My country just passed an act that allows the government to collect and store ALL data (internet traffic...

My country just passed an act that allows the government to collect and store ALL data (internet traffic, phone calls SMS, email etc). What's good VPN service that doesn't store logs?

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What country?


Read Torrentfreak's guide.

Just learned that they're also going to check letters packages sent to or from you, watch you in non-public places, transportation. And they will be allowed to request access to flash drives, PCs, networks etc.

install gentoo

source on the act?


Good riddance, that's what you get for voting right-wing, you fucking morons!

What is Poland so afraid of? It's a country full of fucking drunk ugly people. You people should worry more about why Poland has record numbers of prisoners in foreign countries more than data security, do you even have high speed internet in Poland anyway?

The same fate awaits America too now that we elected Drumpf. Feels bad, man...

Didn't want right-wing to win the election but most of people in Poland are staunch christians who vote for right wing only because of religion

we have fiber internet but it's just starting to be deployed and its too expensive for average person

Christianity is inherently socialistic and progressive, so that's just a poor excuse for being racists and xenophobes against immigrants and refugees. You guys deserve all the bad things that are happening to you.

The problem is organized Christianity, user. Churches need to die and people need to just start picking up a Bible and realizing the greatest commandment is love thy neighbour.

yes we do,

i got symetric 700Mbit/s on fiber, with public IP for 20$ a month.

Every government already does this. Use encryption where needed.

Im not christian and I just hate that most of people in Poland make decisions based on the religion when it's for example about choosing a president and they choose the one that's pro-christianity but don't care about anything else about him

I'm not against Christianity but rather churches that spread wrong information about it. For example the Bible says that you should love even your enemies while Christian churches and families make people hate each others. I had a Christian friends who started hating me when they learned that I wasn't Christian and told me to "burn in hell"

Most christians don't realize that hell is empty. Fucking idiots.

Don't you have like separation of church and state there?

In theory we have but politicians who are elected by people who vote for them just because they're catholic but don't care that they are corrupted, sign acts that agree with church rules to appeal to more people who don't care about anything else

Hopefully they get carried away with fucking minorities and gays so we can kick their asses in the mid-term elections.

Really sucks holding your breath while freedoms are on the line.
