my eyes.
Applel's is okay
Google's is too flat
Microsoft's is complete junk
Samsung's is okay-ish. Too cartoony.
LG's looks horrible
HTC didn't even try
Facebook's is quite okay, but doesn't represent anymore what's supposed to represent.
Twitter - same as facebook. But flat. And purple.
Mozilla's too flat and looks like a ghost too.
EmojiOne looks pretty. I guess..
emojidex's the best.
no emojis at all is the best
fucking useless weeb glyphs
also it's not about platforms, they are just part of a font you retarded nigger
Twitter > Google > Apple > everyone else
Sup Forums
Why the fuck do you do this
This should be the only emoji.
what did she mean by this?
Ikr :^)
>Which platform has the best emojis?
The one which doesn't support them.
it's an attempt at a universal standard. It's aesthetic